The first Carnival of the Recipes… of year 2

Carnival of the Recipes #53 is up at its home blog where She Who Will Be Obeyed lays down the law: wonderful recipes are the rule of the day!

It’s all good. Just wash that honey cake you have in your paw down with another swig of coffee and toodle on over for some mouth-watering delights. Careful now. Drooling on your keyboard will do it no good at all, at all.
When you’ve perused the delights there, come on back and tell me how to improve my Odd Chicken Salad/Sandwich. I’m always open to suggestions.

Who knew ya could milk penguins?!?

Ya coulda bowled me over with a drunk armadillo…

There I was, just getting a lil grocery shopping done when I saw on a closeout table, Penguin Cheese Crackers.

?!?!? Penguin cheese?!?!?

No kidding. Someone had taken penguin cheese and made crackers outa it. Or so it seemed…

Penguin Cheese_05b

False adverstising, fer sure! It was just these lil orange turds shaped sorta, kinda halfway (if one squints reeeeaaal hard and closes both eyes) like penguins.


Penguin Cheese_04

I’d want a refund, except the box was only $1.50 and the cats seem to think the things are OK.

*grumble, grumble, gripe, complain*

Tool Time

I was over at Woody’s News & Views and ran across a useful idiot (useful to the commies, cretins and creeps, oh, my! in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army, that is) posting in comments…
So, I tripped the light fantastic on over to this UI’s blog and lo! and behold! Yep. First up is a carefully-worded disingenuous attack on President Bush in the PLame Blame Game. Some folks just never let go of fantasyland. (“It’s reality-based! No, really it is! See the castles? See the dungeons? See the pretty dragons and elves and dwarves? Reality-based, I say!”)
He led with a quote from a Judd Legum Salon article,
[T]he media refuses to ask two questions that President Bush could not delay answering until he “finds out the facts”: Mr. President, prior to July 14, 2003 (the day Robert Novak’s column appeared), were you aware that Valerie Wilson was a CIA agent? And did you discuss her role with any other member of your administration?
To which, of course, the President’s reply (should such a loaded question be asked—from a Mass Media Podperson? Never! Perish the thought!—should be obvious. The Prez ought to answer simply,
“Haven’t done your homework, have you bubba/bubbette? Valerie Plame hadn’t been a ‘covert operative’ for over six years at the time of the Novak article, so the whole issue is moot. Rove, Coulter: remove this tool with extreme prejudice. Next.”
Of course, I was muuuuuch more conciliatory when I commented at UI’s blog with…

Yeh, Valerie Blame was a “covert operative” (or in your less accurate, helpfully blurring term “agent”) about like the King of Spain is… well king of anything.
Hadn’t been covert for over 6 years, bubba. Hadn’t been posted outa the coutry for over, well, six years, either.
Five years, covert posting, outcountry: those are the terms of the law.
Now, let’s ask the question in a less loaded “when did you stop beating your wife” attitude, eh?
“Were you aware, Mr. President that Mrs. Wilson, a _formerly_ covert operative who had been a desk jockey for six years at the time of the Novak article, was the person who pushed the loser former-ambassador to Gabon for a tea-sipping junket to Niger? And did you discuss this dipstick with anyone in your administration?”
There. I think I’ve managed to capture a less loaded language than Legum’s biased, disingenuous attack question. All I did was make the underlying facts (as opposed to the contrafactual assumptions in the Legum statement-posing-as-a-question) more obvious, hence less disingenuous.
BTW, ought not Legum’s name to have another “e” in it? Since he’s a typical Mass Media Podperson, it would fit, don’t you know…

BTW, you notice I didn’t link to the UI’s blog, didn’t you? Not handing him one single visit more than the one I just wasted time making. The tool.

Update: alla the action’s in comments on this one… And R’Cat (who’s back and in fighting posting trim and has a great example posted of one-a these useful idiots who finally saw (at least part of) the light. I guess there is hope for the leper to change his spots