Chill out on the Siberian permafrost, umm, defrost

The permafrost melting scare seems to be evaporating.

Russian scientists at the Institute of Climatology and Ecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of the Cryosphere say scaremongering about permafrost melting is much ado about nothing.

From the August 22, 2005 posting of RIA Novosti, “This is just another scare story, this time about the Siberian swamps.”–Academician Vladimir Melnikov, Institute of the Cryosphere.

As Melnikov pointed out, “Both scientific findings and experience suggest that small lakes result from irregularities when laying oil and gas pipes and other engineering systems… [b]ut the scale on which new formations are appearing is small, and they do not pose any threat.”

Melnikov also pointed out that the naturally-occurring Siberian swamps’ methane deposits, far from posing a hazard actually bind CO2, thus drawing down a major greenhouse gas.

Institute of Climatology and Ecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences directorYuri Izrael notes that there has been no significant change in the permafrost boundries, and he adds that the sublimation of moisture from the natural swamps which formed the basis of the scaremongering actually serves to cool the atmosphere.

So, apparently we can chill out on this one.

Crossposted at Balanced Newsblog

h.t. Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor Mail


Self-induced Liberalist Scotomata:the unkindest blind spots of all (with apologies to The Bard)…

An essential component allowing the creation and ongoing existence of the liberalist “reality-based (fantasy) community,” SLS (Self-induced Liberalist Scotomata) is a little understood mental disorder. In fact, as dominated by liberalist thinking as the DSM-IV is, you’ll not find it listed there, along with many other mental-emotional disorders such as pure human evil.


How can one tell when a liberalist is “suffering” (quaint construction, that; those who suffer are all the people impacted by liberalist blindness) from SLS? Well, since these are self-induced blind spots, the liberalists won’t relay any symptoms, but the signs are easy enough to spot.

Have you ever pointed out plain facts to a liberalist and had the liberalist simply deny those facts exist? There you are. It’s as though liberalists mentally close their eyes, stick their fingers in their ears and chant “wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah” (the functional equivalent of “No WMD,” “blood for oil,” “SUVs (except for the SUV I drive) fund terrorists” etc.).

If the Great Satan (G.W. Bush, to a liberalist) were to say the sky is blue, liberalists suffering from SLS would shout, shout and shout again that it was a lie, and besides it’s Bush’s fault.

There, now you can recognize SLS. Next, N-CHUA (Neo-Conservative Head Up… ) Syndrome.

(edited to remove a lotta blogger-induced crap in the html)

Note the addition of Michael Yon’s Blog to my Blogroll

Don’t ask me to explain why I’ve neglected to blogroll Michael Yon: Online Magazine before now. I slipped up.

Michael yon is embedded with the Deuce-Four in Mosul. For the real news from Mosul, make his blog a regular stop. All the news that he can (conscientiously) reveal is there. And it’s worlds and away more than you’ll get from the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army.

Blogroll his site and visit regularly for a wee dose of truth.