MSM Scandals… Fibber McGee’s Closet

“Come out, come out wherever you are!” A new Precision Guided Humor Assignment:

What scandals about themselves are the Mainstream Media trying to keep quiet?

*It wasn’t Dorothy’s house that killed her. Hillary Clintoon clawed her way out of Helen Thomas’ chest, and that’s how the Wicked Witch of the East really died. What we see (when our eyes can take the pain) when we look at Helen Thomas is not the original Helen Thomas (as horrible as that might be to contemplate) but just another Mass Media Podperson. (It also explains the stench.)

*Dan Blather was the “annonymous source” of the Killian memos. It has since been replaced by yet another podperson of the Blather model while the “Burkett-Dan Blather” has been recalled to the mothership for R&R. (That’s Reaming and Raking.)

*Evil Glenn’s puppy blending began with his initiation by the Walter Cronk-ite podperson into the inner circle of Zirkonian Satanism. (The cannibalistic attacks on “homeless persons” is simply the result of Evil Glenn’s attempts to balance his diet.)

*The George Stephanopolous model isn’t gay. (It’s not even remotely happy, despite its attempt to appear so from time to time.) It’s queer, just not that queer. (“Oh, the shame! It’s not homosexual!”)

*The Larry O’Donnell podperson’s head has actually exploded 23,286 times, gaining it the record for most often replaced podperson.

*Speaking of which, the Rosie O’Donnell isn’t actually a podperson. Along with the Oprah, she’s just a blowup doll gone very, very bad… (of course, air leaks explain both the apparent occasional weight loss and the shrill hissing noises these airbags seem to emit.)

*(I’d originally planned on more of this sort of thing, but time has been eaten by locusts. Speaking of which, anyone have the remotest idea how to TS the Alps touchpad on a Sony Vaio notebook? Windows can no longer even find the thing, although third party diagnostics “see” it just fine… One of many “locusts” eating my time. Rediscovered why I dislike the Sony support site… Done, now. But no thanks to Sony—or any of my usually dependable techie resources. Lovely Daughter has her “Violeta” back, now, working properly.)

Well, I just lost it…

Sometimes the rudeness of folks just gets to me past my tolerance level…

Running a quick errand before the day got well and truly started. Driving dwon a typical two-lane street. Four “old broads” out walking… spread across more than 2/3 of the street, oblivious to taffic, not caring one bit that they were essentially blocking both lanes of traffic.

Would Not Move Outa the Way. Had to drive OUT of the roadway to get around them.

Comming back, there they were, doing it again.

They got a bigger piece of my mind than I could afford giving away.

Steamed? You betcha I was. Kids do this and while it’s just as rude and unsafe I can understand: they have the blanket stupidity of kids. Still tell ’em to move outa the way. But this? Women (even exceptionally stupid women) in their late 50s, early 60s know better.

They were just being exceptionally rude.

Actually, I kinda hope one of them whines to her husband about it and he comes by to “talk” to me. It’d be a way of letting off some steam.

(Did I say I am a tad steamed?)

Unconscionably, unacceptably rude.

But it’s what society, even here in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ seems to have come to. I grew semi-resigned to this sort of behavior when I lived in “the good part of the ghetto” in Kansas City some years ago. People there would simply stop their cars in the middle of the street and talk, completely uncaring that they were blocking traffic. Groups of kids, ditto. But now the attitude that “It’s our street, and no one else can use it while we’re here” is the accepted mode for 60-ish old broads.

I say, Chain gang ’em.

Do it now!

I need a keeper.

I’ve discovered that my only hope for going back to read great blog discoveries is to blogroll ’em. NOW. I mean the very moment I say to myself, “Hey! This is a good read!” Otherwise, I lose ’em.

Bookmarks don’t help, cos no matter how finely I granularize my folders, eventually they get clogged with stuff I just wanna keep track of for a while, not really long-term (I guess I need an entirely different set of bookmarks, organized separately, for that sort of things. Yeh, I’ll do that Real Soon Now. Sure, I will. 🙂

Have to blogroll good sites IMMEDIATELY or they are lost. Yeh, I have a lotta sites’ RSS feeds loaded, too. Helps me keep track of new posts at active blogs and skim quickly when (as usual) it seems I have little time to get all my blogroll read.

But I like surfing off my blogroll, cos I leave more tracks for my fav sites telling ’em “Hi, it’s just me passing through” even when I don’t have time to comment.

BeatCanvas is a site worth visiting. Beautiful layout and design, solid content. I’ve “found” and “lost” Brett in my bookmarks several times. So, see? I blogrolled Brett today. Check him out, eh?