Stick a fork in me. I may be done.

OK, this is so good, I may not have to blog the rest of this week. Heck, it’s so very nearly perfect, I may have to hang up my keyboard permanently…

Recieved from Hugh H. (No, not that one; an entirely different one.) via email:

The Drugs I Need

Take one (and one ONLY) and call me in the morning. If you can. (You might just laugh your head off and so not be able to call. Better have the EMTs ready to resucitate you before viewing.)

The Silver Lining…

OK, this is a wee tad convoluted to follow closely, ‘K?

Rightwing Nuthouse posted on this WAPO article about the devastating potential of an “Asian bird flu” pandemic. Then he posted here (on The Wide Awakes) about his original original post at Rightwing Nuthouse and asked TMH Bacon Bits‘ The MaryHunter for his “mad scientist” response.

(With me so far? ‘K)

Well, The MaryHunter hasn’t responded, yet, as far as I can tell, but here’s my take: every cloud has a silver lining. This sounds like a made-for-mad-scientist opportunity to address the global threat of Islamic jihadists.

Mad Scientist Mode: ON

I’m thinking… a new charity.

Contaminated Quail for al Qaeda?

Tainted Turtle Doves for Terrorists?

Scummy Sandpipers for Saudis?

Wicked Woodcocks for Wacko Wahabbists?

Yeh, so an Asian bird flu pandemic could be catestrophic. With a little planning, there could be a silver lining…

The possibilities seem absolutely endless…

Mad Scientist Mode: OFF

(With a nod to Jonathan Swift for his inspiring work in A Modest Proposal… )

*LOL* “McCain Wants Fred Thompson for Supreme Court”

This Newsmax headline outlines McCain’s (justified) fear that Fred Thompson would make a better presidential candidate than he. (Of course Thompson would make a better president than that snake McCain)

Well, duh. BTW, Anyone who respects McCain after McCain-Feingold limitations on free political speech is a communist or a “useful idiot”.
N.B. “useful idiot: This is a term coined by Vladimir Lenin to describe Western liberals who defended and apologized for communism. These are people whose blind, self-effacing hatred of their own free society serves as a handy device for totalitarian ideology as a means of deflecting the criticism which comes from the rest of us who are sane and unwilling to compromise morality for the sake of multiculturalism*, or political correctness*. They are useful to these calculating ideologues, even though they are idiots. These days, more and more, the useful idiots are quasi-dhimmis*, shilling for Islam.” _1_ See also _2_

imbibo capulus ergo sum

It shouldn’t take a Latin scholar to translate “imbibo capulus ergo sum”
This is another one of those days when “I drink coffee, therefore I am” is my byword du jour.
Need. More. Coffee.
Wonder Woman knew this instinctively and brewed a pot immediately upon rising. Bless her!
Love is caffeinated bliss.

What is LPD?

How can one describe the Liberalist Personality Disorder?

Click on over to Cao’s Blog to check out her post featuring the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade displaying classic signs of Liberalist Personality Disorder.

LPD is a complex array of co-morbidity. The seductively simple thing to do would be to simply label it as a subset of narcissism, but that’s not a sufficient description.

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

  • has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  • is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • requires excessive admiration
  • has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
  • is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
  • lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
  • is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
  • shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes_1_

Still, it’s a good place to start exploring the “Liberalist Personality Disorder.”

But LPD (Liberalist Personality Disorder) seems to encompass much more than Narcissistic Personality Disorder. There are many in the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade who also exhibit signs of Histrionic Personality Disorder.


A pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

  • is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the center of attention
  • interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior
  • displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions
  • consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self has a style of speech that is
  • excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail
  • shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression of emotion
  • is suggestible, i.e., easily influenced by others or circumstances
  • considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are _2_

But wait! There’s more! (Too much more, as it turns out… ) Yeh, I guess LPD is a complex of co-morbidity issues. Once one starts to dig into the snakepit that is LPD, signs of so many disorders become plain that it’s impossible to separate one out as dominant in the groupthink.

Regardless, I think good public health policy would be to treat this disorder similarly to TB: isolation from the population at large. heh

Of course, those who advocate
that soldiers shoot their officers ought to be given the opportunity to do so in person, don’t you think? That is, ship them to Iraq and let ’em tell it to the guys in Deuce-Four (I-24th) in Mosul… it’d probably result in some VERY effective psychological “reality therapy”.

(Note: it’s easy to distinguish between “Liberalists” and “Liberals”. Liberals—genuine Liberals—listen to opposing views, engage in reasoned discourse, argue fairly and can “agree to disagree” amicably. Liberals also believe in free Speech and Press, Free Assembly (to petition for redress of grievances) and Freedom OF (not FROM) religion. The Liberalists who have hijacked the Democratic Party, for example, have none of those characteristics. Upcoming: a brief description of CPD: Conservatist Personality Disorder, or “me-too-ism in denial”. heh)

A Reason to Run?

Finally, someone has given Vice President Dick Cheney a potentially compelling reason to run for president.

“The day Dick Cheney is going to run for president, I’ll kill myself,” [Helen Thomas] told the HILL. “All we need is one more liar.”

Thomas made the remarks to the newspaper Thursday, July 28, 2005, according to Drudge.

Of course, the statement by Thomas will only become falsifiable (testable) if Cheney were to announce he were running. But then, he could always announce and then withdraw if Thomas became that rare mass media personality to actually say what they mean and mean what they say…

At least then we might be able to test what kind of liar Helen Thomas might (or might not) be.


(Crossposted from a Friday post at Balanced News Blog–yeh, I’m that far behind here… )

Short Shrift Day

Light—very light—posting today. In fact, until later this may be all there is…

In fact, try checking out my sidebar and blogroll for reading material today. Anywhere But Here, Cathouse Chat, Cao’s Blog, Keep the Coffee Coming, BTW—oh, darn it, they’re all worth reading or I wouldn’t have blogrolled ’em. I souldn’t even have started a list; should just have inserted my bloogroll here and said, “Read these today, ‘K?”



Does this bother anyone else?

Find English usage errors (in writing and speech) a pain in the keister? Have fun with Common Errors in English

Rant: ON

Chapter II of an ongoing gripe…

Yeh, I know, I know. Communication sometimes happens even with usage errors in common speech. But mass media (including print media) is so darned full of the subliterate that I sometimes get a tad steamed.

No, subliterate writing and speech isn’t all the fault of Mass Media Podpeople (and their brethren in advertising and entertainment and “the (mostly phony) arts”. No, a lot of the fault can be traced to bad, really bad public schooling. Oh, and lazy people who just don’t give a flip about learning their own language well or who just don’t care to read much. (And even there, I find myself correcting grammar, usage and spelling in books I own—print and ebook—in narrative or descriptive passages. I pretty much leave dialog alone. What the heck do editors and proofreaders get paid for?)

And yeh, I know I use colloquialisms loosely on this blog, and I even have numerous typos and the occassional misspelling (like “occassional” which should be “occasional” See? Sometimes I catch myself and make corrections. :-).

But really, ought we not to be a tad more literate as a society than we are? Or mabe just a wee tad less subliterate? Especially those who make a living with the printed and parrotted-from-a-teleprompter word?

Just read the list of errors at Common Errors in English. I’ve seen or heard darned near all of them—some of them frequently—from mass media (print, audio and video/tv/etc.) since I last ranted about this topic.

And people listen to these subliterate morons!

Oh, and one other thing: If I hear one more person say, “To err is human; to forgive, divine” and mispronounce “err” as “air” I swear I’ll scream bloody murder! It’s “ûr” or “er” (as in dumbER than rocks). Learn the language!

*grumble, grumble, gripe, complain*

OK, OK, I know most darned near all of the folks who read this blog do NOT fall into the subliterate category, in general. And here, note: I once again do NOT classify myself as being “literate” in to the same order of literacy as my grandparents, for example. I’d need a much better grasp of history, for one thing, to meet that standard.

Still, wouldn’t it be lovely *heh* if more folks actually knew how to speak and write English—especially in Mass Media?

Rant: OFF.

There. I feel muuuuuch better, now…

UN-run internet?

This week’s PGHA asks the question, What would the internet be like if it were run by the UN?
Normally, I’d not stoop to answer a question with such obvious answers, but seeing as how it was asked by one of the Great Minds of the blogosphere (and derived from a comment by another such Great Mind), I’ll go ahead and give the obvious answers, even though they are all common knowledge.
What would the internet be like if it were run by the UN?
1.) Bloggers would no longer be allowed to wear pajamas. Female bloggers would be required to wear hijabs; male bloggers would be required to wear sheets on their heads, like so many of the sheetheads at the UN like to do.
2.) All blogposts would be submitted to the UN for redaction and censorship. Bloggers would be required to submit posts six months in advance of posting date to assure enough time for UN blogocrats to have them translated into pidgin barbarian speak, read (and explained) to them before being trashed.
3.) All sites critical of the UN will be assigned high-priority 404 status, so that they will load muuuuuch faster. Owners of such sites will be turned over to UN Peacekeeping forces, raped and flayed. All such high-priority 404 status sites will return the same message: “You have attempted to access material that is deleterious to Kofi’s malfeasance in office. The UN Internet Police have been dispatched to your location and will be there as soon as they have stopped to rape a few children. Resistance is futile.”
4.) All site owners praising the UN and calling for world government by the UN will recieve stipends of $50,000 per anum and up, awarded Land Rover SUVs, sent on all-expense-paid trips to “disaster” sites to sip tea and go to cocktail parties with UN “observers”. Additional benefits will be based on content, traffic and payment of excessive dues by the U.S. to the UN slush fund.

More? Of course there’s more. But I’ll leave the rest as an exercise for the students…