Carnival of the Recipes #54

Caltech Girl has us all going back to school for Carnival of the Recipes #54

Ah, man! And all I wanna do is hang out at the pool eating Javascript Cookieâ„¢ Ice Cream Sandwiches!  Oh. Well.  At least if I have-ta go back to classes, she’s got some classy recipes to take with me, including Homemade Balsamic Vinaigrette, Freezer Coleslaw, Fried Tofu with Spicy Sauce (Tofu!?!?! Yeh, well, cos it’s from R’Cat, I guess I’ll give it a try… ).  Heck, if I’m gonna give tofu another chance, I’ll even try Army Wife’s Hummus recipe, I guess.

Tons of the good stuff! Just go!

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