Well, I just lost it…

Sometimes the rudeness of folks just gets to me past my tolerance level…

Running a quick errand before the day got well and truly started. Driving dwon a typical two-lane street. Four “old broads” out walking… spread across more than 2/3 of the street, oblivious to taffic, not caring one bit that they were essentially blocking both lanes of traffic.

Would Not Move Outa the Way. Had to drive OUT of the roadway to get around them.

Comming back, there they were, doing it again.

They got a bigger piece of my mind than I could afford giving away.

Steamed? You betcha I was. Kids do this and while it’s just as rude and unsafe I can understand: they have the blanket stupidity of kids. Still tell ’em to move outa the way. But this? Women (even exceptionally stupid women) in their late 50s, early 60s know better.

They were just being exceptionally rude.

Actually, I kinda hope one of them whines to her husband about it and he comes by to “talk” to me. It’d be a way of letting off some steam.

(Did I say I am a tad steamed?)

Unconscionably, unacceptably rude.

But it’s what society, even here in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ seems to have come to. I grew semi-resigned to this sort of behavior when I lived in “the good part of the ghetto” in Kansas City some years ago. People there would simply stop their cars in the middle of the street and talk, completely uncaring that they were blocking traffic. Groups of kids, ditto. But now the attitude that “It’s our street, and no one else can use it while we’re here” is the accepted mode for 60-ish old broads.

I say, Chain gang ’em.

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