Always low prices…

Apparently, the explosives used in the London bombing came, just as so much of the low quality junk you get at WalMart, from… China.

(h.t. Cao’s Blog where you can find much more on the London bombings)

The story, out of the German paper, Bild am Sontag leads with:

German newspaper: Explosive material used by British terrorist who blew himself up on Tel Aviv beachfront in 2003 very likely the same as that used by terrorists who staged London attacks last week, Mossad tells Brits.

Then it goes on to explain that

The Mossad was also able to determine the substance was developed and produced at the Chinese ZDF arms factory, located about 65 kilometers (about 40 miles) from Beijing

Hmmm… Made by slave labor in China for the convenience of Islamofascist savages. Always low prices.

Stop the Amerikan Communist License Union (ACLU)

A comment by Thomas Sowell to start the day:
Will even the bloody terrorist attacks in London put a stop to the media’s hand-wringing because they don’t think we have been nice enough to some of the cut-throats who are locked up in Guantanamo? The media have never shown any such interest in how prisoners are treated anywhere else on the island of Cuba, such as in Castro’s prisons.
OK, you got me on that one. Sowell refers to “the media” in the comment above, not the ACLU. But consider this: the ACLU trumpets “reports” from America-hating media (such as the New York Slimes and al-Jizeera) as support for their stance attacking the military for “torturing” the Islamic savages detained at Guantanamo. The ACLU’s press releases find ready audiences in the useful idiots and fellow travelers in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army. (But, of course I am placing members of the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army who slander our military in the best possible light here. In truth, some are simply traitors and seditionists, like the ACLU as a whole.)
In addition to the outright slander of the American military at Guantanamo, as regards the detainees there, the ACLU is attempting, with great success in the public relations front, at least, to frame the public debate in terms that suit their goals but do not reflect reality. (This should be no surprise, as it is their tactic in every single attack they make upon the Constitution: change the terms, obscure the truth, trick Speech-Imapired Piscines—”Dumb Basses”—opposing them into fighting on the ACLU’s chosen ground.)
The ACLU is attempting to assert that these *cough* poor abused *cough* detainees are somehow admitted to the civil judicial process once they are captured as unlawful enemy combatants. Consider: they cannot claim Geneva Convention rights, because they have voided their claim to such by their strict adherence to everything ANTI-Geneva Convention! UNuniformed, NOT soldiers of a signatory country (or ANY country!), targeting primarily civilian non-combatants, etc. ALL war crimes in and of themselves and ALL (each and every, separately) voiding any claim to treatment under Geneva. Due process? Does NOT apply to unlawful enemy combatants captured on foreign soil.
And yet, the U.S. has treated each and every one of these detainees with better than Geneva Convention treatment.
The ACLU’s attacks upon the military must not stand. The ACLU’s attacks upon this administration’s efforts in the war against Islamofascist savages must not stand.
Stop the ACLU!

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Chicken and Dumplings, Oh! how nice!

I had my head all tied up in the London bombings last week and neglected to post this. It’s great comfort food any time, though.

A fav memory from Me-Ma’s kitchen or from Momma’s. Being a kid and “getting” to clean the chicken off the bones or drop the dumplings in the stock is one of those priceless memories that warm my kitchen today from time to time. And then, of course, there was the eatin’.

Vary the ingredients, amounts, etc. in the chicken part freely. The dumplings are essentially drop biscuits. Fee free to substitute your fav recipe for drop buscuits there, too. Essentially, Chicken and Dumplings is just a decent chicken stock, chicken and drop biscuits. But if you want the guideline I mostly follow, here it is:

Chicken and Dumplings


  • 1 or 2 whole chickens (depends on size of bird, how much chicken meat you want, etc.)

  • 1 cup carrots, sliced

  • 2 bay leaves

  • 2 celery ribs, stripped and chopped

  • 1 teaspoon tarragon chopped

  • 1 teaspoon thyme

  • 1/2 cup flour

  • 12 whole peppercorns

  • 1 teaspoon red pepper sauce

  • 8 or more “grinds” of freshly ground pepper

  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed

  • 1 yellow onion, diced

  • 1 teaspoon coarse Kosher salt

Note: in a pinch (also known as, “Ain’t got ’em and can’t get ’em right now” :-), the tarragon and thyme can be dropped, but at least add fresh chopped parsley or some other compatible herb(s) to the mix if you do. Freely substitute (or even eliminate for super tender palates or if you don’t have any handy) for the red pepper sauce (or for robust palates use red jalapeño sauce as I intend to next time I make this), but DO NOT cut the black pepper. Also note below that for the just plain good eats recipe, you may not even need the ½ cuppa flour noted above.

Lotsa water. Figure and eight-quart or better stock pot, water, chicken, veggies, etc. You’ll end up with a gallon or so of stock.

Wash the chickens (inside and out: you can also “brine” them ahead of time with coarse Kosher salt, then wash them again. If you do, eliminate all the other salt from the recipe) and put them in a stock pot with bay leaves, tarragon, thyme, peppercorns, and garlic, cover with cold water, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer about 30 minutes or until chicken is just short of done. Wash and prepare vegetables, putting trimmings into stock pot. Carefully remove the chickens from pot, leaving stock at a simmer. Note: a couple of large spoons works much better than trying to use tongs. Better: a collander. Simply pour the chickens out (passing the stock to another stock pot). Let the chickens cool slightly and remove the meat from the birds. Check the meat again carefully for bones. Again. heh (I always get the bones I miss in my plate, anyway. It’s tradition. 🙂


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour

  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 3 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 cup buttermilk (can make pseudo-buttermilk by adding a couple of tablespoons vinegar to the cup before measuring the milk)

Mix all dry ingredients. Add wet ingredients & mix. Decision tree: prissy, obsessive-compulsive method or just plain good eats method?

Prissy, obsessive-compulsive method:

On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough 3 /8-inch to 1/2 inch thick. Cut it into 1 /2-inch squares and set it aside. Strain the stock and save the fat from the top. Use the 1/2 cup of flour I warned you about earlier and enough fat to make a light roux. In a large pot, put the vegetables and 1 gallon of stock. Bring to a boil,add dumplings and 6 tablespoons of roux. Reduce to a simmer, stirring to keep dumplings from sticking. Add chicken meat, red pepper sauce, freshly ground black pepper, and salt. Cook until dumplings are done, about 20 minutes.

Just plain good eats method:

Don’t mess with all that. You have your stuff already. (Bring stock, chicken, etc. back to boil while assembling the dumpling batter.) Drop pinches–large or small, your choice: the large will take a lil linger to cook—into the boiling stock until it’s all in. Back off to just barely above a simmer, cover lightly, not tightly, and cook for about 20 minutes or until the dumplings are done. The neat thing about this method (besides the fact that it’s just plain easier and tastes just as good) is that there’s really no need at all to make a roux to get the semi-gravy texture for the stock, cos the loose balls of dumpling will do that, anyway, and stirring is optional. If you drop your dumpling balls in while the stocks at a nice rolling boil, then back it off to simmer, all the dumplings will cook at the top and form a dumpling layer to dip through when serving. Sticking? Not hardly!

Both methods give the cook the fun of testing the dumplings at around 20 minutes. Just choose a representative sample and have at it. Watch it, though: it’s not only plenty hot, but you also might decide not to share.


Carnival of the Recipes “seekers after good eats” folks, welcome! Sample the recipe(s), mock my grammar, spelling and syntax in other posts, and in general feel free to make a mess of the place in comments.

Y’all come back now, y’hear?

Wilful Missing (Level with us, John-boy)

A combo “Free John Kerry’s 180” and “Kipling Tuesday” post


As Jean Fraud sKerry “report[ed] for duty” (or was that “doody”?) a year ago, he forgot to bring his record with him. To John-boy: don’t you think it’s time you finally came clean? In “honor” of your slander of those who served alongside of you before the Seante foreign relations committee in 1971, your (treasonous?) meetings with the enemy in 1972 (and your early bugout for a few suspicious scratches)…

Wilful Missing
Rudyard Kipling

There is a world outside the one you know,
To which for curiousness ‘Ell can’t compare–
It is the place where “wilful-missings” go,
As we can testify, for we are there.

You may ‘ave read a bullet laid us low,
That we was gathered in “with reverent care”
And buried proper. But it was not so,
As we can testify –for we are there!

They can’t be certain–faces alter so
After the old aasvogel ‘ad ‘is share.
The uniform’s the mark by which they go–
And–ain’t it odd?–the one we best can spare.

We might ‘ave seen our chance to cut the show–
Name, number, record, an ‘begin elsewhere–
Leaven” some not too late-lamented foe
One funeral-private-British-for ‘is share.

We may ‘ave took it yonder in the Low
Bush-veldt that sends men stragglin’ ‘unaware
Among the Kaffirs, till their columns go,
An ‘they are left past call or count or care.

We might ‘ave been your lovers long ago,
‘Usbands or children–comfort or despair.
Our death (an’ burial) settles all we owe,
An’ why we done it is our own affair.

Marry again, and we will not say no,
Nor come to barstardise the kids you bear.
Wait on in ‘ope–you’ve all your life below
Before you’ll ever ‘ear us on the stair.

There is no need to give our reasons, though
Gawd knows we all ‘ad reasons which were fair;
But other people might not judge ’em so–
And now it doesn’t matter what they were.

What man can weigh or size another’s woe:
There are some things too bitter ‘ard to bear.
Suffice it we ‘ave finished–Domino!
As we can testify, for we are there,
In the side-world where “wilful-missings ” go.

Also, see Cao’s Blog for more specifics on how Jean Fraud sKerry is still gaming the system to avoid doing his duty (keeping his word).
And see these others for more, as well:
Aaron’s cc
And Rightly So!
Atlas Shrugs
Balance Sheet
Cao’s Blog
Cathouse Chat
Christmas Ghost
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Conservative Friends
doubleplusgood infotainment
Doughnut Holes
Euphoric Reality
Flight Pundit
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Furry Press
GM’s Corner
Gribbit’s Word
House Of Wheels
Infinite Universe
International House of Conservatism
Jackson’s Junction
Jay Howard Smith
Kender’s Musings
My Vast Rightwing Conspiracy
Pirate’s Cove
Pooklekufr: The Kafir Constitutionalist
Power and Control
Private Radio
Progressive Conservatism
Ravings Of A Mad Tech
Republican Vet
Rottweiler Puppy
Shades of Gray
Something…and Half of Something
Stop the ACLU
Tall Glass of Milk
The Babaganoosh
The Creative Conservative
The Dark Citadel
The Paragraph Farmer
The Pulpit Pounder
The Sunnyeside Of Life
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Third World County
TMH’s Bacon Bits
Uncle Jack
Villainous Company
What Attitude Problem?
Where’s Your Brain?
Word Park Blog

Justice, Mercy, Humility

I’ll try to be brief, but this subject is really larger than any blogpost. Nevertheless, here’s a look into what is right with civilized behavior and wrong with Islamofascist apologists… just bend your ear a bit.

Justice is essential for a civilized society to survive. Absent a demonstable committment to valuing and protecting the rights of its citizens, a society cannot be considered civilization as Western Civilization has come to understand the term. Of course, “justice” has nothing to do with protection of life and liberty or even with fairness in the minds and deeds of multi-cultural relativists. And “justice” that recognizes the basic human rights of others has no place in conservative Islamic thought, let alone the “thought” of Islamic jihadist savages.

In order to protect the basic human rights of others, Judeo-Christian philosophy of civil government cedes “the sword” to civil authority that those who would seek to steal and kill and destroy might fear dreadful punishment.

Islam, recognizing no basic human rights for half of their own (women), recognizes only the right of infidels to either convert or die, if they serve no other purpose (slavery, objects of deceit in business, politics, diplomacy, etc.).

Multi-cultural relativists assert that the Islamic way is as good as (or better than) the Judeo-Christian tradition that asserts basic human rights for all and civil government’s primary responsibility to protect the life, limb and property of its citizens.
Multi-cultural relativists are disingenuous traitors to their own societies, useful tools for the destruction of Justice.
So, my multiple assertions that every Islamic person, for example, who does not act to do everything within their power to stop those they claim are hijacking Islam is guilty of aiding and abetting in the monstrous acts committed by the Islamofascist monsters that are their sons and brothers and cousins and friends is simply a matter of pointing out that absent a cultural support for their evil, the Islamofascist monsters would find it much more difficult, if not impossible, to commit their monstrous acts.
In Britain, the Muslims are disingenuously crying “Wolf, wolf” about a possible backlash against the Muslim “community,” all the while failing to clean out the hate speech regularly spewed forth in their mosques, exhorting the “faithful” to join jihad, kill Westerners, etc.
Justice (and the protective function of civil government) would demand that if they fail to clean such filth out of their own midst, then they, too, should be treated as an integral part of the problem. Hence my slightly over-the-top call for Europe (and the U.S.) to expel all Muslims and let thenm fight out any differences they may have someplace safely away from our shores…
But the sticking point for some is that justice demands, demands death for the savages who commit such acts as the London bombings. And not just the ones who set the bombs. The ones who in any way aided, funded, kept silent, turned a blind eye to the planning and execution of those acts.
Death for them as an affirmation of the value of the lives taken by them.
Death for them—brutal, public and sure—as a demonstration to those with similar ideas (and as a reminder to a civilized society of how horrible the death penalty is, and how it MUST be reserved for monsters such as these, as a reminder to exercise the death penalty humbly, remembering that these monsters are almost human).
Death for them to cleanse the world of what filth we can.
Death for each and every person directly involved and who can be demonstrated to have aided them in any way as a demonstration of society’s resolve to simply not allow this sort of behavior.
As I noted in a comment to a post below, mercy is undeserved forgiveness. And we ought all to make every effort to forgive those who have wronged us. But.
“…in order for mercy to be recieved, genuine remorse and a willingness to make recompense must be expressed by the offending party. Otherwise, mercy is just wasting compassion on a subject who has _no desire_ to deserve it, or to return compassion toward those he has victimized.
Mercy when justice is observed can only be extended to those who recognize their wrong, feel and express genuine remorse and are willing to accept just punishment for their wrong.
Absent any one of those elements, mercy is not merciful at all, simply wasted ‘feelgoodyness’…”#
To repeat: Forgiveness is possible for anything, but justice demands that mercy not be extended to those who have no remorse for their acts. As I said elsewhere, if or when an Islamofascist savage sees the light, realizes how monstrous his actions have been and feels (and seeks to demonstrate) genuine remorse, I’d have little difficulty forgiving them. Of course, once such a person realized just how monstrous they had been, it might just be the greatest of mercies to pull the switch on them. What moral person would want to live, having wrongfully killed and maimed and destroyed…
Humility? Our hands, individually and as a society are not clean. No, I’m not asserting that the U.S. or Britain or the West as a whole is responsible for inciting Islamofascist atrocities. That’s simply bushwah. No, who among us has not wronged others? Who among us have not rationalized petty (or major) theft, hatred or undue acts of anger? And how often has our society had to right wrongs we as a society, a nation, a culture have committed?
Of course, one difference between us and the Islamofascist monsters of 9/11 and 7/7 (and hundreds of other acts of brutal muder in between) is that we do ask such questions; we do generally seek to be better people in our relations with others and as a society. All Islam can see—according to their “holy writ”—is “the faithful” and the “infidel.” And that is enough to have me press to seek protection and preservation of our society as better than theirs via steadfast exercise of justice, tempered by mercy for those who demonstrate* genuine remorse and seek to make what amends thay can, while looking honestly at our own failures; not with the jaundiced eye of multi-culturalist realtivism which sees only fault (when often there is none) or the rosy-colored glasses of the rabid chauvinist who refuses to see any wrong in himself or his country whatsoever.
Illustrative of this huge difference between the West and Islam as a whole is what our military was already doing to prosecute the tame abuse at Abu Ghraib—long before the Mass Media Podpeople began their jihad against the U.S. military’s behavior there—and the yawning acceptance (or even celebration!) of the “Arab street” every time some non-combatant Westerner has his head sawn off by an Islamofascist butcher.
We are better than they are. (But true humility—seeing ourselves as we truly are—would compel any of us to admit that being “better” than they are is damning with faint praise.) Still, unless we show unremitting resolve to prosecute the war they have pressed on us; unless we seek to mete out justice with an iron fist (careful to allow for mercy; humbly examining both our motives and methods) then we will reap what wusses always reap when backing down from bullies: ever more and more abuse.

*demonstrate genuine remorse? A good starting point would be public admissions of guilt and remorse; public apologies and private sharing of ALL information possible in order to bring down fellow Islamofascist savages. That would be a start. Enough to demonstrate genuine remorse? Maybe. But probably not…

Let me ask you: what would be enough to convince you that an Islamofascist butcher were genuinely, truly convinced of their guilt, truly remorseful and repentant?
It’d be kinda difficult to demonstrate convincingly, would it not?

Retooling the brain

I have some thoughts on Justice and Mercy that I’m kicking around. Informed by the latest demonstration from the “religion of peace,” these thoughts are taking a while to jell, so today…
I am not here; this is not me
No matter what you think you see.
I am not here; this is not me…

A little clarification

Support for the death penalty is an assertion of the value of life

Go ahead. Let that sink in.

Support for the death penalty is an assertion of the value of life.

That is a cornerstone in my response to Islamofascist terrorist acts and the savages who commit them. If the lives they have taken are worth anything, then the murderers must be prevented from using the air breathed by those who ought to go on living. (And, after all, if we take their protestations of religious belief seriously, we’d be doing them a favor… of course, their final judgement might not turn out as they have been taught.)

But for the death penalty to be applied in cases of murder and morally abhorrant brutality, it ought to itself be swift, brutal and very, very public… pour encourager les autres as it were.

And we ought always to keep in the forefront of our minds the value of life… and that removing murdering scum serves a twofold purpose beyond, indeed more important than, simply discouragement of similar murderous acts:

1.) cleansing society (indeed, the gene pool) of filth who think nothing of taking innocent life and
2.) thus affirming the value of the lives of those who have been murdered.

Anything less than death for those who carried out or even were in any way complicit (right down to the paymasters) in the London bombings is an assertion that those who were killed were not of any value whatever, that their killers are worthy of drawing breath, that we just don’t really care one damn bit.

The root and branch of whatever value system in any way honors or excuses the behavior of Islamofascist savages must also be cut down, uprooted, burned and the ashes scattered to the winds.

Anything less simply says of those who were killed: “So what. Who flippin’ cares? The victims of morally subhuman monsters deserve better. They deserve justice, applied swiftly and surely.

Note: edited the title to correct the typo. “clarifivation” just ain’t a word…

How will Britain deal with the Islamofascist terrorist threat?

[N.B. I have a hard time finding anything humorous about this. But I suppose I can take refuge in the distinct difference between “humorous”—dark irony, such as this included—and “funny,” at least refuge iof a sort.]

I have it on good authority that Britain is preparing some stiff legislation to deal with the threats by Islamofascist savages shown by the London bombings to be a very real and present danger. The legislation will

1.) Call for stiff punishment for “religious hate speech” for anyone speaking out against Islamic teachings that encourage killing “unbelievers”. (Dayum! That was fast! Already done!)_1_
2.) Laws passed solely for the benefit of immigrants, such as the aforesaid Islamofascist savages:

  • immigrants to get a house
  • free money
  • free education
  • free healthcare
  • free lawyers _2_
  • freedom to teach that killing “unbelievers” is a good thing (covered in part by #1 above)

Hmmm… seems like those measures are already passed, as well. No fear; there’s certainly much more that can be done to protect native British citizens from Islamofascist savages. Still, our British cousins have certainly made a good beginning on quelling the killers.

I think the plan the Brits have sponsored so far will work, though, if taken far enough. The logical next step is to throw native British citizens off the island (so they don’t offend the Islamofascist savages), give everything over to the Islamofascist savages, etc.

Yep. I think that would do the trick. They’d not be setting off any more bombs to kill British citizens, then! (Just continuing to beat, stone and kill their women for… being women; raping little boys and girls—cos Mohammed said it was cool—and fighting amongst themselves. Sounds like heaven on earth! Something I’m sure Ward Churchill will advocate soon for his Native American land… )

Sadly, points #1 and #2 above are things that British politicians have actually done, making its citizenry more vulnerable to such attacks.

Pray for all those who were injured in the attacks, the families of those killed and that justifiably angry British citizens will have the wisdom to hide the bodies of those Islamofascist savages they uncover on their own…

Give peace a chance. Bury an Islamofascist terrorist.

A kinder, gentler response to Muslim fears of backlash

GMRoper sums up a kinder, gentler approach to Muslims

A sample:
The Imam’s [sic] are “worried!” Oh please! You want to insure that there are no retalitory actions, then begin to police your own “Racist Right Wing” Islamo-fascists. Start a call from the pulpit against them. Issue a Fatwa or Twenty! Scream it from the Minarets that this is a perversion of Islam. Maybe then, maybe you can rest easy. Hypocrites!
Yeh, well, that’s kinder and gentler than “Pave Mecca and Medina with radioactive glass… ” which is more in tune with my response.