Always low prices…

Apparently, the explosives used in the London bombing came, just as so much of the low quality junk you get at WalMart, from… China.

(h.t. Cao’s Blog where you can find much more on the London bombings)

The story, out of the German paper, Bild am Sontag leads with:

German newspaper: Explosive material used by British terrorist who blew himself up on Tel Aviv beachfront in 2003 very likely the same as that used by terrorists who staged London attacks last week, Mossad tells Brits.

Then it goes on to explain that

The Mossad was also able to determine the substance was developed and produced at the Chinese ZDF arms factory, located about 65 kilometers (about 40 miles) from Beijing

Hmmm… Made by slave labor in China for the convenience of Islamofascist savages. Always low prices.

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