What fun…


heh. Thought I’d better test out an old backup internet connection. It’s a dialup. Funny thing. Haven’t uwsed it for a couple of years, and the last time I needed it I was lucky to get a 28.8k connection.
It’s been upgraded. A solid 57.6k connection reported. But after a couple of years where my slowest download speed has been about 1.3 mbits, a solid 57.6 seems like molasses in January.
nice to know the backup connection works, but oh, am I ever glad I’m not stuck with it for everyday connectivity!
See? I knew I could find something else to be thankful for today (beside the fact that Wonder Woman’s connections on an email discussion group have begun turning up some solid job leads for Lovely Daughter… :-).

Get Outa the Road!.

Confirmation hearings for whomever Bush picks to replace O’Connor *sigh* Just pull the pin on the so-called “nuclear option” already…

A wee peek into a personality issue: I HATE driving behind a slow-moving roadblock down a two-lane road with no-passing stripes…

No, you didn’t hear me right: I HATE it. Folks who want to drive slow down a narrow two-lane road counting their cows or whatever should pull off the road, park, get out and “count their cows” or whatever it is that’s causing them to drive at 15mph down a 60mph road. In front of me.

Just move it or get outa the way!


But that’s not even a patch on how much I am coming to hate the way petty liars, cheats, whiners and poltroons in the fascist loony left are bent on depriving the U.S. of a properly-functioning judiciary. Kinda reminds me of this “minor” quibble the Founders had with a minority tyrant in their day:

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.

Yeh, that’s one of the “long train of abuses” the Founders included in the Declaration of Independence. The current minority tyrants who have refused to vote up or down for judges for empty seats are just as guilty of “refusing assent” since they have refused to fill the courts the laws have created.


Get outa the road!

Dysfunctional America

I let my mixmaster loose on the current scene and here’s what resulted…

Yes, there is a culltural divide in these United States. And here are a few of the dividing points:

Positives Negatives
The American State Papers Rampant Historical Illiteracy
113,809 libraries (excluding corporate, etc.)_1_ Illiteracy and subliteracy rates far worse than the educrats tell you*_2_
A tolerant society A bigotted (soi-disant “liberal”) elite
“Free” public education for everyone

“Free” public “education” for everyone (*sigh)

A culture that values liberty and justice A media, academic and governmental culture that values control and entitlements
Built upon a cornerstone of Western Civilization and Judeo-Christian values The ACLU, SCOTUS, Congress, MMPA and LLMB value anything BUT Western Civilization and Judeo-Christian values
Families Neo-fascist nanny state

Thanks to a popular culture defined more and more by ACLU-tyoe values filtered through public schools (AKA “prisons for kids”) that are informed by a neo-fascist, subliterate academia and by a Mass Media Podpeople’s Army bent on the destruction of Western Civilization, everything on the “Positives” side listed above is under daily attack by the “Negatives” listed.

And these are just a few areas right off the top of my head. (An area where I can hardly afford to lose anything more “off the top” —heh.)

*In its 1991 National Literacy Act, Congress defined literacy as:

an individual’s ability to read, write, and speak in English, and compute and solve problems at levels of proficiency necessary to function on the job and in society, to achieve one’s goals, and develop one’s knowledge and potential.

Now, that’s scary. Think of the numbers of people you know just offhand who are deficient in each of those areas, and you’ll soon see why nearly half of the voters voted for a slanderous mook like Jean Fraud sKerry: they just didn’t know any better and are likely unable to “develop [their] knowledge and potential” to a degree where they can know better in the future…

The only wonder is that with conflicts like this that the U.S. can continue to function effectively at all. It just demonstrates that even watered down and weakened by the incessant assaults of the LLMB and MMPA, the weakness of Western Civilization values is still—just—stronger than the strengths of its enemies.

But for how long, absent a resurgence by those of us who share its values?

As the Protest Warrior sign proclaims:
