THE Question of the (Blog)Age

Harvey asks the critical question of our age. But don’t let me spoil it. Here it is from the horse’s… mouth:

On Monday, July 11th, an odd thing happened in the Ecosystem. Instapundit fell to #2 and was replaced by “Painless Self-Promotion”:

Instapundit no 2

Yet the very next day, Painless Self-Promotion disappeared completely and Evil Glenn had resumed his customary position as Blogospheric Dominar.

Your Filthy Lie Assignment this week is to answer the question:

What’s the story behind Painless Self-Promotion’s brief rise and fall in the Ecosystem?

Well, to the icognoscenti, this might first appear to be a mystery, but to anyone who’s actually read Painless Self Promotion it’s obvious: Painless Self Promotion has always been the number one blog in or out of the ecosystem, but Evil Glenn has used his Evil Lawyer Mind Beam to alter the blogosphere stats!

When the truth emerged—briefly—Evil Glenn issued an edict that the blog author was thereafter to be considered a “homeless” person in the blogosphere, and his Instapundit website ATE Painless Self Promotion!!!

That’s right: Blog cannibalism. Watch for Evil Glenn to spawn The Carnival of the Cannibals, soon…

A few of my favorite things

It’s a comfort…

Well, I broke down and watched some Mass Media Podpeople reading some scripts they pretended were “news” today. Same old, same old: world going to hell in a handbasket.
It’s rather comforting to know there are some things you can depend on…
Speaking of dependable, what can ya count on happening if ya sit down to dinner? Yeh, right: telemarketers. I know, I know: national and state “no call” lists, yada yada yada. They don’t care. Mask it with “We’re not trying to sell you anything; this is just a survey.”
(Echoes of the Animaniacs: “Do ya wanna take a survey?”)
I just tell ’em: “As soon as I recieve payment for my first hour up front, I’ll take your survey.” Then I quote them my normal hourly rate (which is very reasonable, given my locale and clientele, but it’s a lot more than telemarketer sweat shops pay).
Some things never change. Isn’t that conforting?