Linkers of the Revolution, Unite!

It’s about time I raised my consciousness…

Via Cao’s Blog the link to this.

OK, like a good lil Wobbly Wannabe, I’ll comply with the Central Committee’s directive.

1. Raise your consciousness.

Getting right on it. On my second cuppa joe, now, and cruisin’ on toward my third. If the average “consciousbess-rasing” 3 IQ points per cuppa coffee don’t do the job, then there’s no hope.

Ah, dear. it worked. Now I’m so smart I realize that “IQ” as a measure of intelligence is discriminatory, culturally biased, unreliable.

Check that. I musta had a cuppa mind-numbing decaf by mistake. IQ (“g”) is the single greatest predictor of health, long life and financial security. Yeh, now that’s consciousness raising stuff!

2. Show others that you have raised your consciousness by linking to this post and displaying the Official Logo of LotR on your blog (see above).

Yeh, OK. Got it. Am I done now? (Stick a fork in me to check, will ya?)

3. Tell the world exactly what it is you are raising your consciousness about (it can be anything you want).

I’m raising my consciousness about the needs, desires, goals and aspirations of savage Islamofascist splodydopes and their quisling enablers in the West—especially the politicians, Mass Media Podpeople, Loony Left Moonbats, etc. But I’m not forgetting the moneybags—Saudi Wahabbist whackos—either.

4. Use your raised consciousness to exert political pressure on the G8 summiteers.

C’mon, you dopes! Do something real while you’re goofing off at these things! Scotland, for example, used to have some great hunting. I bet it could again. Try a “Most Dangerous Game” kinda competition amongst yourselves (United States, France, Russia, Britain, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada, European Union reps). Take, oh maybe 25 or so Gitmo detainees and release them in a well-wired preserve. G8 guys hunt ’em down with weapons of their choice. (France is gonna be handicapped: whines, pouts and white flags aren’t all that effective as weapons.) The guy who bags the largest number of savage Islamofascist subhumans gets to boss the rest of the G8 around until the next summit.

I’m betting on George.

5. Feel good about having participated in an action that, while not having actually affected anything, has allowed you to be part of the greatest thing that ever been organized – probably — in the history of the world.

I feel good. Like I knew I would… So good, so good…


Don’t Mess With Momma


Would that this were characteristic of a genuine gut-level response from our congresscritters…

©2005 A.A. Weiss Released for unlimited noncommercial distribution so long as the attribution in the image is left intact.

Originally uploaded by mnmus.
hat tip: David Mercer Original graphic here.


Think about it for a little. What is the likely human product of a society with a surplus wealth of goods and time and a pre-occupation with making life ever safer and safer?

Robert Heinlein (through his character, Lazarus Long) famously said,

“Stupidity cannot be cured with money, or through education, or by legislation. Stupidity is not a sin, the victim can’t help being stupid. But stupidity is the only universal capital crime; the sentence is death, there is no appeal, and execution is carried out automatically and without pity.”

Well, the first two sentences are obvious. But in a society with huge surpluses of worldly goods and services and a nanny state approach to imposing safety, the last sentence does not necessarily follow the first two. In fact, it seems that such a society breeds and maintains (and encourages) and protects stupidity.

We are that society… the question is: Who benefits (besides the really stupid)?

A Survey

OK, here’s the deal…

Posit the following situation:

Someone pleads cultural self-defense after popping Ward Churchill.

How many folks do you think would move to Colorado on the off chance of serving on a jury so they could vote “Not guilty”?

Cousins in Crisis

[Note: I still don’t trust myself to not foam at the mouth on the subject, so I’m limiting my comments on the London bombings. When the “red curtain of blood” in front of my eyes clears up a bit, maybe then… ]

Originally uploaded by mnmus.

We share many things with our British cousins.

Now including attacks by Islamofacist savages from without and cultural relativist “Death to Western Civilization” pseudo-jihadists in mass media, politics and academia within…


This composite flag will remain close to the header of this blog for a while in recognition of the good, the bad and the downright ugly we share with our cultural cousins in Britain.