Obligatory periodic post about blogging

Yeh, yeh, everybody does this from time to time...

I finally decided about an hour ago to look into this “RSS Feed” thingy. heh Yeh, yeh, I have a ton of feeds I subscribe to. After all, Opera makes it almost painless—just click on the lil RSS/Atom/XML tag in the address bar and I’m subscribed. But I’ve never pinged any of the places that (sorta) track RSS feeds or done anything to maintain or promote my feed, so…

…Read a coupla articles, pinged a couple servers, whatever. So, what happens next is in the hands of the server widgets (they’re kinda like brownies, only ya don’t have to put milk out for ’em).

Now, if only I could figure what’s making blogger change my fonts as I upload a post… I see the changes in the html made AFTER I upload, just can’t figure what’s doing it. The file stays the same on my computer, just changes somewhere between there and blogger… stranger and stranger…Still haven’t caught the culprit. Let’s see if editing the html directly using the blogger “crappy interface” works…

How can you detect an islamofascist terrorist?

A Precision Guided Humor Assignment from The Alliance of Free Blogs: How can you tell if someone is a terrorist?

Now, admittedly, I’ve modified this a bit to exclude waning IRA terrorists and others by narrowing the assignment further to islamofascist murdering savage SOBs, but I think I may be forgiven for that. If not, what’s the Alliance going to do? Send a splodydope to America’s Third World Countyâ„¢? We’d welcome one or twelve. There are always stumps to clear from fields, you know, and some fish just won’t bite and need to be persuaded to “come to papa”—heh. The idea that an islamofascist murdering savage SOB terrorist could slip by the Third World Countyâ„¢ detection system is laughable.

The Third World Countyâ„¢ Profiler’s Politically Incorrect Guide to Detecting an Islamofascist Murdering Savage SOB Terrorist.

See a suspect? Maneuver to get the wind on ’em. (Scent’s your first clue apart from the fact that the guy looks like an Ay-rab.)

Step 1.) Does the goober smell worse than… well, Goober? If so, he’s either a Loony Left Moonbat or a islamofascist murdering savage SOB. Bag ‘im either way.

Step 2.) When you perform a “cranial echo test” (whack ‘im on the head with an axe handle) does a “thunk” or no sound at all procede from his pie hole? If a “thunk” then it’s a Loony Left Moonbat and good for catfish feed or for bait for wild boar. If no sound at all issues, then there’s nothing inside (sound doesn’t travel in a vaccuum, you know) and you have a splodydope. Remove any useful explosives and see uses for Loony Left Moonbat, above. If the critter attempts to bite the axe handle, it’s an osama and should be doused with gasoline and burned (after removing any useful explosives for later use fishing or blowing stumps).

Do bury any remains of an osama in pig manure and turn the compost frequently. Use this compost to kill kudzu.


Short shrift day

John Stossel notes the “open mindedness” *cough* of so-called “liberals” over at Townhall.com (and even hangs a John Stuart Mill quote around their necks. Heh).

Also at Townhall.com, Victor David Hanson pegs the liberals as reactionaries as only Victor David Hanson can.

And Ann Coulter, as vitriolic a polemicist as ever, nevertheless makes some clear legal arguments in layman’s language about the Rove/Plame kerfuffle.

Meanwhile, a contributor to Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor Current Mail page notes some interesting mortality rates… followed by an observation from Dr. Pournelle about National Guard mortality rates.

Discovery a No-Go. NASA: job security for government bureaucrats. Space exploration? Nu-uh! (We need more than Burt Rutan’s Scaled Composites space efforts, folks, but NASA ain’t the answer… )

London bombers noted noted here and here and here, among many places.

And oh, wahhh! Poor baby! (Anyone find the world’s smallest violin? If so, break it into splinters before playing a sympathy tune for this loser.)

Pope Benedict XVI pulls a rabid rabbit outa his mitre with his complaint against Harry Potter. Will someone give the guy a wedgie? Cancel that. His knickers are already in a twist over nothing at all. Lighten up Bennie.

Joe Wilson, serial liar (see Ann Coulter article above for a few of Wilson’s lies), calls on Bush to fire Rove. *YAWN* And this just in: Sun rose in the east today and somewhere dog bites man.

And, in answer to Joe Wilson and his ilk, I’d like to point you to an essay by George J. Esseff, Sr that Alan Woody has posted at Woody’s News and Views. (Sorry this didn’t go in this post earlier, and thanks, Woody, for showcasing this essay! Prime cut.)

It’s a wild, wild, wild, wild world out there folks. Y’all be careful now, y’hear?

Always low prices…

Apparently, the explosives used in the London bombing came, just as so much of the low quality junk you get at WalMart, from… China.

(h.t. Cao’s Blog where you can find much more on the London bombings)

The story, out of the German paper, Bild am Sontag leads with:

German newspaper: Explosive material used by British terrorist who blew himself up on Tel Aviv beachfront in 2003 very likely the same as that used by terrorists who staged London attacks last week, Mossad tells Brits.

Then it goes on to explain that

The Mossad was also able to determine the substance was developed and produced at the Chinese ZDF arms factory, located about 65 kilometers (about 40 miles) from Beijing

Hmmm… Made by slave labor in China for the convenience of Islamofascist savages. Always low prices.

Stop the Amerikan Communist License Union (ACLU)

A comment by Thomas Sowell to start the day:
Will even the bloody terrorist attacks in London put a stop to the media’s hand-wringing because they don’t think we have been nice enough to some of the cut-throats who are locked up in Guantanamo? The media have never shown any such interest in how prisoners are treated anywhere else on the island of Cuba, such as in Castro’s prisons.
OK, you got me on that one. Sowell refers to “the media” in the comment above, not the ACLU. But consider this: the ACLU trumpets “reports” from America-hating media (such as the New York Slimes and al-Jizeera) as support for their stance attacking the military for “torturing” the Islamic savages detained at Guantanamo. The ACLU’s press releases find ready audiences in the useful idiots and fellow travelers in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army. (But, of course I am placing members of the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army who slander our military in the best possible light here. In truth, some are simply traitors and seditionists, like the ACLU as a whole.)
In addition to the outright slander of the American military at Guantanamo, as regards the detainees there, the ACLU is attempting, with great success in the public relations front, at least, to frame the public debate in terms that suit their goals but do not reflect reality. (This should be no surprise, as it is their tactic in every single attack they make upon the Constitution: change the terms, obscure the truth, trick Speech-Imapired Piscines—”Dumb Basses”—opposing them into fighting on the ACLU’s chosen ground.)
The ACLU is attempting to assert that these *cough* poor abused *cough* detainees are somehow admitted to the civil judicial process once they are captured as unlawful enemy combatants. Consider: they cannot claim Geneva Convention rights, because they have voided their claim to such by their strict adherence to everything ANTI-Geneva Convention! UNuniformed, NOT soldiers of a signatory country (or ANY country!), targeting primarily civilian non-combatants, etc. ALL war crimes in and of themselves and ALL (each and every, separately) voiding any claim to treatment under Geneva. Due process? Does NOT apply to unlawful enemy combatants captured on foreign soil.
And yet, the U.S. has treated each and every one of these detainees with better than Geneva Convention treatment.
The ACLU’s attacks upon the military must not stand. The ACLU’s attacks upon this administration’s efforts in the war against Islamofascist savages must not stand.
Stop the ACLU!

Sites Already on Board:

Stop The ACLU

21st Century Paladin
A Lady’s Ruminations
A Tic In The Mind’s Eye
American Dinosaur
American Warmonger
An American Housewife
And Rightly So
Angry Republican Mom
Birth of a Neo-Con
Blog Talker
California Conservatives 4 Truth
Cao’s Blog
Christmas Ghost
**Common Sense Runs Wild
Conservative Angst
Conservative Dialysis
Conservative Rant
Craig’s Reflections
Crosses aCross America
Daily Inklings
Def Conservative
Euphoric Reality
**Evil Conservative Blog
Freedom Of Thought
Fundamentally Right
Gribbit’s Word
**Is It Just Me?
Is This Life?
It Is What It Is
**Jo’s Cafe
Kender’s Musings
KiddSafe Blog
Kill Righty
Lady Madonna- Headlines
Life Trek
Mad tech
Making Tomorrow’s Military Today
**Mean Ol’ Meany
Meeyotch’s so called “life”
Merri Musings
Miss Patriot
More Sense Than Money
Mr Minority
Musing Minds
My Political Soapbox
**Obiter Dictum Blog
Ogre’s View
Parrot Check
Patriots For Bush
PBS Watch
PC Free World
**Pirate’s Cove
Rancher Blog
Ravings of John C. A. Bambenek
Red State Rant
Regular Ron
Right On! A Conservative Opinion
**Smithereen’s Files
Steve’s Blog
Stop The ACLU
Stop The ACLU Illinois
Stop The ACLU Kansas
Stop The ACLU Nevada
Stop The ACLU Ohio
Stop The ACLU Oklahoma
Stuff You Should Know
Sweet Spirits of Ammonia
The American Patriots
**The Conservative UAW Guy
The Kevin Show
The Lesser of Two Evils
The Life And Times
The Nose On Your Face
The View From Firehouse
The Wide Awakes
third world county
**This Space For Rent
Thoughts from the Right
Time Hath Found Us
TMH’s Bacon Bits
Undiscovered Country
Vista On Current Events
What Attitude Problem?
White Lightning Axiom: Redux
Xtreme Right Wing