Wilful Missing (Level with us, John-boy)

A combo “Free John Kerry’s 180” and “Kipling Tuesday” post

Image: LindaSog.com

As Jean Fraud sKerry “report[ed] for duty” (or was that “doody”?) a year ago, he forgot to bring his record with him. To John-boy: don’t you think it’s time you finally came clean? In “honor” of your slander of those who served alongside of you before the Seante foreign relations committee in 1971, your (treasonous?) meetings with the enemy in 1972 (and your early bugout for a few suspicious scratches)…

Wilful Missing
Rudyard Kipling

There is a world outside the one you know,
To which for curiousness ‘Ell can’t compare–
It is the place where “wilful-missings” go,
As we can testify, for we are there.

You may ‘ave read a bullet laid us low,
That we was gathered in “with reverent care”
And buried proper. But it was not so,
As we can testify –for we are there!

They can’t be certain–faces alter so
After the old aasvogel ‘ad ‘is share.
The uniform’s the mark by which they go–
And–ain’t it odd?–the one we best can spare.

We might ‘ave seen our chance to cut the show–
Name, number, record, an ‘begin elsewhere–
Leaven” some not too late-lamented foe
One funeral-private-British-for ‘is share.

We may ‘ave took it yonder in the Low
Bush-veldt that sends men stragglin’ ‘unaware
Among the Kaffirs, till their columns go,
An ‘they are left past call or count or care.

We might ‘ave been your lovers long ago,
‘Usbands or children–comfort or despair.
Our death (an’ burial) settles all we owe,
An’ why we done it is our own affair.

Marry again, and we will not say no,
Nor come to barstardise the kids you bear.
Wait on in ‘ope–you’ve all your life below
Before you’ll ever ‘ear us on the stair.

There is no need to give our reasons, though
Gawd knows we all ‘ad reasons which were fair;
But other people might not judge ’em so–
And now it doesn’t matter what they were.

What man can weigh or size another’s woe:
There are some things too bitter ‘ard to bear.
Suffice it we ‘ave finished–Domino!
As we can testify, for we are there,
In the side-world where “wilful-missings ” go.

Also, see Cao’s Blog for more specifics on how Jean Fraud sKerry is still gaming the system to avoid doing his duty (keeping his word).
And see these others for more, as well:
Aaron’s cc
And Rightly So!
Atlas Shrugs
Balance Sheet
Cao’s Blog
Cathouse Chat
Christmas Ghost
Civil Issues
Conservative Friends
doubleplusgood infotainment
Doughnut Holes
Euphoric Reality
Flight Pundit
Fundamentally Right
Furry Press
GM’s Corner
Gribbit’s Word
House Of Wheels
Infinite Universe
International House of Conservatism
Jackson’s Junction
Jay Howard Smith
Kender’s Musings
My Vast Rightwing Conspiracy
Pirate’s Cove
Pooklekufr: The Kafir Constitutionalist
Power and Control
Private Radio
Progressive Conservatism
Ravings Of A Mad Tech
Republican Vet
Rottweiler Puppy
Shades of Gray
Something…and Half of Something
Stop the ACLU
Tall Glass of Milk
The Babaganoosh
The Creative Conservative
The Dark Citadel
The Paragraph Farmer
The Pulpit Pounder
The Sunnyeside Of Life
Think About It
Third World County
TMH’s Bacon Bits
Uncle Jack
Villainous Company
What Attitude Problem?
Where’s Your Brain?
Word Park Blog

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