A Reason to Run?

Finally, someone has given Vice President Dick Cheney a potentially compelling reason to run for president.

“The day Dick Cheney is going to run for president, I’ll kill myself,” [Helen Thomas] told the HILL. “All we need is one more liar.”

Thomas made the remarks to the newspaper Thursday, July 28, 2005, according to Drudge.

Of course, the statement by Thomas will only become falsifiable (testable) if Cheney were to announce he were running. But then, he could always announce and then withdraw if Thomas became that rare mass media personality to actually say what they mean and mean what they say…

At least then we might be able to test what kind of liar Helen Thomas might (or might not) be.


(Crossposted from a Friday post at Balanced News Blog–yeh, I’m that far behind here… )

Short Shrift Day

Light—very light—posting today. In fact, until later this may be all there is…

In fact, try checking out my sidebar and blogroll for reading material today. Anywhere But Here, Cathouse Chat, Cao’s Blog, Keep the Coffee Coming, BTW—oh, darn it, they’re all worth reading or I wouldn’t have blogrolled ’em. I souldn’t even have started a list; should just have inserted my bloogroll here and said, “Read these today, ‘K?”

