Stop the Amerikan Communist License Union (ACLU)

A comment by Thomas Sowell to start the day:
Will even the bloody terrorist attacks in London put a stop to the media’s hand-wringing because they don’t think we have been nice enough to some of the cut-throats who are locked up in Guantanamo? The media have never shown any such interest in how prisoners are treated anywhere else on the island of Cuba, such as in Castro’s prisons.
OK, you got me on that one. Sowell refers to “the media” in the comment above, not the ACLU. But consider this: the ACLU trumpets “reports” from America-hating media (such as the New York Slimes and al-Jizeera) as support for their stance attacking the military for “torturing” the Islamic savages detained at Guantanamo. The ACLU’s press releases find ready audiences in the useful idiots and fellow travelers in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army. (But, of course I am placing members of the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army who slander our military in the best possible light here. In truth, some are simply traitors and seditionists, like the ACLU as a whole.)
In addition to the outright slander of the American military at Guantanamo, as regards the detainees there, the ACLU is attempting, with great success in the public relations front, at least, to frame the public debate in terms that suit their goals but do not reflect reality. (This should be no surprise, as it is their tactic in every single attack they make upon the Constitution: change the terms, obscure the truth, trick Speech-Imapired Piscines—”Dumb Basses”—opposing them into fighting on the ACLU’s chosen ground.)
The ACLU is attempting to assert that these *cough* poor abused *cough* detainees are somehow admitted to the civil judicial process once they are captured as unlawful enemy combatants. Consider: they cannot claim Geneva Convention rights, because they have voided their claim to such by their strict adherence to everything ANTI-Geneva Convention! UNuniformed, NOT soldiers of a signatory country (or ANY country!), targeting primarily civilian non-combatants, etc. ALL war crimes in and of themselves and ALL (each and every, separately) voiding any claim to treatment under Geneva. Due process? Does NOT apply to unlawful enemy combatants captured on foreign soil.
And yet, the U.S. has treated each and every one of these detainees with better than Geneva Convention treatment.
The ACLU’s attacks upon the military must not stand. The ACLU’s attacks upon this administration’s efforts in the war against Islamofascist savages must not stand.
Stop the ACLU!

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