Bloggers’ FEC Pledge

Note in my sidebar. It bears repeating as we approach Independence Day:

“If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not obey those rules.”—Patterico. Check that. I will spit on those rules and throw them back in the FEC’s face.

Repeat after me:

Bill of Rights

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

If President Bush hascommitted an impeachable offense against his office and the Constitution he has (twice) sworn to uphold, it was signing the UNconstitutional McCain-Feingold law into effect.

And if there is any cause that would justify sending John McCain back to prison in North Vietnam it would be his sponsorship of that abortion of the First Amendment right to free speech and a free press he championed in that bill.

And if there is any case for instroducing a majority of the Supreme Communists of the United States (SCOTUS) to Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether, it is that they did not strike this law down, spit on it, sow salt in the ground that it sprang from and then burn the ones who framed and passed and signed it.,

Shame on all of them.

And shame on us for letting them get away with it.

“Advice and Consent” ? “Adversarial Dissent”

Scrappleface speaks more truth in jest

Senate Democrats have a serious problem with the language of the Constitution. Their problem is simply that the pesky phrase “Advice and Consent” ? “Adversarial Dissent” (as they seem intent on translating it).

Forget Mass Media Podpeople newsreaders. Trash you copy of The Daily Lies and The New York Slimes. Get your news from Scrappleface. It’s more likely to be accurate, even prescient, as this lil excerpt probably is:

The Massachusetts… Senator’s office issued a news release to the media documenting the allegations against the potential high court judge, with a convenient blank line allowing reporters to fill in the nominee’s name as soon as that information is leaked.
Yup. Just fill in the blank. Any name NOT chosen by the minority party will be unacceptable. Bet on it. (What part of “democracy” do the Senate Democrats not understand? Oh. The part where the LOSERS uhm… LOSE. Anti-democratic Democrats. Now there’s a hint for ya. They stand firmly against the meaning of their own label.)