Reason #1,365,92 Why I Don’t Trust Climate Scare-ists’ Models

Just think about it for a few seconds. The comparative size, accuracy and reliability of the data sets used by Climate Scare-sim Cultists is minuscule, wildly inaccurate and unreliable (using their data setsd, their models have yet to be able to “post-dict” ANY climate and have proven wildly off in predictions to date, even with data cheating and outright lies to make their case) compared to your garden variety weather forecasters’ data sets. And yet, who really has found weather forecasters’ predictions to be all that close to what comes to pass?

Lessons from Mao

Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” killed millions, destroyed China’s economy and took millions more back to bare subsistence living. So, it’s no wonder…


What a Difference Location Makes

Quite apart from the asininity of determining a global temperature in tenth of a degree (Celsius) increments, the variability of recording/reporting stations has never been dealt with in any rational or convincing way by cultists from the Cult of Anthropogenic Global Climate Scare-ism.

Let me take just one data point as an example. We have two relatively credible temperature reporting stations located within roughly 1,000 feet of each other, here in the lil burg where America’s Third World County Central is located. Early this morning, one reporting station reported a low temp of 79oF (just a smidge over 26oC). The other reported 84oF (nearly 29oC).

Now, you go figure how many radical differences like that are not resolved in favor of the lower number by cultists from the Cult of Anthropogenic Global Climate Scare-ism, ‘K?

Yeh, It Still Kinda Freaks Me…

And something in the update that chaps my gizzard

I think I’ve commented about this before (but am too lazy to check *heh*). I’ve not removed the notice, because it’s so… weird, but here it is: on my lil notebook, Windows Update offers an update to the Norwegian language pack.

How did M$ know I have an interest in Norwegian? This is real paranoia time, folks. How. Did. M$. KNOW?!?

Later in the day, I caught the news about the events in Norway. Now that’s really creepy.

BTW, it really chaps my gizzard to have news outlets identify the shooter that’s been arrested in the Utoya Island shootings as a “fundamentalist Christian” instead of, more properly if “Christian” is cited at all, as an unchristian heretic (a description which would reflect more accurately on the views reports say he espouses).

Why Not?

If The Zero wants to withhold Social Security and military pay, why not get serious and withhold so-called “welfare” payments as well?

Oh, wait. That’s right. What was I thinking? He has to keep bribes to his constituency going.

Being “Poor” Ain’t What It Used to Be

I’ve known poor folks. This isn’t them. The meat?

…the average household defined as poor by the government is equipped with air conditioning, cable TV, a car, a television, a DVD player, and if a boy is in the house, an Xbox or Playstation. The size of the average poor American’s home is actually LARGER than the average living space of a typical middle-income European.

So, the next time someone opens their yap spewing about the poor in America–and all the kids going to bed hungry at night, etc.–tell ’em to shut their yap. While there are poor folks still in America (it’s a truism that the poor will always be with us because its… true), the number of genuinely poor folk is really very, very, very small and completely amendable to local solutions.

Poor kids going to bed hungry? I’d be willing to bet that 99% of “poor kids” going to bed hungry are completely, totally and in every way, shape, fashion and form traceable directly to parents wasting resources on their own gratification. Society’s problem there has a simple solution: punish those parents. If that doesn’t rein them in and compel them to care for their kids before satisfying their urges for personal luxuries, then removal of the kids from the home and further, more stringent punishment of those selfish parents should ensue. And those solutions are best left to local authorities to devise and implement.

Everyone’s a Criminal

…except, of course, those who get to decide who to persecute. No, I did not mean to say “prosecute”. I really did mean to say “persecute”.

It’s called anarcho-tyrany. “Anarcho” because of the anarchy encouraged by ignoring REAL criminals (because, well, it’s both hard and dangerous to deal with them) and “tyranny” for obvious reasons, like for example, it’s MUCH easier to slap a kindergärtner into handcuffs and sling ‘em into the back of a patrol car for drawing a picture of a gun, because the kid can’t fight back (and the “crime” the kid committed goes into the stats and “justifies” the SWAT team that was called out to deal with him).

By criminalizing common behavior by ordinary citizens, politicians *gag-spew* and bureaucraps can expand their power without end, as long as citizens are compliant in allowing themselves to be made subjects of an all-powerful government and the bureaucraps who really rule its subjects.

Nah. Let’s just fugettaboutit. Let the Feds barbecue all the innocent kids they want, Waco-style while giving real criminals and congresscritters (but I repeat myself) and such like free rein.

Graphic lifted from Hookers and Booze.

New Math or Just Innumerate?

(Note the date of recording.)

I think I’ll go with innumerate twit:

See? I told y’all not to trust that so-called “birth certificate”. Even The Zero (inadvertently) admits it’s hinky. (A guy who has created such a big fuss about the issue but doesn’t even know when he was born–or worse, when he IS NOW–is incompetent to manage his own affairs, let alone be president of a garden club. Just sayin’… )