New Math or Just Innumerate?

(Note the date of recording.)

I think I’ll go with innumerate twit:

See? I told y’all not to trust that so-called “birth certificate”. Even The Zero (inadvertently) admits it’s hinky. (A guy who has created such a big fuss about the issue but doesn’t even know when he was born–or worse, when he IS NOW–is incompetent to manage his own affairs, let alone be president of a garden club. Just sayin’… )

2 Replies to “New Math or Just Innumerate?”

  1. Hey, now. I sometimes lose track of how old I am. I do always know when my birthday is, but it sometimes requires me figuring from that date forward to get my age.

    But then again, I’m not president of even a garden club. 🙂

    1. Not the same thing, Nicole. The Zero knew how old he will be, come his next BD anniversary (assuming that he/it was indeed born and not hatched or grown in a vat as most Mass MEdia Podpeople act as though they have been); what he seemed unable to do was either count past “One, two, three, many” or else be able to place himself in contemporary time. That’s one key element examined in competency hearings: does the person know when they are.

      So, if The Zero either cannot count past “One, two, three, many” (possible: his innumeracy is already pretty well established by his having at one time visited “57 states” with three to go) OR cannot discern what month, week or day it is, then he is not competent to even manage his own affairs, let alone the affairs of the office he hijacked.

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