Mass MEdia Podperson Charlie Gibson Clueless About ACORN Scandels: Dog Bites Man *yawn*

Well, this is certainly not news at all at all: Charlie Gibson claims to be completely in the dark about the recent ACORN exposés:

No news there. Unless the Hivemind wants it exposed (or twisted or lied about), events in the real world are not news to Mass MEdia Podpeople like Gibson.

Meanwhile, though Charlie Gibson has no shame being exposed as a fake journalist, Jon Daily isn’t so sanguine:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
The Audacity of Hos
Daily Show
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Political Humor Healthcare Protests

Continuing the Saga of ISP Woes

You can tell by the title whether you want to read on or not.

Another hour on the phone (most just to get to a level 2 tech), because *drum roll with brass flourish*–Ta-Da! Cable ISP is acting flaky again. When it’s good? Well, when it’s good, it’s very, very good, but sporadically, pfzzt! it’s gone. Middle of a page load (or beginning or end), middle (or beginning or end): connection dies.

Two-and-a-half months of this kinda crap. Now, I didn’t complain when there was an 8.75 hour outage because some doofus cut soem fiber by digging where he shouldn’t have. Idiots just do things like that, and since it wasn’t an ISP idiot (as I verified) and I know how hard it can be to locate such improper digs and repair fiber while it’s coming down gully-washers (as it was yesterday), I had no complaint.

But thius intermittent service issue has been ongoing for 2.5 months now, and every service tech who’s come out has verified that the problem’s on the ISP end, not my end.

But. When it works, an 8+mbs download speed with a 700kbs upload speed beats my other “high speed” option, DSL.

Monthly charges for the ONLY DSL available from my location (from a lil mom n pop, 2-exchange POTS “service”):

DSL (128 kbps) w/o [Third World County] Long Distance* $ 55.00 per month with no contract
DSL (256 kbps) w/o [Third World County] Long Distance* $ 60.00 per month with no contract
DSL (512 kbps) w/o [Third World County] Long Distance* $ 67.50 per month with no contract
DSL (1 Meg) w/o [Third World County] Long Distance* $130.00 per month with no contract
DSL (1.5 Meg) w/o [Third World County] Long Distance* $180.00 per month with no contract
Static IP address $ 10.00 per month

*Installation Fee of $50.00 applies

With a one-year contract, those prices drop all the way down to $37.50, $43, $50, $80, & $130.

Notice that the fastest potential download “speed” is only about 18% of my usual (when actually connected) download “speed” and the maximum upload “speed” (not listed here) is about 10% of my normal (when actually connected) upload speed. The kicker? When I used to have dialup with the POTS service (again, the only place to get it w/o long distance charges at the time), I had frequent disconnects caused by the POTS lines/telco ISP, and folks I know locally who use ’em for DSL have similar experiences with the (almost non-existant) “technical” expertise exhibited by those implementing the telco’s DSL servicve, so the connection woes I’m experiencing with my curent ISP and what I can in that regard expect were I to get DSL are pretty much a wash.

Oh, my costs with cable internet plus TV service? About what the 1mbs DSL service is alone, in fact, less.

Still, my tightwad’s heart says I’m not getting such a great deal unless I actually get what I pay for. Several days (or maybe just two) in a row of decent service, followed by a week of cutting in and out? Not what I pay for.


Oh. Well. Have to reorder my day AGAIN to be here “between 8:00 and Noon” tomorrow so the tech can come and tell me what they’ve told me over and over and over again… and someday, when I’m old and gray(er) and my beard’s reached my knees, someone will drop by to holler in my then-deaf ears, “It’s all fixed now.”

I hope.

“From the mountains, to the prairies… “

…to the Left Coast: ACORN just keeps the “Counseling for Pedophile Sex Slave Ring” advice rolling in! Glen Beck had it at the top of the hour @5:00 Eastern 09*15-09, and you can find it now at

Coming soon, a new super hero movie about Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe Exposing the Evils of ACORN and Our (Poisonous)Nut-in-Chief? *heh*

Remember, this is a guy–The 0!–who promised ACORN “a place at the table,” who has a longstanding symbiotic relationship with ACORN, who has held clinics for ACORN on using Alinsky’s tactics for radicals and has represented them in court cases to force banks to give risky loans (you know, the kinds of risky loans that eventually brought down the Fannie Mae house of cards, etc.?).

Birds of a feather should be tarred with the same brush. (Yeh, I mixed the metaphors. So? Metas are for mixing, sometimes. *heh*)

Also at a href=”” target=”_blank”>, ACORN=RICO and Exclusive: ACORN Illegally Operating in Maryland

Once an investigation starts, as has apparently already been started in Brooklyn, who knows what may come of subpoenaed records? Once one card falls, perhaps even Eric Holder won’t be able to derail a RICO investigation. And if THAT were to start, all The 0!’s longstanding ties to ACORN will eventually come out. Teapot Dome Scandal? Watergate? Penny-ante stuff. If this gains juuuust enough traction, it can

make investigations of the rest of The 0!’s past more likely
quite possibly bring about a change of administration before Inauguration Day, 2013.

God bless Giles and O’Keefe.

Senators for Child Prostitution

Ed Morrissey has the list of U.S. Senators who voted yesterday to continue to supply tax dollars to ACORN, thus noting their support for child prostitution.

  • Dick Durbin (D-IL)
  • Roland Burris (D-IL)
  • Robert Casey (D-PA)
  • Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
  • Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
  • Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
  • Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)

There’re your seven Dhimmicrappic whores for ACORN. Too stupid to even vote in their own best interest. Too venal to vote their consciences (because they don’t have consciences). Too worthless to be kept around as oxygen sinks.

“Scherzo after a ballad by Goethe” *heh*

L’apprenti sorcier, a symphonic poem composed by Paul Dukas in 1897, is the music used for the Sorcerer’s Aprentice section of Disney’s 1943 Fantasia. It’s retasked here in an ingenious setting in the Oberlin College Library as The Resourcerer’s Aprentice:

N.B. Do make sure you play this through a decent set of speakers at a proper volume. 🙂

(Actually, since my Wonder Woman is a librarian, I kinda wondered who cleaned up the mess after the shoot on the “set” at Oberlin… 😉 )

A Lil Help Here

How would one restate the following lil homilies to apply to The 0!’s socialist agenda?

“Give a man a fire, warm him for one night. Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.”


“I couldn’t sew my way out of a bag.”

(Just think that one through.)

Perspiring minds just wanna know.

ACORNs Are for Pigs; PECANs Are for (the) People

Free range pigs frequently eat acorns–after all, oaks are relatively plentiful in many of the world’s forests and their nuts are nutritious, but,

“…Raw acorns contain high concentrations of tannic acid, so their taste is bitter, and some varieties can in their raw state be toxic to humans.”

Pecans, however, are delicious and nutritious right out of the shell; no other processing is needed for they contain no poisonous chemicals naturally.

Just so the political ACORNs are toxic, while the newly-discovered political PECANs are highly (politically) nutritious, without the harmful toxins of (political) ACORNs. Oh, PECANS?

People Eagerly Crushing Acorn Nuts

As you can plainly see, PECANs are for (the) People.

PECANs h.t Harriet Baldwin

Proper Discrimination

Making genuine distinctions between classes of events or objects or people, distinctions that are real and reflect an understanding of those distinctions is proper, right, just discrimination between differences.

I say this because it is easy to fall prey to those who simply sneer at careful discriminations between classes (of objects, events or people), especially when such folks climb on a “moral equicalence” horse and attempt to equate events, behaviors and people who are not equivalent.

Recently, in a Facebook discussion, I mentioned some clear behavioral distinctions between Christians and Muslims, and a respondant replied with, “Yeh, but there are some pretty horrific acts incited by God in the Old Testament.”

I threw the bullshit flag on that one, and here’s why. Compare the Old Testament (which is very influential but not dispositive in Christian theology; that’s why there’s a NEW Testament) with Islam’s primary text, the Koran. The Koran is at least 70% by actual content filled with exhortations to murder, slavery, theft, lies and more directed toward non-Muslims–and that doesn’t count the many exhortations to abuse women. The Hadith is even more bloody-minded, as it is more directed toward a recounting of the life of Mohamed. The Old Testament? About 5%–mostly in such books as Judges–of the content approves of violence against those who do not follow the Israelites’ religion.

But don’t stop there. The commenter’s postition was that since this 5% or so of the OLD Testament approved of violence against “unbelievers” then that meant Christians were the moral equivalent of Muslims (note: he never actually denied the facts of the brutality approved of–indeed encouraged by–the Koran… because no one can and not be proven a liar or idiot). But…

When Muslims commit mass murder or rape or theft or enslavement or any number of other brutal acts condemned by civilized people, they are directly, honestly and genuinely emulating the life of their so-called “perfect man”–Mohamed–and following his explicit teachings.

When someone claiming to be a Christian does those things and says it is excusable on Christian grounds then he is a liar, for,

…whoever says he abides in him [Christ] ought to walk in the same way in which he [Christ] walked.–I John 1:6

…and nowhere in the New Testament is there any record of the Nazarene condoning such behavior or engaging in such. Nowhere. (Go ahead: argue with me about Jesus driving the money-changers from the temple. I can handle that easily, especially in the face of Mohamed ordering 900+ Jewish men killed after they’d assembled under a truce; their women raped; their homes plundered and their surviving families taken into slavery.) Indeed, his teachings are the polar opposite of the violence and other abuse against unbelievers advocated by Mohamed.

So, whenever you see or hear false comparisons between the many horrific acts of Islam–consistent through history on up to today’s Islamic terrorism–and such things as the abuses of the Inquisition, remember: Islamic abuses have clear and unequivocal roots in the life and teachings of Mohamed, whereas all the horrific abuses perpetrated in the name of Christ by evil men, from the mass murder of Cathars to the Inquisition, WERE NOT in any way, shape, fashion or form in agreement with the life and teachings of Jesus of Galilee. It’s simple, really: evil can be freely committed by Muslims legitimately following the example and teachings of the founder of Islam, whereas such acts can never honestly be claimed to be in discipleship of the Christ.

That’s a discrimination that any honest, decent person must make.