Well, It’s Not West Virginia

…but invoking the shade of John Denver, it’s “almost heaven”–for now–after a couple of months of poor service from my ISP (which shall go unnamed to protect the guilty *heh*). I had a real difficulty getting up to full curmudgeonly “gripe ’em out” mode, since the last couple of months of on again-off again service from my ISP was the first time in six years with this ISP that I’ve had cause to really gripe. Finally, six business days after my full mode “take no prisoners” assault on my ISP’s support, another tech came out, metered the input on my line and got a definitive number on the poor feed from them–same as ALL THE OTHERS he’d tested in town that day–and someone apparently kicked some a$$ back up the line, cos my numbers for the past couple of days’ service have been consistently better, and service has been–apart from a complete outage early this a.m. around 1:00, when I suppose someone may have scheduled some additional service, and I ought to have been sleeping anyway–better since Saturday.


(Heck, for much of the past couple of months, SpeedTest.net, when it would load at all, would time out testing my connection. That’s not good. And yes, I redacted the ISP’s name and the location of the test.)

It’s nice to–for now–have service that’s more like what I’ve been paying for. Nice that my repeated, pointed remarks about the ISP not investing enough in service (having too few service techs, as an example) seems to have resulted in TWO techs working the multiple calls in town last week, instead of the usual one, hugely over worked guy (it may have helped that I encouraged others that I know have the same ISP to list that in their gripes as well, ya think? *heh*). Also nice that, my repeated pressing for my ISP to “make me whole” also resulted in a rebate on at least a portion of the past two months’ service charges. Lesson: in today’s economy where companies are cutting back in the wrong places (not laying off or at least re-tasking useless management pukes but laying off, or not hiring, enough “boots on the ground” for example), rattling the cages of increasingly higher layers of support personel is sometimes the only way to get what you pay for.

Update: well after a mini-outage late last night and again this a.m., my current connection speed’s a slight improvement over yesterday… for now.


Will Rogers on Congress–Updated for the 21st Century

Will Rogers had a way of putting his finger on the pulse of the tension between a free citizenry and the political “elite” but he does need a bit of updating for our times, for example:

“This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as we do when the baby gets hold of a hammer.” – Will Rogers

Well, yeh, if the “baby” is 9 feet tall, weighing in at about 600 pounds, swinging a 25 pound sledgehammer and having 50 pounds of “diaper harvest” dripping all over the place… Yeh, that kind of baby with a hammer and a tantrum.

Smart People

I’ve stolen a small clip from one frame out of four panels of a Sluggy Freelance comic *whew!* to hint at something The 0! and his ilk know well: it doesn’t matter who you blame for a problem as long as you can pretend that “You’re dumb; I’m smart’ you’re little; I’m big…” (through the whole litany of excuses “Harry Wormwood” and “Agatha Trunchbull” used to oppress Matilda in the eponymous 1996 film–my personal fav DVD) and do something to make the problem into a “crisis” so you can “do stuff right now!” to make the crisis worse, so you can then… You get the idea. Why! Really all you have to do is pick something/someone to blame and stick with it, so why not just stick with…


(To understand the brilliance of that concept, see that August 30, 2009 Sluggy Freelance comic. Of course *evil grin and a “bwa-ha-ha-ha”* to really understand that, you’ll need to check out the whole Sluggy Freelance background, but especially noting the character of Kiki and the background of the “Zombie on a Stick”. But that’s a “whole ‘nother” set of “issues”. *heh*)

Those Lying Bastards! or What language are they speaking, anyway?

Back in the day when Third World County had traffic, I penned the lil rant below. In today’s atmosphere of “Nazi” Pelosi advocating policies pioneered by the German National Socialist Party then accusing opponents of those Nazi policies of being Nazis, and other mind-boggling lies of the Left, I think it’s worth a repeat, warts, typos and all.

Over the years, I’ve noticed that the “reality-based fantasy” community of the Left has persuaded almost everyone else to play along with their lies, damned lies and leftist fantasies to the degree that not only are commonly used words now unmoored from any sensible meaning, but because of this unmooring–in part–those bastards can utter any damned* lies they want to and… no one can say them nay.

How about a short list of some of the commonly twisted terms?

Democratic–referring to persons of a party that pioneered legislation from the bench, instead of by ELECTED legislators; a party that is THE party of voter fraud (no one and nothing can approach the degree or depth of voter fraud condoned and directly sponsored by Democrats); persons whose elitist attitudes and condescension toward the unwashed, the stupid and those who are simply not of their class is unparallelled… (and the list goes on… )

Gay–what?!? A word meaning “happy, carefree” used to describe the angry, neurotic, spittle-spewing homosexual “activists” we all have known and loved? *heh* Pull the other one. I’m willing to bet there are more truly gay heterosexuals than gay homosexuals.

Welfare–to describe a process of engendering generational dependency upon handouts… of other people’s money (taken from thos e people by force or threat of force). Whose welfare is really being served here?

Compromise–Riiiiight: “Give me everything I want and get nothing but scorn and abuse in return.” That’s what Leftist “compromises” entail.

Liberal–one of the Left’s most-abused words, used to describe people and programs that are the antithesis of liberal: programs that squelch speech that leftists disagree with, deprive people of essential liberties and promote a nanny state mentality that “protects” non-essential, non-existant fake “rights” always at the expense of whomever disagrees with the leftist view. Let the FAKE liberals of today be condemned by the father of modern classical liberalism, John Stuart Mill, who held that lies could never damage society as long as people were free to speak the truth to counter them.

Speaking of quelling dissent,

Pro-choice–except when denying unborn children a choice about whether they want to be aborted or not… Hmmm… seems like in almost all (almost: yes, there are pregnancies that result from rape *sigh*) cases, the woman has a choice about whether to get pregnant. After that, doesn’t it seem fair to give the baby the next choice? Not to leftists for whom…

Fairness–means “completely unjust, unfair, inequitable” whenever the object of regard is an inconvnience, not a leftist or simply one who doesn’t matter… to the leftist.

Progressive–Used to refer to covert (or sometimes even overt!) reactionary communists/socialists. Wobblies in all but name. Progressive? So far behind the times they should be put in a coffin and interred as the dead men’s bones they are. (Even casual readers of the NT will catch the reference. Cultural illiterates will not. *sigh*)

Compassion–any time I hear a leftist start in on “compassion” my first impulse is to throw the bullshit flag. Want to impeach a leftisat’s “compassion” argument? Ask them who will pay for their compassionate program. If it is not themselves, then they’ll have to take the money from someone. Where’s their compassion for the folks they’ll steal from? Nowhere, mon frere. And what other unintended (or perhaps intended!) consequences are they concealing by their emotional pleas? (See “Welfare” above.)

Heck, when we allow leftists to twist any word to mean anything they want, it’s not hard for them to convince us to accept their appeals to emotion as reasonable argument. From there, it’s but a step to them ignoring the argument entirely and putting words in the mouths of their interlocutors–an all too common practice. In fact, almost weekly, in email or in comments–comments that usually do not make it out of moderation, cos then I’d have to respond and simply waste my time–some idiot leftist will

1. Take exception to something I’ve said
2. Proceed to “argue” with me by saying I said something I did not.
3. When responded to (email), IGNORE what was said, again accuse me of saying things I did not and
4. Think that constitutes a valid argument.

It boggles the mind how folks can get to the corner grocery store and back without killing themselves and a score of others when they are so incapable of rational thought.

And these are the intelligent, well-educated, moderately successful leftists. I shudder to think what the rest of that class is like.

The left today seems sadly populated by people who believe (sincerely or not) that lies, screaming and pounding the table, weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth are valid arguments.

But the really sad thing is that those who know better largely let them get away with it day in and day out.

Of course, by now fewer and fewer people are able to discern when undemocratic Democrats, troubled, unhappy and downright angry “gay” people, reactionary “progressives” and tyrannical “liberals” are blowing smoke up their skirts.


Ever wonder why the schools are full of leftists? a. It’s the perfect environment for them and b. it allows them to enstupiate another generation of suckers.

*”damned lies”–no, I’m not using a profanity. I am making a considered theological assessment: those whose behavior proclaims them to be of their father, The Liar, are damning themselves.

Well, OK, Let’s Just Fire Her HWA

Claire MCCaskill got an unwelcome response when she reminded citizens at a “town hall” meeting in Jefferson City, MO, “You have every right to fire me.”

Let’s not waste any time, OK Missouri? Exercise your right to fire her HWA as soon as possible.

“HWA”= “Hinky White Ass”
“hinky”~ in the sense of “seemingly or apparently crooked”

Memory Lane

I recalled today my first “real” job where I was paid an hourly wage. I’ll not say when it was or what the wage was, but at minimum wage, my part time, after school job brought me enough to buy my first car, a new musical, pretty darned pricey instrument and to save enough to take me all the way through my senior year in high school. In today’s dollar, my hourly wage was over $9.00 and hour, simply because a dollar had that much more purchasing power in that economy.

The car wasn’t much to look at. A used 1953 Chevy 4 door with worn front seat covers, a cloumn three-speed and a six cylinder engine that ate up everything I could throw at it. (It took my brother, several years later when I was on the road touring with a group, to kill that car by simply refusing to ever check the oil. Oh, well. What are brothers for anyway, right? *sigh*) But it was a dependable ride that was mine, bought and paid for with the sweat of my own brow.

The musical instrument, which I still own and still play from time to time when the house is quiet, cost almost twice what the car did, and was worth every dime. It’s not my fav instrument–that I got much later for only $75 in much devalued currency, but that’s another memory–but I still enjoy it.

No computers. Rotary dial phone–by the time I was in high school we had TWO phones in the house! and one of ’em wasn’t a rotary phone!–but no longer on party lines. I knew what a typewriter looked like, but since I didn’t plan on becoming a secretary, I didn’t learn how to type. *heh* My sophomore year in high school, my older sister won a color tv in an essay contest with the subject, “Why I Am Proud to Be an American”. The black and white TV, complete with rabbit ears and tin foil, went to my parents’ bedroom (for my brother to shoot the glass out of with a BB gun later–yeh, that brother–but it was OK, because it was just the flat piece of glass covering the TV tube that he shot out… )

Memories are funny that way. I started off having a memory of my first hourly job–there were more on through college–and that spurred all kindsa anciliary things. Olde Pharte Syndrome, eh?

Well, there ya go. Another trip (and stumble? 🙂 ) down memory lane.

A New Cry From Hell

Note: Opinion. Based on known facts, but opinion nonetheless. Anyone with FACTS that might change my opinion, feel free to share them. Absent any FACTS that would influence my opinion, good luck with making a comment that will have any effect whatsoever.

I have a brief comment on the Passing of Teddy “Swimmer” Kennedy that will be my last word… for now.

He was a worm, a coward and a worthless waste of oxygen, and he deserves the just reward I believe he has finally received. Perhaps Mary Jo Kopechne will hear him call from his place in hell and ask for relief the way the rich man in the parable called to Abraham (Luke 16:19-31). That’s the best I can imagine happening for the rest of his eternity, and if his enablers don’t take a lesson from his life (and it appears they have not, as yet), he can expect to have “rooms” prepared for them near his own eternal abode.

Luke 16:19-31 (New King James Version)

The Rich Man and Lazarus

19 “There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day. 20 But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at his gate, 21 desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

24 “Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.’ 25 But Abraham said, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented. 26 And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.’

27 “Then he said, ‘I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father’s house, 28 for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.’ 29 Abraham said to him, ‘They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.’ 30 And he said, ‘No, father Abraham; but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ 31 But he said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’”

So to any of Teddy “Swimmer” Kennedy’s extended family of enablers, I have but one comment: /sarcasm: on

Ritengo il vostro dolore; senso vostro angoscia

/sarcasm: off

*yawn* And I don’t flippin’ care, you partners-in-crime of a toxic bag of pus.

Teddy “Swimmer” Kennedy: T.I.H., at last.

BTW, I’m not being hard enough on Teddy “Swimmer” Kennedy. Van Helsing @ Moonbattery has this to say in Death of a Traitor,” in a repeat of a piece from 2006,

The same Ted Kennedy who rants and rails against W’s attempts to defend us from terrorists arguably crossed the line from useful idiocy into outright treason when he offered to assist Soviet dictator Yuri Andropov in developing a public relations strategy to counter Reagan’s foreign policy — the foreign policy that was to defeat the Soviet menace without a shot being fired.

Yep, coward, drunken killer, priviledged scofflaw and, arguably, traitor: Teddy “Swimmer” Kennedy. Too late dead. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

On Music

“I don’t like country music, but I don’t mean to denigrate those who do. And, for the people who like country music, denigrate means ‘put down’.” — Bob Newhart

Well, that’s slightly better than my assessment, which is that “country” music is the best contemporary music played on radio. I know; damning with faint praise, since everything else is “less good” than pig manure.

Just a drive by observation…

10 Honest Things You Never Wanted to Know About Me

*sigh* Woody, of Woody’s Place tagged me with one-a those “Blogosphere Meme Pool Game” thingies: “10 Honest Things About Myself” so, here’s some


  1. I dislike blogosphere meme pool tag games, but I participate anyway just because
  2. Whenever I’m inflicted with this curse, I share the pain with others (look out; your turn may come)
  3. I have The World’s Messiest OfficeTM. I can clean it up and things seem to crawl out of the walls to mess it up while my back’s turned. My office must be at the intersection of The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits…
  4. BTW, my office sometimes serves as my “nekkid room”. Cover your eyes. It’s NOT a pretty sight…
  5. I love music. No, not that crap that’s played on just about any radio station you can find, music. And yeh, I found I was so often bored to tears by the selections on so-called “classical” stations (GET OUTA THE ROMANTIC PERIOD!!! STOP IT ALREADY WITH “CONTEMPORARY *puke* JAZZ”!!!) that I now just find CDs or mp3s or whatever to buy and/or download online. Oh, sometimes a radio station in Australia, but even it has slim pickin’s. Often, I just listen to the best stereo system in the world: the one with a musical memory bank between my ears…
  6. I am a wuss when it comes to “putting down” a pet in pain that cannot be controlled or fixed, but have (had) no trouble taking a shovel (rather than deal with firearm discharge issues in “city” limits) to an apparently rabid ground hog.
  7. I am fully invested in confronting the FACT that our “feddle gummint” has become illegitimate, tyrannical, unconstitutional, and that congresscritters, executives and judicial appointees are simply doing what an illiterate, greedy, enstupiated electorate wants. Of course, “fully invested” doesn’t mean that’s the sum of my life, only that at NO time will I be silenced when I see an opportunity to “speak truth to (illegitimate) power”.
  8. Why? Because I am a curmudgeon at heart. Nope, not misanthropic, just irritated beyond imagination by wilfull stupidity. Not cynical, just healthily sceptical–for cause! I have no problem throwing the bullshit flag at any time, on anyone, anywhere. Period. “Win friends and influence people”? *feh* 90% of people aren’t worth enough to consider as friends, and that same 90% is either too stupid or corrupt to be influenced by reason. A pox on them all.
  9. I watch “chick flicks” with my Wonder Woman to be companionable. Every now and then, one of ’em turns out to be worth watching. Go figure.
  10. I have had vivid dreams wherein The 0! is revealed by incontrovertable evidence to be a native born Kenyan who surrendered his Kenyan citizenship to become Indonesian, is run out of office, prosecuted for his campaign law violations and stripped of his fortune before being deported to Indonesia. Hey! A guy has to have dreams, doesn’t he?

Now, I’ll make time later to tag a few friends (while they still are friends *heh*) and insert the victims’ tags here.