“From the mountains, to the prairies… “

…to the Left Coast: ACORN just keeps the “Counseling for Pedophile Sex Slave Ring” advice rolling in! Glen Beck had it at the top of the hour @5:00 Eastern 09*15-09, and you can find it now at Biggovernment.com.

Coming soon, a new super hero movie about Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe Exposing the Evils of ACORN and Our (Poisonous)Nut-in-Chief? *heh*

Remember, this is a guy–The 0!–who promised ACORN “a place at the table,” who has a longstanding symbiotic relationship with ACORN, who has held clinics for ACORN on using Alinsky’s tactics for radicals and has represented them in court cases to force banks to give risky loans (you know, the kinds of risky loans that eventually brought down the Fannie Mae house of cards, etc.?).

Birds of a feather should be tarred with the same brush. (Yeh, I mixed the metaphors. So? Metas are for mixing, sometimes. *heh*)

Also at a href=”http://biggovernment.com/” target=”_blank”>Biggovernment.com, ACORN=RICO and Exclusive: ACORN Illegally Operating in Maryland

Once an investigation starts, as has apparently already been started in Brooklyn, who knows what may come of subpoenaed records? Once one card falls, perhaps even Eric Holder won’t be able to derail a RICO investigation. And if THAT were to start, all The 0!’s longstanding ties to ACORN will eventually come out. Teapot Dome Scandal? Watergate? Penny-ante stuff. If this gains juuuust enough traction, it can

make investigations of the rest of The 0!’s past more likely
quite possibly bring about a change of administration before Inauguration Day, 2013.

God bless Giles and O’Keefe.

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