An Argument for Going Slowly on Instituting New Legislation

Each new bill before Congress haqs the potential for expanding the bureaucracy to implement the bill and, Das Buros steht immer, that is, once a bureau or agency or arm of the “feddle gummint” is filled with bureaucraps, the shit just never seems to get hauled out (bureaucracies tend only to expand, not contract–or even disappear when the ostensible reason for their creation disappears).

That alone, it seems to me, is reason enough to proceed very, very slowly when about to create a whole new bureaucrappy, like that which would accompany “feddle gummint” illegal (unconstitutional) meddling in health care delivery.

Oh, and then there’s the whole enumerated powers thing that congresscritters seem to have (deliberately) swept under the rug. “Look over there. Don’t mind that Constitution thing we’ve hidden behind a curtain of bullshit.”


…for surviving dealing with politicians *spit*, Mass MEdia Podpeople, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and other Loony Left Moonbats through the end of 2009 and beyond:




Build on these essentials with other items–perhaps a full hazmat suit.