
Yeh, still feeling a bit testy.

Well, my ISP’s service is still “not as advertised,” but I never really expected that it would be. But apparently, griping and complaining and keeping it up until one gets results is the ONLY way to get results with my ISP, now. Once? Great service. Recently? Like pulling eye teeth. Even the service techs who drop by are getting a bit exercised. Tired of having to deal with problems they keep submitting for folks higher up the food chain to deal with–folks who have been killing customer connections left and right for the past few months under the claim that they’re “improving service”.

Not around here. My complaints–though backed with more tech knowledge than most that have been submitted from this area, and there have been MANY–have been essentially the same as everyone else from this service area… and no matter how the local techs have kept pressing for solutions that are out of their hands, it just needed much more heat coming regularly and without ceasing from customers to apparently finally get someone to stop sitting on their thumbs.

“Apparently” I say, because at least I have solid connections now (haven’t checked with others locally yet), but service has apparently improved from time to time in the past few months, only to fail outright or become unusably slow without warning–and without the ISP knowing part of the system’s down until being flooded with customer service calls (“Our call system is full; please call back later” or simply phone numbers that don’t work are not things a customer without service likes to hear… )

But for now…


Not bad. Not as advertised, but not bad at all. For now. (Of course, earlier today? Notsomuch good. Not at all, at all… *sigh*)

But for now, it’s not sucking dead bunnies through a straw. For now.