D.C. Tea Party

Fresh Update: from 1964, Bob Dylan:

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Dont stand in the doorway
Dont block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
Theres a battle outside
And it is ragin.
Itll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin.

UPDATE: from the UK’s Daily Mail,

Up to two million march to US Capitol to protest against Obama’s spending in ‘tea-party’ demonstration (N.B. Daily Mail changed the headline to “Up to one million” today, with no notice of the redaction. Not good journalism.)

“Up to” would of course include a smaller number, but nowhere near as small as the “60,000-70,000” some jackasses in the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind have asserted.


Watch for Keith Olbermann to make some sneering comment about the number of folks who share his sexual preferences.

Here, from a Wshington D.C. traffic cam, a view of the D.C. Tea Party:


No doubt The 0! and his minions will sneer at this gathering as well.


Another Update: from the D.C. Tea Party:

h.t. Harriet Baldwin

And, methinks CNN got the respect it was due:

ACORN Advice on Running a Prostitution Ring

Yep. How to Run a Sex Slave Business, from President Obama’s buddies in ACORN:


h.t. Woody

OK, that was in Baltimore. How about in Washington D.C.?

And, part 2:

h.t., Big Government


ACORN accuses Fox News of being racist for revealing ACORN sleeze. Nuh-uh, says moi. What’s racist about video showing no less than FOUR BLACK WOMEN telling a white guy and his purported prostitute-prospective-madam how to run a sex slave business? Supposedly using Salvadoran children? Nothing racist about that, is there? Just the facts, madams.


Of course, this assinine accusation of racism on Fox’s part was issued before the Washington D.C. video was released… I guess now it’s going to be just more charges of racism from folks who wouldn’t even recognize their own racism if it slapped them upside the head with a dead cod. *sigh* Some folks really would be more valuable as compost than as ongoing oxygen sinks… but that’s not my decision to make (though I hope you’d excuse me a little dream that they’d make that decision themselves; it’d be the right thing to do, you know… *heh*).

In America, Anyone Can Grow Up To Be President

James Simpson makes a pertinent point in an American Thinker piece:

I don’t take issue with “differently abled” people who imagine they are co-equal partners with God. I firmly believe they should be entitled to all the free healthcare they need, and free room, board, and round-the-clock medications.

However, these people should be subject to some modest restraints as well. For example, they should be prohibited from purchasing a handgun. As a lifetime NRA member, I am with Brady on that one. Similarly they shouldn’t be allowed to drive. They should be let off the grounds every now and then…

But under no circumstances should they be allowed to be President of the United States!

I Sing the Body Electric

(h.t. to Ray Bradbury for the post title)

What a wonderful world (h.t. Bob Thiele and George David Weiss via Louis Armstrong). Yeh, just sitting here contemplating one small aspect of the wonderful world we live in. Despite the machinations of politicians *spit*, Mass MEdia Podpeople and Academia Nut Fruitcakes, we have available to us such a massive amoiunt of knowledge, our own means of fact checking and many, many eyes to do the checking on the lies, damned lies and worse perpetrated in the name of “news” and “education” that instead of accepting the lies promulgated by such as Walter Cronkite (R.I.P.) about the Vietnam War*, we can actually–easily–fact check sources of information and come up with a closer approximation of truth than is available from traditional sources.

Thank God for the resources made available via the internet. And God bless citizen journalists on the internet.

*By any rational analysis, “America lost the War in Vietnam” is a disingenuous meme on the order of the ancient Egyptian attempt to erradicate all historical record of the Hyksos or the hagiography of that greatest of presidential violators of the Constitution, Lincoln (so far: The 0! is attempting to give him a run for his money). Just saying. Do your homework and you’ll see.


Yeh, still feeling a bit testy.

Well, my ISP’s service is still “not as advertised,” but I never really expected that it would be. But apparently, griping and complaining and keeping it up until one gets results is the ONLY way to get results with my ISP, now. Once? Great service. Recently? Like pulling eye teeth. Even the service techs who drop by are getting a bit exercised. Tired of having to deal with problems they keep submitting for folks higher up the food chain to deal with–folks who have been killing customer connections left and right for the past few months under the claim that they’re “improving service”.

Not around here. My complaints–though backed with more tech knowledge than most that have been submitted from this area, and there have been MANY–have been essentially the same as everyone else from this service area… and no matter how the local techs have kept pressing for solutions that are out of their hands, it just needed much more heat coming regularly and without ceasing from customers to apparently finally get someone to stop sitting on their thumbs.

“Apparently” I say, because at least I have solid connections now (haven’t checked with others locally yet), but service has apparently improved from time to time in the past few months, only to fail outright or become unusably slow without warning–and without the ISP knowing part of the system’s down until being flooded with customer service calls (“Our call system is full; please call back later” or simply phone numbers that don’t work are not things a customer without service likes to hear… )

But for now…


Not bad. Not as advertised, but not bad at all. For now. (Of course, earlier today? Notsomuch good. Not at all, at all… *sigh*)

But for now, it’s not sucking dead bunnies through a straw. For now.

Browser Sniffers Suck Dead Bunnies Through a Straw

*sigh* I am oh-so-tired of sites that browser sniff to determine whether, in the site designer’s idiot mind, the site will “work” with my browser. Typically, sites that won’t function at all can be made to be fully functional when I simply RIGHT-CLICK, choose “Edit Site Preferences” from the context menu, select Network, tell Opera to mask itself as Internet Exploder or even just Firefox, then reload the page.

If all that’s different (and it is all that’s different; no functionality is changed, no emulation of another browser is implemented) is that the site now “thinks” I’m using a browser on its approved list, so now the site works, then browser sniffers are worthless wastes of time.

But idiot site builders still use ’em, because… they’re idiots, I suppose. No, worse: dumbasses. Heck, even Microsoft only warns of browser incompatibilities when it’s going to insist on using mondo insecure ActiveX controls or needs a Silverlight plugin. (That’s when I download and install Moonlight, if I’ve not already. Thanks but no thanks, Me$$y$oft; I prefer open source for that. Of course, Moonlight’s only for Linux systems, but that’s what I’ve been using whenever I’ve visited a Silverlight-“enabled” site. *heh*)

One of Those Lil “Gotchas”

N.B. This is Win7 compgeeky, so skip to a post below if you’re not interested in this stuff.

I’m running the Windows 7 RC on this “side” of this computer, and every now and then a teensy lil “gotcha” pops up. Nothing comprising an insurmountable roadblock, but casual users who are early adopters may find their upgrade path come October 21 to have a few small stumbling blocks. Here’s an example from my “lunch hour” today.

So, I was offered a freebie full version of CA’s Internet Security 2009. “Hmm,” methought, “why not just give it a try?” So, d/led the installer, UNinstalled my anti-virus (the only “resident” anti-malware on this “side” of this machine apart from Win7’s firewall) and installed the thing… sorta. The install routine popped up with a warning that it could ONLY install a trial of the anti-virus, because my system didn’t meet the minimum requirements.

So, I installed it again, right over the installation already attempted, except that THIS time, I first RIGHT-CLICKed on the installer program and chose “Properties”. From the Properties lage, I selected the “Compatibility” tab and told Win7 to invoke the installation file in Vista Service Pack 2 compatibility mode. OK’ed my way out and…

Bob’s your uncle. I was able to install the FULL versions of the entire CA Internet Security 2009 suite of applications.

Easy-peasy. If you know what to do.