Browser Sniffers Suck Dead Bunnies Through a Straw

*sigh* I am oh-so-tired of sites that browser sniff to determine whether, in the site designer’s idiot mind, the site will “work” with my browser. Typically, sites that won’t function at all can be made to be fully functional when I simply RIGHT-CLICK, choose “Edit Site Preferences” from the context menu, select Network, tell Opera to mask itself as Internet Exploder or even just Firefox, then reload the page.

If all that’s different (and it is all that’s different; no functionality is changed, no emulation of another browser is implemented) is that the site now “thinks” I’m using a browser on its approved list, so now the site works, then browser sniffers are worthless wastes of time.

But idiot site builders still use ’em, because… they’re idiots, I suppose. No, worse: dumbasses. Heck, even Microsoft only warns of browser incompatibilities when it’s going to insist on using mondo insecure ActiveX controls or needs a Silverlight plugin. (That’s when I download and install Moonlight, if I’ve not already. Thanks but no thanks, Me$$y$oft; I prefer open source for that. Of course, Moonlight’s only for Linux systems, but that’s what I’ve been using whenever I’ve visited a Silverlight-“enabled” site. *heh*)