“Scherzo after a ballad by Goethe” *heh*

L’apprenti sorcier, a symphonic poem composed by Paul Dukas in 1897, is the music used for the Sorcerer’s Aprentice section of Disney’s 1943 Fantasia. It’s retasked here in an ingenious setting in the Oberlin College Library as The Resourcerer’s Aprentice:

N.B. Do make sure you play this through a decent set of speakers at a proper volume. ๐Ÿ™‚

(Actually, since my Wonder Woman is a librarian, I kinda wondered who cleaned up the mess after the shoot on the “set” at Oberlin… ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

2 Replies to ““Scherzo after a ballad by Goethe” *heh*”

    1. TF, I think you do a disservice to the good folks at the Oberlin College Library when you compare the “mess” made by the “Resourcerer’s Apprentice” to the piles of crap issuing from a Congress grown fat on our tax dollars *heh*… but yeh, congressional crap is pretty messy.

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