One of Those Lil “Gotchas”

N.B. This is Win7 compgeeky, so skip to a post below if you’re not interested in this stuff.

I’m running the Windows 7 RC on this “side” of this computer, and every now and then a teensy lil “gotcha” pops up. Nothing comprising an insurmountable roadblock, but casual users who are early adopters may find their upgrade path come October 21 to have a few small stumbling blocks. Here’s an example from my “lunch hour” today.

So, I was offered a freebie full version of CA’s Internet Security 2009. “Hmm,” methought, “why not just give it a try?” So, d/led the installer, UNinstalled my anti-virus (the only “resident” anti-malware on this “side” of this machine apart from Win7’s firewall) and installed the thing… sorta. The install routine popped up with a warning that it could ONLY install a trial of the anti-virus, because my system didn’t meet the minimum requirements.

So, I installed it again, right over the installation already attempted, except that THIS time, I first RIGHT-CLICKed on the installer program and chose “Properties”. From the Properties lage, I selected the “Compatibility” tab and told Win7 to invoke the installation file in Vista Service Pack 2 compatibility mode. OK’ed my way out and…

Bob’s your uncle. I was able to install the FULL versions of the entire CA Internet Security 2009 suite of applications.

Easy-peasy. If you know what to do.

Obamanation Kiddies’ Hour?


Obamanation Kiddies’ Hour? Notsomuch in America’s Third World County. So far, I have confirmation of two gradeschool/middle school combos here in America’s Third World County canceling any participation in The 0!’s first nationwide indoctrination of America’s pubschool children in Obama Worship.

Hmmm, seems parents were burning up the telco wiring and–surprise! surprise!–school administrators looked at their hole card and decided deuces weren’t gonna cut it.

Open thread at Moonbattery (whence the graphic above was stolen urm, borrowed).