A Quote for Today

As the election season heats up to make up for lack of sunspot activity, try to remind yourself what the ancient Roman reform candidate once said:

“Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather what you can do for your country.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)

(That JFK guy sure knew how to steal from *urm* sincerely flatter *uh* quote the best, didn’t he?)

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The Weirdest Obama Rumor?

Obama is the Goa’uld Apophis.

OK, so it’s creepy how much he looks like the Stargate SG-1 character (but only–really–because of the sizable ear flaps on Apophis’ headgear–and Apophis still isn’t nearly as “scary” looking as Obama *heh*), and it’s about as funny as these kind of loony rumors get, but it’s still not as loopy as some of the rumors and false reports that made it into the Mass Media Podpeople “reportage” about Governor Palin in the first week after her tapping for veep candidate.

Still, for a completely off-the-wall, foul ball out past the left field wall, sendup of a rumor, it’s at least

a. more credible and
b. funnier

than most of the crazy accusations flung Governor Palin’s way for the past week-and-a-half.

*Bleh!* That’s not beer!

So, lovely daughter brought home, in addition to other stuff, the contents of her fridge, including some “Miller Chill”. I ruined dinner tonight by drinking some with the food. I should have found a horse to pour it back into, instead (except, of course, that after having been mistreated by the Miller “Brewng” Company, it probably would have made the horse hurl).

*sigh* The label had the usual government warnings, Bah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah” but nothng useful, like

WARNING! If you drink this you will want to gouge the memory from your brain with a rusty fork!”

Oh, well, what does not kill us and all that…


Lefty Reasoning?

Let’s see if I can come up with an understanding of leftist reasoning…

Nobody is better than Obama!
Palin is nobody.
Therefore… Palin is better than Obama?



(OK, OK, so it’s an equivocation, but it’s still sounder reasoning than anything I’ve heard from lefties recently on the subject, even though it does include the “Palin is nobody” falsehood. And at least I constructed it knowing it was based on a fallacy, and I admitted it, two steps better what’s been bruited about by lefties running scared.)

Blog for Sarah?

No, this blog has not become a single-issue blog for Sarah Palin, but…

If Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, Golda Meir and Winston Churchill had been easier on the eyes…


Yeh, easy on the eyes makes it easier to pay attention. She’s not just another bland (yeh, even The Obamassiah’s bland by comparison) artificial political construct.

And then there’s her voice. While Ye Olde Voice Coache *heh* in me would like to have a couple of months to work with her voice (which sounds like a nice basic instrument), another part of me, the part that hears my wife’s “north country” relatives’ vowels and is comforted thereby, just relaxes and smiles at hearing a genuine voice, untainted by East and Left coast mass media manufactured diction.

And then, easy on the eyes face, comforting to the ears/soul voice making it easier to hear the smart and true and telling words she utters: very powerful. (Simply making paying attention easier is a powerful, powerful tool for political persuasion.)

Couple that with a record that is a compelling testimony to good works–and yes, I have read her detractors, and frankly, so far, all the shrill and angry voices serve as an endorsement of Palin; one can tell a lot about a person by looking at who chooses to be their enemy, you know–and the Palin addition to the ticket truly validates Bill Dyer’s campaign slogan for the McCain/Palin ticket:

I look forward to 2012 and 2016–or even 2016 and 2020, should I make it that far–*heh*–when we might anticipate a Palin/Jindal ticket to vote for…


Banning Books

[A tip o’ the tam to “Right_of_Attila” commenting at Hot Air]

No, not the Palin Banned Books List Hoax; the PC Banned Books List scandal-that-never-was-but-ought-to-be.

Oh, there are numerous books “banned” (not purchased, widely eschewed) by public libraries throughout the land, but these books are more often than not “banned” by a PC climate that stifles free enquiry, “burns” with scorn books that are non-PC, and refuses worthwhile reading to the public.

Perhaps one example will suffice to spur some reader to personal investigation of this silent banning.

The Story of Little Black Sambo. Oh, you may well find a copy of Sam and the tigers : a new telling of Little Black Sambo, a politically correct revoicing of the story.

But the original story is far, far from an offensive racist tale. It is an heroic tale of pluck, determination, wit and a young boy who courageously overcomes great odds while accomplishing something worthwhile.

So why is it really so widely “banned”–excluded from collections, weeded, discarded, gone? Because, I suspect, it portrays a child “of color” with intelligence and determination who courageously overcomes great odds while accomplishing something worthwhile. That alone would be enough to get it on a leftist whitey plantation owner’s hit list. Can’t have lil black boys (or lil black girls, for that matter) exposed to such uppity ideas, now can we?


Check and see if your library has the original story in its collection.. If it doesn’t, (the third world county library doesn’t) burn your library card at the front desk (too late; I destroyed my twc library card long ago… ).

Note: I know a responsible librarian personally, very well, and there are cases where patron concerns must be addressed. This usually can be accomplished by recataloging items that may be unsuitable for certain ages, simple discussion of concerns by patrons, etc., but there may well be legitimate instances where books may be removed from collections for cause. I wouldn’t, for example, advocate removal of a book by Dan Blather, simply because he was the author, but I would demand a close investigation of any book by him concerning Rathergate, and if it were simply another weasel-worded excuse for his lies, damned lies and “fake but accurate” non-journalism, I’d militate mightily to be allowed to be the one to burn the damned thing, along with Dan Blather in effigy… while no doubt whooping “Courage Courage!” at the top of my lungs. *heh*

Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, Democrat=Socialist, and Dumb Ox Daily News, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Among Likely Voters, Whatsisname/Palin by 10 Points?

That’s apparently what Gallup says, now. (h.t. STACLU)

When the redes are in your favor, though, check your six…


What of the likely Electoral College breakdown in the polls? Subtracting the “tossup” states parameter at Real Clear Politics’s composite of the pollsters’ output yields an eight point spread between The Obamassiah/The Plagiarist Hack and Whatsisname/Palin. Advantage: The Obamassiah/The Plagiarist Hack.

And there are still what? 63 Days til November 5?

A long row to hoe in tall cotton…

[micro-mini update: *argh!* I know election day is November 4th this year, but I keep getting it wrong because “Guy Fawkes Day” is November 5th… seriously, that is the reason. It’s a BIG holiday for me… *heh*]

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Greta van Susteren: Introducing Sarah Palin…

Oops. I can’t recall where I first heard of this Greta van Susteren segment doing remote interviews of three (representative? Probably, since last week her approval rating was above 80% with Alaskans–down only a few percentage points since early in her term) Alaskans who purport to know Sarah Palin well, but whoever tipped me to it, thanks!

Of course, there are some with sour grapes: the librarian from Palin’s first term as Mayor of Wasilla who vents a lot of spleen whnever Palin’s name comes up; her scumbag former brother-in-law; some loser she pounded into the pavement in the governor’s race (I think he got about 10% of the vote), etc. All to be expected. Heck, George Washington (not that I’m saying Palin’s a Washington–I’m not) had his detractors in his day, eh? Most of ’em with about as much reason as Palin’s detractors, from all I can discover so far.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Mark My Words, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Conservative Cat, Shadowscope, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Now, This Is Just Depressing… *sigh*

Good news/bad news? Or just odd news/odder news?

OK, so I did not so much mind it when I stepped on the bathroom scales and noted a five-pound weight loss since the last time I weighed myself, about a month ago.

But when I tried on one of my old hard hats that’d just been sitting around for several years since I last used it, and I had to adjust the size down twice, *sigh* I dunno… that’s NOT where I wanted to lose weight.


(Then again, is it just me or are shoe sizes getting weird? For years I wore 9-1/2D shoes. Now, I have to pad 8-1/2 shoes with insoles to make ’em fit. Are my feet getting smaller?:-))

Perspiring minds just wanna know what’s going on here.

What’s Changed Since 2004?

Let’s let the candidate speak for himself, shall we? (h.t. STACLU)

So, enlighten us, O Great Obamassiah; what’s changed since 2004 to make you qualified to be the president of the United States of America?

Let’s see…

Barack Obama missed 301 of 1282 roll call votes (23%) since Jan 6, 2005. The graph below shows the percent of roll call votes Barack Obama was absent for during the member’s time in Congress.

The absentee rate is in red. The two black dotted lines provide a context for understanding the significance of the absentee rate. The lower dotted line shows the median value for all Members of Congress in that time period. The upper dotted line shows the 90th percentile. A Member who approaches the upper dotted line is in the worst 10 percent of Congress.

OK, he’s managed to reach the top 10% of absentee senators. WTG. Can’t even vote “present” when he’s absent.

Let’s see, what else has The Obamassiah achieved since he admitted he was not qualified to be President?

Has he actually introduced any bills?

Well, no. OK, two dingus bills. *yawn*

OK, how about his “work” on the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs? Yep, “his” committee got a bill out “to call for divestment from Iran as way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don’t obtain a nuclear weapon” (according to The Obamassiah)… except that he’s not even a member of the committee, so, mmm, it could scarcely be called “his committee” now mcould it?(as he called it July 23, 2008)

So, what exactly are the “accomplishments” that now qualify him for the job?

Barack Obama contends that he is more experienced in executive matters than Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because he has managed his presidential campaign for the past 18 months.

Say again?

“Well, my understanding is that Governor Palin’s town of Wasilla has, I think, 50 employees. We’ve got 2,500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe $12 million a year. You know, we have a budget of about three times that just for the month. So I think that our ability to manage large systems and to execute I think has been made clear over the last couple of years.”

What. A. Maroon.

So, using The Obamassiah’s own criteria (which seem to equate Wasilla Alaska to the entire state–again with the geographically challenged candidate: Wasilla, AK ain’t the 57th state, Mr. Obamassiah), let’s run the numbers, comparing The Obamassiah’s crab apples to apples, shall we?

From his figures for his campaign budget, maybe as much as $432,000,000 per year, being exceptionally generous with his “about three times” $12,000,000/month. (If he can back up his claims to be spending $36,000,000/month to get elected President, then we need to get some questions answered about where that money’s coming from! If not, then we need to seriously doubt his ability to do simple sums.)

Alaska State budget? A little over $6,600,000,000.

Advantage: Palin, by about 16 times as big a budget. Ooo, Ooo, Mr Obamassiah! *mmm* Does that make Palin 16X more qualified than you? (By his own stated criterion, yes, so far.)

OK, The Obamassiah says he supervises/administers an employee base of 2,500 in his campaign.

Surprisingly, this works in The Obamassiah’s favor. Apparently, the State of Alaska has only about 24,000 employees. Still, advantage: Palin, by a margin of only 9.6 times as many employees. So, by this Obamassiah criterion, Palin, who’s been on this executive job longer than The Obamassiah’s been “supervising” his putative 2,500 employees, is only a little less than ten times as qualified as The Obamassiah.

Please, Mr Obamassiah, explain some more why that old saying I coined this week is so wise:

Never stop a man who’s attempting to commit suicide with the jawbone of an ass.