Pitchin’ a concept…


For all the folks missing their “Harry Potter” fix cos Rowling’s not doing that gig any more, hows about someone comes up with a series about a Canine Witch… with a crab family for her “familiar”.

Yep, a Canine Witch with crabs. Hey! I can see the first movie already! Bitchin’! (As Sherry M. wrote in my first high school yearbook, many, many, many decades of moons ago… Hey! I earned that by letting her copy my tests in biology. *heh*.)

Be hard to come up with a catchy name for the central character, though, since NOW has a lock on all the really good ones.

Listing Starboard–again

First, a note about my browsing habits (part of which are noted here). After 13 years of using the Opera browser (during most of which I paid for the privilege–it was that good in its early years as opposed to the competition), I have developed habits some of which may be becoming a new habit for recent Firefox and IE7 users, notably humongous numbers of open tabs. In fact, since I may be running two or three instances of Opera–different versions, for different OSes–at once in the same machine, I may have b etween 50 and 80 different tabs open at once. Hence, I sometimes lose track–bad habit!–of what led me to a particular link. And, since some of the Opera installs I run are THE latest snapshots of works-in-progress, I do see this come into play every now and then:

WARNING: This is a development snapshots: it contains the latest changes, but may also have severe known issues, including crashes and data loss situations. In fact, it may not work at all.


That said, here are a few recent “starboard leaning” lost links:

Essential reading on recent Wall Street/Banking events.: How the Masters of the Universe ran amok and cost us the earth

“The first casualty of an American presidential campaign is context…” (*heh*) Paul Greenberg notes in his column, “In the Pigs and Lipstick Dept., Context Can Be All”

In “The Gibson Doctrine” Dennis Prager, the epitome of a “kinder, gentler” conservative columnist, deconstructs Charlie Gibson–oh so kindly and gently–and leaves the bastard bleeding on the floor. An excerpt:

When he asked Palin whether she agreed with the Bush Doctrine without defining it, he gave the game away. He lost any pretense of fairness. Asking the same unanswerable question three times had one purpose — to humiliate the woman. That was not merely partisan. It was mean.

I couldn’t answer it — and I have been steeped in international affairs since I was a Fellow at the Columbia University School of International Affairs in the 1970s. I have since been to 82 countries, and have lectured in Russian in Russia and in Hebrew in Israel. Most Americans would consider a candidate for national office who had such a resume qualified as regards international relations. Yet I had no clue how to answer Gibson’s question.

I had no clue because there is no right answer…

Charlie Gibson trying to assume Dan Rather’s mantle: “Exact words”=”Fake but accurate” for an audience that cannot keep its eye on the ball.

Obama and His Blankie. Just read it.

Grading Obama’s essay on economics. *heh*

I can actually recall the web search that led to these next couple of links. I had reason to recall The Third World County Great Blackout of January 2007 and thought to doublecheck my emergency preparedness:

Disaster Survival Food Pantry Basics

Survival Guide More priented toward TEOTWAWKI events, but a useful check on preparedness for events like The Third World County Great Blackout of January 2007.

One of the best Palin stories yet.

Found under, “Things That Make Me Go, ‘Hmm…'”–

Top Clinton fundraiser backing McCain, not Obama

Obama’s “community organizer” resume bullet point demolished.

That should about do it for today.

Trackposted to , The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

The Obamassiah’s New Release: “I Took My Prompter To The Rodeo”

I don’t know how it’s doing on the charts–heck, I didn’t even know The One sang Country!–but it’s a hit with folks here in America’s Third World County who already think he’s a bad joke.

(CNN) — It appears Barack Obama’s teleprompter is hitting the campaign trail.

The Democratic presidential nominee has never tried to hide the fact he delivers speeches off the device, though normally he doesn’t use one at standard campaign rallies and town hall events.

But the Illinois senator used a teleprompter at both his Colorado events Monday — making for a particularly peculiar scene in Pueblo, where the prompter was set up in the middle of what is normally a rodeo ring.

As Mark Steyn notes, this could be even more amusing if The Obamabot uses a teleprompter at the debates…

h.t. Tim Blair

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