All Dressed Up and No Place to Go

Michelle Malkin has one of the better (of many good posts at various sites) posts/discussion threads up about the Palin email “hack”. MQ? Glad you asked. It’s from a “tech-savvy reader who monitors the hackers’ site” who emailed Malkin what he’d discovered of the original invader’s own comments:

I read though the emails… ALL OF THEM… before I posted, and what I concluded was anticlimactic, there was nothing there, nothing incriminating, nothing that would derail her campaign as I had hoped, all I saw was personal stuff, some clerical stuff from when she was governor…. And pictures of her family

So, all the hoopla, hype and spin the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind has put on it in the last coupla days (the “She was hiding state business/’Troopergate’!” bullshit) leaves the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind drowning in the Obamassiah tank with no place (legitimate) to go.

Of course, that won’t stop them from going all sorts of illegitimate places in their attempts to make radishes out of bunny poop.

The real gem in all this? The Obamassiah hands out marching orders,

“I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face…” [emphasis in the original bloviation by the Obamassiah]

And–surprise! surprise!–an Obamabot takes him seriously:

David Kernell Named in Sarah Palin E-Mail Hack, Son of Democrat Mike Kernell
By Jon Shanks
Sep 19, 2008

Who hacked the e-mail of Sarah Palin? Right now it appears that authorities are looking at David Kernell. Tennessee state Rep. Mike Kernell [D-Negligent Father–twc] became nationally known this afternoon. He can thank his son, David. Look out as this just got very partisan and this does not bode well for Democrats who now appear they will do anything to try and defeat John McCain and Sarah Palin including breaking the law.

Who woulda thunk it? *heh*

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Keeping the Message on Target

Hmmm, nice to know there’s another moderately smart lawyer out there. John Hinderaker summed up one of the points I made in a conversation w/my Wonder Woman earlier,

Given his [MaCain’s] prescient warnings about Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac–once again, whatever you think of his positions on some other issues, he has indisputably been not just right but far ahead of the curve on one of the most significant issues of our time–McCain has a lot to work with. He needs to reaffirm his support for a free economy, while emphasizing his credentials as a reformist.

This isn’t at all contradictory, since the main corruption of recent times has come from the intermingling of the public with the private. A reaffirmation of free enterprise, with reasonably low tax rates, is entirely compatible with a righteous determination to drive the money-changers–in fact, nearly all Democratic money-changers–out of the federal temple. Someone needs to remind McCain that “reform” is not synonymous with “regulation.” On the contrary.

No, I don’t think Hinderaker has twc central bugged. What he said is just (not-so-common) common sense. Of course, what I miss in all the commentary I’ve read about the political debates-by-proxy in various media and the economy is some substantive talk about energy policy. Frankly, it’s stupid t talk about Wall Street, Wall Street, Wall Street and leave out the simple fact that a robust economy runs on its energy supply. And that having the throttle of that energy supply in foreign hands is stupid.

Let Juan Mexicain talk about the issues as Hinderaker outlined them and let Palin pound on, “It’s the gas prices, stupid!” (and other pertinent energy issues) and the poor Obamassiah will not be able to keep up with the dialog, no matter how fast his teleprompter scrolls.

I’m still waiting for MCCain to cave to ANWR drilling. If he does that, I’ll hold out hope for him seeing some good sense on immigration policy as well. Hope for change like that is a good thing.

If McCain can do these things, he might even have some coat tails come November.

Hmmm… it just occurred to me (for the umpteenth time) that there is still some virtue left in the Repugnican’t camp. Not once in this campaign cycle have I heard/read a Repug wishing for another terrorist attack on our soil–a disaster that could only serve to enhance Repug chances at election–but I have heard/read Dhimmicraps and their fellow travelers chortling with glee at hurricanes striking the U.S. (especially Ike disrupting the Repug convention) and economic problems. Seems Dhimmis run on the pain and suffering of others and have a vested interest in more pain and suffering happening to keep their trains running.