A Lil Compy Fun

[Note: I wrote about this last night, but it disappeared into the bit bucket somewhere and *poof!* ;-)]

Son&Heir and I took a day off and headed north. Ended up barely avoiding re-enacting a minor subset of The Gift of the Magi by buying each others’ Christmas presents together. *heh*

Soooo… I bought him his “original” XBox (all $60 of it) and he bought me mine. We knew he had his eye on a $75 deal on one to go along with his Wii and XBox 360 and PS3 for whatever reason and thought that would be a reasonable addition to his Xmas list from us. What we didn’t know was that he had planned on buying two, modding them to be used as media servers and giving us one of them.

(Oh, you noticed the disparity between the $75 and the $60? Yep. Price wars. NOTE: not exactly “price wars”–see comments.)

So, I’m modding “his” and he’s modding “ours”.

Works. (He gets the six games that came with the two ‘Boxes.)

As it stands, I’m just getting up to speed on the modding process. Deciding between a strictly softmod or an all-out hard mod. The difference? About $100. For the hard mod, about $40 for a mod chip plus $40 for some peripheral hardware, plus $60 for a new hard drive.

For a softmod, just about $40 for some interface hardware to easily transfer some setup files from my PC to the XBox–the rest of the stuff is either free (all free software) or already in Son&Heir’s possession (lil hardware stuff). Heck, maybe another $10 for a USB-to-PS/2 “Y” adapter for using a nice lil wireless keyboard/mouse combo I semi-retired a while back (the mouse felt a tad klunky in my hand).

Then, yeh, I’d probably change out the hard drive for a larger one. The reason I’d consider chipping the thing is that I could add a MUCH larger hard drive were I to do that. So, I may softmod it and then chip it later. That’d work. Heck, once I figure the best streaming solution from my computer with the TV card, I’d certainly want a larger hard drive to store DVR stuff, but not over 200GiB. If I needed more storage than that, I’d just burn a DVD or three.

Speaking of… Ripped the Jackie Chan/Jet Li “The Forbidden Kingdom” DVD the other day, cos the rental was up and Son&Heir wanted a look at it (yeh, the copy’s destroyed now–I think; that was the plan, at least). I’d just have kept it over and paid the late fee, but… small town, small video rental place, and apparently the vid’s really pouplar, so I took it back on time. Anywho, it’s a DVD I may well buy. The wire-fu scenes with the Monkey King, and the scene with Let Li and Jackie Chan going at each other are really, really good “choreography”. Fun. Heck, the stuff that’s not fly-by-wire-fu in those scenes is even better than the wire fu. The plot’s nothing. Characterization’s so-so (Jackie’s always fun, and Jet Li gets to play some fun parts in this one, but character development? In a Jackie Chan movie? Fuggetaboutit! *heh*). Nah. This is all about the “choreography” and the camera work. Fun movie.

Bad part? No out takes normally found in Jackie Chan movies. Bummer. Oh, well. Can’t have everything. This at least had Jackie Chan and Jet Li in the same flick.

BHOs: Security Risks?

I’m getting confused. I always kinda thought of BHOs as potential security risks, things to be watched carefully and often blocked. Now that November 4 is approaching, I thought to myself, “Self, better check up on what the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind is chanting,” so I have done so, and it seems they’re all chanting, “BHO will save us.”

Can that be right?

I’m soooo confused. Unconfuse me, will ya?


In other not-so-news, our TVs had a problem last night. Seems Fox, NationalBarackChannel and CentralBarackSystem (I assume; CBS–all “See BS” all the time–hasn’t been tuned in here at twc central since Rathergate) were all “snow” for about an hour last night. Wonder why? *heh*

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, Democrat=Socialist, The World According to Carl, and Shadowscope, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Proposed Agenda for a McCain/Palin Administration

There are many issues facing the U.S., but two can be dealt with effectively and decisively, if we were to have some leadership with real intestinal fortitude that had our nation’s interests at heart.

Face it: prospects for both the American economy and the rest of the world pretty much suck right now… primarily because of government interference in marketplaces here and around the world. Real jobs for the middle of the Bell Curve are still fleeing our shores, in large part because of anti-business government practices that encourage manufacturing companies to take their businesses elsewhere to remain competitive.

Our security situation–despite great gains in Iraq in both anihilating huge segments of al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations and manufacturing a feagile stability in the region–is largely security theater, what with joke security at airports and porous borders that serve as no protection whatsoever against a massive invasion (primarily from the south) let alone terrorists intent on carrying out attacks on civilians. Keeping ’em busy in Iraq has probably been the only thing–or at least the main thing–preventing another 9/11 type attack.

The economy: quit throwing taxpayer money at the problem. As Arthur Laffer wrote recently,

“Financial panics, if left alone, rarely cause much damage to the real economy, output, employment or production. Asset values fall sharply and wipe out those who borrowed and lent too much, thereby redistributing wealth from the foolish to the prudent. …”

Indeed. McCain’s recent pledge to actually freeze spending is a good first step. NO MORE GOOD MONEY AFTER BAD! We need to hold him to that freeze pledge. Veto, veto, veto. If a Dhimmicrappic Congress overrides him, then we’d have a record of who poohed the scrooch.

Then, PASS THE FAIRTAX! Push for it, and keep on pushing for it, Advocate it far and wide and long un til ALL the lies about its provisions and effects are refuted over and over and over again and the meme is well established that those who oppose it are liars, thieves and poltroons. Seriously. We the People must learn what it is and can do for us and pressure, pressure, pressure a McCain/Palin administration to Do the Right Thing. Go. Learn. All by itself, The FairTax can ameliorate a plethora of government and economy ills.

Still on the economy, think: energy. With enough affordable, reliable energy, America can shrug off any number of woes. Drill, baby drill, for sure, but we need not limit ourselves to drilling and producing enough oil. Even if Thomas Gold’s hypotheses are correct (and the Russians among others have effectively opened new, otherwise unexpected oil fields following his theories) and the end of oil is many centuries away–if ever–we ought to press forward with the readily available energy technologies we already possess. Nuclear power. TDP plants making our own oil. New solar technologies (solar energy-collecting paint anyone?). These and others are all valid avenues to pursure in achieving energy independence with affordable energy for an expanding economy.

And affordable energy and The FairTax could easily mean many more manufacturing–and other–jobs for the middle of the Bell Curve, creating an expanding “middle class”–a much to be desired circumstance for a democratic republic, as opposed to a communist-socialist welfare state where class warfare is an essential precondition for its existence.

Keeping federal hands off market regulation, sensible tax policies, new energy for America: these by themselves would create better national security and grow the economy.

Then there are more obvious national security measures that Juan Mexicain has been averse to in the past. Build the damn fence, Juan! INSIST that current immigration law be STRICTLY and RIGOROUSLY enforced. When we’ve eliminated 20 million or so illegals (by eliminating their jobs and cutting off their government-funded benefits and services), THEN streamline legal immigration.

Kill the TSA. It’s little more than a jobs program for stupid bullies. It’s security theater that does little for real security. The moneies wasted on TSA bullies would be better spent on real security than on making sheeple who were once citizens into subjects of the government.

Visit real terror upon governments and organizations that promote or support terrorism. If President Bush had been serious about his declaration of war on governments that support or defend terrorists, the Saudi regime would be dust by now (and the current lifting cost of the Saudi’s oil–standing at about $5/barrel–would have been passed down the line to the American economy in patial reparation for past Saudi support of jihadis) along with Syria and the Palestinian thugs. Get serious about terrorism.

Whenever and wherever a government makes statements of enmity toward the U.S. and takes steps to implement that enmity (*cough* Venesuala *cough* Chávez *cough*), visit them with the Wrath of God. Seriously. Don’t just carry a big stick, use it! Sure, we don’t want to occupy a septic tank like Venezuela, but a huge, stinking hole where Chávez and his cronies (including any American Marxists sitting in his lap) once were would be an instructive warning to others, don’t you think?

So, in order to be truly successful, I’m simply suggesting that a McCain/Palin administration needs to give up the typical Repugnican’t policy of talking tough and rolling over and actually take Congress’ mouth off the public teat, bash some terrorist heads and wage war on eco-freaks with big, bold pen strokes through assinine regulations that prevent drilling and make nuclear power plants forbiddingly expensive. Become real advocates for The People as opposed to the typical Repugnican’t policy of being suckups to congresscritters and other terrorists.

(BTW, the hope embedded in that last sentence is why I’m voting for “McWhatsisname” and PALIN. She seems to have a bigger set than he does when it comes to facing down legislative terrorists.)

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, , Rosemary’s Thoughts, Faultline USA, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, DragonLady’s World, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Barack Hussein Obama: the Affirmative Action Presidential Candidate

Affirmative action is that process of conferring racial preference for a job candidate without regard to their ability to actually perform the job well. It’s a fundamentally condescending, paternalistic, racist assuaging of false white guilt as normally applied in giving preference to unqualified job candidates who are “people of color” or members of otherwise officially-designated so-called “minority” groups.

And that pretty well describes The Obamassiah’s candidacy. By any measure, he’s the least-qualified person in the race, based on experience and accomplishment alone. His record of past behavior and alliances (NOT “associations” but full-fledged, intimately working together alliances) with open racists, communists and felons would be automatic disqualifiers in any other candidate, while his lack of accomplishment in any field other than running for office (counting his first couple of races where his most notable accomplishments were getting other candidates thrown off the ballot) are nil.

Heck, in the last century, even Dhimmi Kahtah was more qualified to serve as president.

The Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind’s treatment of The Obamassiah’s candidacy reads like a CYA human resources glowing report of an affirmative action job candidate, filled with code words that all say nothing but “HE’S BLACK; WE HAVE TO HIRE HIM!”

Thomas Sowell takes a slighly different tack to my assessment in a recent column, “Believers in Barack,” wherein he focuses on folks who close their eyes to facts, planning instead to vote with blind feeling as their motivation. But either assessment depends upon overlooking his disqualifiers and inflating his accomplishments past any reason.

And then there are those who support him precisely because he is a Marxist and crypto-Islamist “Mansourian Candidate“.

The Obamassiah: the candidate for racists, Holocaust-lovers and unthinking loons.

He’s not the first presidential candidate to be a racist. He’s not the first presidential candidate to be a Jew-hater. He’s not even the first presidential candidate to be a Marxist. But as far as I can tell, he’s the first presidential candidate to be all three AND be presented by a major political party.

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“Stupid Racists for Obama”

I’d heard about this, but I found the video over at Woody’s Place (actually, it’s just an audio with a pic of Howard Stern).

There you go folks. A significant portion of The Obamassiah’s support is… stupid people who’re voting for him just because he’s black. IOW, Dumbass racists.

Who’d-a thunk it, eh?

“Poured from a horse?”

Most manufactured American beers are better used poured back into the horse they came out of. Small–and a few mid-sized–American brewers often make some very, very good beers. Boulevard Brewing, Sam Adams and others make some beers that are oh so very drinkable. But, cruising through my fav package store the other day, I saw a “craft beer” collection offered by Michelob and thought to give it a try. After all, Michelob makes one of the less bad manufactured American beers, so giving it a fair drinking on its proferred “craft beer” selection seemed a fair thing to do.

So far, the stout is… almost. On the lower end of drinkable, but still drinkable. The lager in the collection? Not as good as Grolsch or others, but not poured straight out of a horse, either. The pale ale offering? Not bad at all. Nice and hopsy, drinkable. Not anywhere near good enough to make the top 25 drinkable beers I have tried, but again, not poured straight from the horse.

I doubt I’ll try any of these again, but the money wasn’t totally wasted, either. I got some nice bottles to save for bottling the “hobo wine” I have started in my lil “kitty litter” fermenter. 🙂 Oh, yes, that does mean that if I’m not using some of my collection of Grolsch swingtops I’ll have to buy a bottle capper. Oh, dear? Another brewing tool? How awful! *heh*

“I have a dream… “

No, not that one (although, it would be nice if The Obamassiah shared that dream instead of the racist dreams he apparently has). I have a small dream, and not the one of a restoration of the Founders’ Constitutional Republic, either. But before my small dream (OK, daydream, fantasy, whatever), this, found at Stop the ACLU:

That’s right. Obama was talking openly of taking from white folks to give to black folks as his “wealth redistribution plan” at least as far back as 1995 (while he was serving on the board of the Woods Fund with the openly “proud” communist terrorist, Bill Ayers).

Now, my daydream?

1. Obama goes down hard on November 4. Shows his true colors as a race-baiter and incites and encourages black violence.
2. Tony Rezko, singing like a canary, implicates The One in his crimes and an indictment is lodged.
3. The FEC finally gets off its hinky fundament and performs its due dilligence, discovers over half of The One’s fundraising was from illegal sources, in illegal aggregate amounts, etc. Indictments follow.
4. Philip Berg’s fraud case against The One finally gains traction and facts show Obama has not been an American citizen at any time in his life. He’s arrested as an illegal alien, his wealth is tied up in the fraud case and
5. All these charges are upheld, convictions won, case for fraud won by Berg (wiping out Obama’s millions in restitution to defrauded legal contributors).
6. A penniless, disgraced Obama, headed for the federal lockup and then deportation after serving his sentences is offered mercy by a benevolent McCain: commutation of his sentences in return for service to the country he has defrauded and attempted to destroy. All sentences held in abeyance as long as Obama never sets foot in the US again, never interferes in US politics or foreign policy or in any other way, shape, fashion or form performs acts which have an impact on the welfare of the US.

Well, a guy can (day)dream, can’t he? The fact that the consequences of The Obamassiah’s duplicitous behavior will certainly not all come home to roost is almost sure. But

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” Galatians 6:7

Go God!


Trackposted to Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Cao’s Blog, NN&V, and McCain Blogs, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

People of the Light?

Not talking about Mass Media Podpeople whenever “people of the light” are mentioned.

See Orson Scott Card’s article at The Rhincerous Times of Greennsboro, NC. A taste:

Would the Last Honest Reporter Please Turn On the Lights?

by Orson Scott Card

October 20, 2008
An open letter to the local daily paper — almost every local daily paper in America:

I remember reading All the President’s Men and thinking: That’s journalism. You do what it takes to get the truth and you lay it before the public, because the public has a right to know.

This housing crisis didn’t come out of nowhere. It was not a vague emanation of the evil Bush administration.

It was a direct result of the political decision, back in the late 1990s, to loosen the rules of lending so that home loans would be more accessible to poor people. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were authorized to approve risky loans.

What is a risky loan? It’s a loan that the recipient is likely not to be able to repay.

The goal of this rule change was to help the poor — which especially would help members of minority groups. But how does it help these people to give them a loan that they can’t repay? They get into a house, yes, but when they can’t make the payments, they lose the house — along with their credit rating.

They end up worse off than before.

This was completely foreseeable and in fact many people did foresee it. One political party, in Congress and in the executive branch, tried repeatedly to tighten up the rules. The other party blocked every such attempt and tried to loosen them…

…It’s not too late. You know that if the situation were reversed, and the truth would damage McCain and help Obama, you would be moving heaven and earth to get the true story out there.

If you want to redeem your honor, you will swallow hard and make a list of all the stories you would print if it were McCain who had been getting money from Fannie Mae, McCain whose campaign had consulted with its discredited former CEO, McCain who had voted against tightening its lending practices…

More, much more, at the LINK.

Interesting that it would take a lifelong Democrat to upbraid the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind so unequivocally. Maybe, if there remain even a few more–a remnant of honest, decent men and women–such people in the Democratic Party (and hopefully a few in the Replublican Party as well), just maybe there is hope for the republic of the Foun ders that once was.

I’ll not hold my breath, though. Rather, I’ll use it to cheer such folks on. Way to go, Card!

h.t. Jerry Pournelle’s mailbag

Trackposted to Blog @ MoreWhat.com, , Faultline USA, DragonLady’s World, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year… “

Yep. October. Time to start making beer again (summer’s just too much hassle here at twc central). Here’s the “kit-let” I started with last year, a nano-mini-micro-brewkeg from Mr. Beer:

I soon “graduated” to making “kitty litter beer” (*heh* just some molasses beer made in a bew keg made from a WELL-cleaned 3-gallon plastic kitty litter tub), and this year I plan on making more of almost all the beers I made last fall/winter/spring and adding some hard ciders and wines.

Why not? I have plenty of empty Grolsch swingtop bottles!


Beer: the second of my much-venerated “holy brews”–lagging only slightly behind coffee.

Oh, this is much better, indeed, than moping about, griping and complaining about politics!

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Right Voices, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.