Peggy Noonan’s Slip *sigh*

Nope. Not lingerie. The, by now in internet time, infamous open mic comment about Palin.

What I’d like to remind Peggy of is this comment from her September 3 WSJ column (which she has newly redacted with prefaced remarks to her open mic comment on MSNBC),

Let me say of myself and almost everyone I know in the press, all the chattering classes and political strategists and inside dopesters of the Amtrak Acela Line: We live in a bubble and have around us bubble people. We are Bubbleheads. We know this and try to compensate for it by taking road trips through the continent — we’re on one now, in Minneapolis — where we talk to normal people. But we soon forget the pithy, knowing thing the garage mechanic said in the diner, and anyway we weren’t there long enough in the continent to KNOW, to absorb. We view through a prism of hyper-sophistication, and judge by the rules of Chevy Chase and Greenwich, of Cleveland Park and McLean, of Bronxville and Manhattan.

And again we know this, we know this is our limit, our lack.

But we also forget it.

And when you forget you’re a Bubblehead you get in trouble, you misjudge things…

Peggy, you’re a bubblehead. Please remind yourself of that fact more often in the future.

(BTW, kudos to Noonan for one thing at least. In her freshly-minted preface/apologia, she refers to “bullshit” as an epithet, NOT, as is so often and illiterately done, a profanity. So, a literate bubblehead.)

Trackposted to Blog @, The Virtuous Republic, A Newt One- Ronald Reagan in a skirt, Democrat=Socialist, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.