Oo-Oo-Oo, I know! A Rope made of hominy!

John McCain proposes a high-level commission to determine causes and preventative measures for financial meltdowns such as experienced over the last week+ and firing the Securities and Exchange Chairman Christopher Cox for failure of public trust.

The Obamassiah”promised new ideas” according to reports.

Oh. Wow. *yawn* That’s… thin, as usual. At least my idea is original, moderately interesting and much, much more substantial than promising “new ideas.”

And Michelle Obama on Palin: “she’s cute.” (Ahh, she’s just envious… still. Always.)

Election Map 08?

Dick Morris, the slimy polpundit we all love to despise, has a new map of the current presidential race as he sees it. Caveat: this is a snapshot from a political junnkie’s take. Any relationship to real reality is largely a construct of his own imagination.

Now, keep in mind, The Obamassiah has been flaling around for a while trying to find some sort of issue he can fake speaking to with convincing “authority” and believes he’s found one in the economy. The degree to which he can convince people to believe his lies about his tax policy will be critical to his success. I think the degree to which McCain talks about the effects of his own tax policy and the degree to which Palin hammers the energy issue in terms of both the economy and national security will be key for them. Biden, of course, is of no consequence at all.

Actually, recent polls showing McCain within 5 points in New York (!?!), within 2(!!!) in Washington and closing even in Minnesota (now, that’s gotta be giving my Wonder Woman’s sibs a rash!) may be even better signs.

But. It all depends on how much McCain/Palin can overcome The Obamassiah’s lies and the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind endorsement of those lies.

The critical factor that’s lost in all this noise: how is the presidential race, which gets almost all the airtime and ink, going to affect senate, house and state and local races? An encouraging note is how much Dhimmicrappic contestants are sliding away from identifying with or even mentioning The One. If (still a pretty big IF) McCain/Palin can overcome the lies, damned lies and Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind “news” to a significant degree, their Electoral College victory may be large enough to provide fairly sweeping coat tails. I’m unsure just how beneficial a Repugnican’t majority in one or both houses combined with a MCCain/Palin administration would be, though. Maybe I’d have to rely on a Palin check and balance on some of Juan Mexicain’s tendencies…