Needed: a “Truth in Campaigning” Law

It occurred to me a bit ago (though not for the first time) that while most campaign finance laws seem geared toward enabling skullduggery (just look at McCain/Feingold, for an example) rather than actually curbing it, the one real lack in political campaign laws is one that would allow common citizens to sue their elected officials for failing to actively pursue the platforms they campaigned on. Call it an “Truth in Campaigning” law. As it stands, everyone simply expects that 90% (or more–perhaps in some cases 100%) of a politician’s *spit* “promises” are anything from complete hot air to flat out lies, with the rare candidate who actually means what he says (and is likely not elected).

Heck, at the federal level, I’d support an “Honesty in Politics” amendment. We’d still have loony idiots, charlatans and creeps elected (by constituents who are themselves loony idiots, charlatans and creeps), but at least then we could more surely expect those who were elected to adhere to their campaign promises (heck, I’d almost be satisfied if they simply adhered to their oaths of office).

Until activist judges and Mass Media Podpeople got involved, of course.


Tea Party, anyone?

Repetitious Redundancies


Just a passing thought…

Saying “venal, dishonest politician” *spit* is like saying “stupid little Chihuahua” isn’t it? Perhaps not. While I am sure there may be one (perhaps even two!) politicians *spit* who are not lying, corrupt scumbags, surely there can be no Chihuahua (the so-called “dog” not the town or state in Mexico, of course)–that long-legged rat species that masquerades as a dog for gullible neurotics–that is not both stupid and little.

And as stupid as these critters are, what does that say about people they can fool into thinking they are dogs? Hmmm, come to that, as stupid and venal as politicians almost invariably prove themselves to be–or amazingly willing to become–what does that say about the people who continue to re-elect so many of them to public office?

After all, stupid is as stupid does, right?

Trackposted to Stop the ACLU, Lost Paradise, Big Dog’s Weblog, A Blog For All, and Church and State, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Fred on Border Security, Immigration

No, not Fred Reed this time, Fred Thompson. I saw this first at Leaning Straight Up and checked the Fred08 site out as a result. Folks, each and every point made in Fred’s position statement on this issue is straight and true and on target. Every one is in the X-ring. Read it. Really. READ IT. To begin with,

A fundamental responsibility of the federal government is to secure the nation’s borders and enforce the law.

*Hmph* That’s certainly something FIfi Mohammed Bush and his partners in crime (Democraps and Republican’ts alike who want to erase our borders) have sneeringly dismissed from their areas of responsibility. Fred’s “position paper” goes on to describe specific steps he proposes to “secure the nation’s borders and enforce the law”.

The only thing I’d add would be a system encouraging citizens to turn in companies and individuals they believe are violating immigration law. Perhaps a $5,000 reward per illegal deported as a result (tax free :-)) would be a good thing. No, not perhaps; I could retire a moderately well-off man on a reward like that. *heh* And still do a world of good for the citizens of this country, as well as for those who are willing to follow the law and seek entry legally.

Oh, and I very, very much appreciate Fred’s point 4:

English As Official Language. Make English the official language of the United States to promote assimilation and legal immigrants’ success, and require English proficiency in order for any foreign person to be granted lawful permanent resident status.

Yes, we really do need that. Heck, it’d do a world of good to have English exams for citizens born and raised here before they could exercise certain aspects of their citizenship… It’d have the salutory effect of limiting some of the harm done by subliterate Mass Media Podpeople, for example, if they had to show a proficiency in English (more and more of what I hear issuing from their pie holes is alien gibberish, straight from the Mothership orbiting Uranus *LOL*), but that’s another issue, eh?

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, AZAMATTEROFACT, Republican National Convention Blog, Jo’s Cafe, and The Uncooperative Radio Show!, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.