Fred on Border Security, Immigration

No, not Fred Reed this time, Fred Thompson. I saw this first at Leaning Straight Up and checked the Fred08 site out as a result. Folks, each and every point made in Fred’s position statement on this issue is straight and true and on target. Every one is in the X-ring. Read it. Really. READ IT. To begin with,

A fundamental responsibility of the federal government is to secure the nation’s borders and enforce the law.

*Hmph* That’s certainly something FIfi Mohammed Bush and his partners in crime (Democraps and Republican’ts alike who want to erase our borders) have sneeringly dismissed from their areas of responsibility. Fred’s “position paper” goes on to describe specific steps he proposes to “secure the nation’s borders and enforce the law”.

The only thing I’d add would be a system encouraging citizens to turn in companies and individuals they believe are violating immigration law. Perhaps a $5,000 reward per illegal deported as a result (tax free :-)) would be a good thing. No, not perhaps; I could retire a moderately well-off man on a reward like that. *heh* And still do a world of good for the citizens of this country, as well as for those who are willing to follow the law and seek entry legally.

Oh, and I very, very much appreciate Fred’s point 4:

English As Official Language. Make English the official language of the United States to promote assimilation and legal immigrants’ success, and require English proficiency in order for any foreign person to be granted lawful permanent resident status.

Yes, we really do need that. Heck, it’d do a world of good to have English exams for citizens born and raised here before they could exercise certain aspects of their citizenship… It’d have the salutory effect of limiting some of the harm done by subliterate Mass Media Podpeople, for example, if they had to show a proficiency in English (more and more of what I hear issuing from their pie holes is alien gibberish, straight from the Mothership orbiting Uranus *LOL*), but that’s another issue, eh?

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, AZAMATTEROFACT, Republican National Convention Blog, Jo’s Cafe, and The Uncooperative Radio Show!, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

4 Replies to “Fred on Border Security, Immigration”

  1. Kinda curious. What’re the chances of this happening or that Fred will follow through?

    I have passed this on to a considerable # of people “in hopes.”


    BTW: ***DO NOT*** believe the McCaniac!

    Anyone who puts so much effort (over many years) & writes a book about his “own” character & integrity has something to hide.

    Perhaps he has his own “Sandy ‘Pants’ Burger” and by now records have been expunged.

    As a FAC (Bird Dog) pilot in the SEA War Games, I know why McCain is running from himself. It’s in classified briefings & reports of the time.

    I’m almost surprised some enterprising investigative reporter hasn’t exposed him. (‘Course there’s the navel family history & the potential of a “Pants” Burger.)

    McCain is not the hero he’s claimed to be.

  2. Hugh, what little I have read of Fred’s political (and legal) career indicates his sincerity on this issue (and the principle of Constitutional strict constructionism/federalism) is pretty cinsistent. I’ll be watching, of course, since he is infected with the political *spit* bug.

    Re: Snake McCain. I think you know by now that I completely and utterly despise McCain and consider him a viper pumping political poison into the body politic. McCain/Feingold alone should earn him (and ALL the other politicians and justices involved in its institution into law) a session wityh Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether, along with rail transport to a land where free (political) speech is abridged at the will of the ruling elite… with their sorry carcasses deposited firmly at the bottom of the political totem pole.

    McCain *spit*: slimeball nonpareil . I’d not even cast a vote for him if I had a lobotomy.

  3. For me — at this moment — Fred is #1 & with a few months still to go, subject to change. 😉

    Huckleberry is #2. Alas, he has that Baptist preacher baggage. (AND, I’ a Baptist.)

    Tancredo & Hunter are “close” 3-4 / 4-3, whatever.


    McCain brought the torture on himself, by reneging on an agreement he had made with the NVA.

    My “heartburn” with him is “way before” the McCain-Feingold fiasco.

    One of the things I find so personally frustrating is the number of my acquaintances who think of him as some American hero. Sgt. York or Audie Murphy? McCain AIN’T!!!

    Gotta stop here — may use some inappropriate language for your “family” blog.

    “Gotta stop here — may use some inappropriate language for your ‘family’ blog.” Hugh, go read my Comment Policy. Excerpt:

    I don’t care about vulgarities. Obscenities and profanities are another story. (If you don’t know the differences between the three categories, get a good dictionary and have someone who’s literate look ‘em up and explain the differences r e a l l y s l o w l y. *sheesh*)

    Re: those such as Snake McCain (and yes, my problems with him also began long before McCain/Feingold–it just put the cyanide icing on the arsenic cake his political “career” comprises), just cuss away. Any family that can’t take a lil vulgarity referring to such a vile piece of toxic shit needs a reality check.


    As to Huckabee, despite knowing someone on his staff (former classmate), his baggage as a Baptist preacher boy is only the tip of my problems with him. Listen to him long enough and you see he has NO idea what the Constitution says is the Federal government’s place in the scheme of things. He’s one of those politicians who will crusade to “do good” as he sees it, and unleash a tsunami of increasing meddling in affairs that are none of the “feddle gummint’s” stinking business, if he has any chance at all to do so. He’s more Lyndon Johnson (with a touch of Baptist preacher-boy pious moral superiority thrown in) than Ronald Reagan.

    “Huckleberry” ranks below the Washington insider-odored Duncan Hunter (who will see no support from me) on my scale. I’m sure he’s a nice enough guy, but Huckabee’s place is best kept at the mayoral level or some such. Any higher and the harm he can do (and has done, IMO) to personal freedom and responsibility become problematic.

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