Repetitious Redundancies


Just a passing thought…

Saying “venal, dishonest politician” *spit* is like saying “stupid little Chihuahua” isn’t it? Perhaps not. While I am sure there may be one (perhaps even two!) politicians *spit* who are not lying, corrupt scumbags, surely there can be no Chihuahua (the so-called “dog” not the town or state in Mexico, of course)–that long-legged rat species that masquerades as a dog for gullible neurotics–that is not both stupid and little.

And as stupid as these critters are, what does that say about people they can fool into thinking they are dogs? Hmmm, come to that, as stupid and venal as politicians almost invariably prove themselves to be–or amazingly willing to become–what does that say about the people who continue to re-elect so many of them to public office?

After all, stupid is as stupid does, right?

Trackposted to Stop the ACLU, Lost Paradise, Big Dog’s Weblog, A Blog For All, and Church and State, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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