T-13, 1.44: 13 Fav Kitchen Tools

Well, 13 of my favorite kitchen tools and small appliances…

BreadMan bread machine maker, Egg and Muffin 2 Slice Toaster–perfect egg/muffin sandwiches in a snap–and Wolfgang Puck’s 10-cup rice cooker. I use it for TONS of different recipes.


These two knives, a Sabatier (from before Sabatier became debased with a WallyWorld version–*heh*) and a plain vanilla–each “chef’s knives”–and the “pig” cutting board I made in 7th grade of alternating pieces of walnut and maple:


Here’s my second-fav cutting board, a mahogany pigboard made at the same time as the walnut/maple board (actually, it was my practice for the walnut/maple board).


I’ve had more than a few coffee grinders, but this one is a coffee lover’s dream, and the coffee maker’s definitely my fav of a long line of coffee makers.

Who’d want to be without a good garlic press in their kitchen? And my fav whisk, along with Grandmother’s “sharpening” steel. (And again with the the walnut/maple pig :-))


And, on the wall next to the stove, electric pepper and salt grinders (the pepper grinder in the middle is manual, set to a different “popular” grind than the electric pepper grinder).


Displayed at the Thursday Thirteen Hub.