Handy Tech-Geeky Reference


Been spending a more than usual amount of time on the phone this week with “support” personnel whose technical competence is generally limited to reading glurge from a script. Oh, and I’ve been spending (far too much) time exchanging emails with supposed “Technical Specialists” who are incapable of (or unwilling to) reading and/or understanding the plain English in the emails I send them. (I have mentioned that I can recommend a good remedial reading course, but I have gotten no response to that either. :-))

So, as a nice lil break and a treat for myself, and perhaps you, if you’re inclined to a bit of geekiness, here’s a not-too-technical handy reference to

Standard Error Codes/Messages [WARNING! PDF file. Right-Click and choose “Download” or “Save Target” or whatever your browser gives you there to download and scan with your AV-scanner before opening.]

These error codes are for all manner of PCs, OSes, peripherals. Now, these aren’t error codes as returned by your OS when something crops up, but error/service codes that may (repeat may) help in communicating with technicians when problems crop up on your equipment. They already help me track diagnosis and repair issues on client equipment, and they also help me in communicating to narrow things down over the phone, avoiding some few onsite calls.

At the very least, they may help you “think like a tech” when facing issues on your own equipment. No, not like the “techs” at my (still, until I work out one kink in transferring this site) hosting-service-that-shall-not-be-named (but whose initials are “F-A-T-C-O-W”).

Another nice resource is this page, offering a handy set of links to major IT manufacturers’ support pages.

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