Sweet Poison

The words from Douglas Wilson, below, called to mind all the thoughts I have about the seductive traps, the sweet poisons in our society. Of course, Doug makes strong assertion of the antidote…

To this point, the American empire is the most powerful empire the world has ever known—whether economic, military, or cultural. We the Church are the kingdom of Christ in the midst of all this and, while we may be grateful for aspects of the US, we must not be seduced by it.

If the men who run this state of affairs will not submit themselves to the Word of the only true God, they will certainly not be restrained by anything so ephemeral as the “will of the people,” or “common decency,” or “shared values.” It is either Christ or increasing wickedness. That wickedness might be bright and shiny, but idolatrous paganism is always bright and shiny.

Read on.