Proof Positive: the Nobel “Peace” Prize is a Fraud of Monstrous Size

[With apologies to Rudyard Kipling for the borrowed appellation.]

Algore–that quintessential liar, poltroon and rabble-rouser–has “won” (read, “has been awarded the thing by a corrupt group of assinine ninnies”) the Nobel “Peace” Prize. Now, he can go off and celebrate his winnings with Yasser “Who, me? A terrorist?” Arafat *gag* (at least he’s rotting in hell) and Dhimmi Cahtah *spew* (“Baptist” or not, I doubt he’ll clear the Pearly Gates).

Birds of a feather.

I think I’m going to go over in a corner while my head explodes.

One bright note: maybe it’ll be just the thing to spur Mr. I-can-be-a-better-wooden-indian-than-the-real-thing to enter the race for the presidency. *heh* Talk about blogfodder.

Hey! Would someone please PROOFread my titles? All day long “proof” was typo-ed “proff”! (Thanks WW :-)) *heh*

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