T-13, 1.22 So Spring Has Sprung, Eh?

A quick “Thirteen Things in My Front yard That Have Decided It’s Spring Already”

1. Dafodills

2. Clover

3. Volunteer Elms (RIGHT where I can’t have ’em)

4. 2 lil maple trees

5. Roses (well, the bushes, at least)

6. Mint

7. Two “Bald” Cypresses

8. An unidentified tree my Wonder Woman brought home from an Arbor Day thing a few years ago. I dunno what it is, but it’s purty.

9. Volunteer garlic

10. Wild onion.

11. Some weird viny plant (it makes decent ground cover in some shade)

12. The “possum” grape that’s sneaking around the side to the front

(Haven’t seen grass mentioned yet, have you? That’s cos our bermuda mix greens up late every year–and I don’t care, cos that’s just later for me to have to start mowing–*heh*)

And, although they’re not at their glorious “walk down the runway to wild applause” stage yet,

13. Dandelions! *Yipee!*

Noted at the Thursday Thirteen Hub


oxymoron: “a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in ‘cruel kindness’ or ‘to make haste slowly.'”

A few favs:

Congressional ethics (this needs a comment?)

And two related oxymorons: Democratic Party and Republican Party. The Democratic Party is no more democratic than the Republican Party is republican.

Journalistic standards (As in “CBS: all bullshit all the time” or Al Reuters, etc.)

Moderate Mohammedism (used in the sense of “non-violent Islam”–another oxymoron, since anyone genuinely giving honor to Mohammed by following his words and deeds must be a murdering, pedophilic, thieving, lying sociopath, by definition. Anything else is, appropriately enough, a lie.)

“Proud Mexican” (when said by/referring to someone who will pay any price, subvert any law to escape Mexico to live in America. Now, what kind of pride is that?).

Federal Justice System/Law Enforcement (Scotter *sigh*, Scooter Libby, Martha Stewart, Ramos and Campeon, Waco, Ruby Ridge… and the list goes on and on and on… Many different acts with many different levels of anarcho-tyranny, but the message is the same: anyone and everyone can be targetted and made a “criminal” if someone in the system wants it–heck, I’m just waiting for the jackbooted thugs to knock on my door to convict me of exercising my First Amendment rights.)

Anthropogenic Global Warming Scientists (No such critters. The only “scientists” pushing that particular political agenda are dogmatists in the Church of AGW.)

Like I said, a few favs…

North Carolina City Stands up to ACLU

by loboinok


Officials in Thomasville, N.C., voted 6-1 Monday to ignore threats from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and allow prayer at city-council meetings.

Mike Johnson, senior legal counsel for Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), provided the council with a proposed policy in compliance with the U.S. Constitution.

“It’s amazing that, in a country founded on religious liberty, the right to open a public meeting with a prayer would be under attack," he said. "But that is exactly what the ACLU has been doing the past several months – using its familiar tactics of fear, intimidation and disinformation to force municipalities into passive compliance with its agenda to eliminate our First Liberty, religious freedom.”

Councilman Dwight Cornelius said he hopes other municipalities will stand up to the ACLU.

“This is a freedom of speech issue, pure and simple,” he said.

ADF offers assistance to any municipality that’s under attack for “simply continuing a practice that the Supreme Court knows is 'deeply embedded in the history and tradition of our country,” Johnson added.

Nothing would please me more than to be able to post articles like this one, every day.