Listing to Starboard IV


A list of my own and a linkfest list of your own.

Hugh sent me a link (to a link–*heh*) that led to…

Death by Re-creation

In 1991, a 57-year-old Thai woman Yooket Paen was walking in her farm when she accidentally slipped on a cow dung, grabbed a naked live wire and got electrocuted to death.

Soon after Paen’s funeral, her 52-year-old-sister Yooket Pan was showing her neighbors how the accident happened when she herself slipped, grabbed the same live wire and also got electrocuted to death!

It seems our congresscritters and president are bent on emmulating Yooket Pan. The 1986 amnesty for about 400,000 illegal aliens led to 13-20,000,000 illegal aliens today. So, what do they expect giving those millions of illegal aliens amnesty will elad to, eh? Be sure to catch that live wire as you slip, Mr. President… *sigh*

…look at the question: what is the real jihad, the jihad of inner, spiritual struggle or the jihad of war? Let’s turn to Bukhari (the Hadith) for the answer, as he repeatedly speaks of jihad. In Bukhari 97% of the jihad references are about war and 3% are about the inner struggle. So the statistical answer is that jihad is 97% war and 3% inner struggle. Is jihad war? Yes–97%. Is jihad inner struggle? Yes–3%.–Bill Warner

I’ve been meaning to post about why lying, cheating, stealing and barbarous murders are moral acts to Muslims, but this (moderately long) interview with Bill Warner, the director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam, at Frontpage Magazine does the job pretty well. Warner doesn’t say it, but the rock bottom takeaway for me is that Islam is crazy. Nutso. Insane. Oh, and evil, too.

Clinton fired 93 U.S. attorneys. No one really noticed at the time. *yawn* No news there, move along. As everyone, his dog and the dog’s fleas knows by now, Bush has let 8 U.S. attorneys escape into the wild. Horrors! And now congresscritters are all a-twitter. And some admin folks–mindful of the railroading of Scooter Libby, no doubt–are saying they’ll not “testify” before a panel of twittering congresscritters! The perfidy! *double yawn*

Oh, BTW, Clinton has said he won’t either. But since his testimony was solicited concerning another issue the Democraps really, really don’t want made much of (presidential pardons on his watch), expect this refusal to attend congresstwitters to go largely unreported by the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind. *heh*

“…the more time that children spent in child care, the more likely their sixth grade teachers were to report problem behavior.”

Well, duh. Fox News.

And even the New York Slimes reports on the study,

A much-anticipated report from the largest and longest-running study of American child care has found that keeping a preschooler in a day care center for a year or more increased the likelihood that the child would become disruptive in class — and that the effect persisted through the sixth grade.

Brave New World.

Oh, and those TSA watch lists?

Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) said last year that his wife had been delayed repeatedly while airlines queried whether Catherine Stevens was the watch-listed Cat Stevens.

Ordung! That’s the problem with employing stupid people to be TSA goons: they don’t even know enough to know that they need to know more to do their jobs UNstupidly. And (even) “When a stupid man does something he knows is wrong, he always claims it is his duty.”

*sigh* Just more anarcho-tyranny, courtesy of our feddle gummint’s “How to Turn Citizens into Compliant Sheeple Subjects” program.

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