
oxymoron: “a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in ‘cruel kindness’ or ‘to make haste slowly.'”

A few favs:

Congressional ethics (this needs a comment?)

And two related oxymorons: Democratic Party and Republican Party. The Democratic Party is no more democratic than the Republican Party is republican.

Journalistic standards (As in “CBS: all bullshit all the time” or Al Reuters, etc.)

Moderate Mohammedism (used in the sense of “non-violent Islam”–another oxymoron, since anyone genuinely giving honor to Mohammed by following his words and deeds must be a murdering, pedophilic, thieving, lying sociopath, by definition. Anything else is, appropriately enough, a lie.)

“Proud Mexican” (when said by/referring to someone who will pay any price, subvert any law to escape Mexico to live in America. Now, what kind of pride is that?).

Federal Justice System/Law Enforcement (Scotter *sigh*, Scooter Libby, Martha Stewart, Ramos and Campeon, Waco, Ruby Ridge… and the list goes on and on and on… Many different acts with many different levels of anarcho-tyranny, but the message is the same: anyone and everyone can be targetted and made a “criminal” if someone in the system wants it–heck, I’m just waiting for the jackbooted thugs to knock on my door to convict me of exercising my First Amendment rights.)

Anthropogenic Global Warming Scientists (No such critters. The only “scientists” pushing that particular political agenda are dogmatists in the Church of AGW.)

Like I said, a few favs…

5 Replies to “Oxymorons”

  1. Now, RY, you know they can throw parties. Look at how far from reality, decency, honesty, etc., they’ve thrown the Democratic Party and the Republican Party…

  2. Yeh, RY, Both the Dems and Repubs both make pizza, but they use way way too much dough. And the beer they do “share” tastes (or at least from the smell I assume it does) like they squeezed it out of a cat…

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