Anyone know a secret Registry switch…

…to raise the level of difficulty in Freecell?


Yeh, yeh, I know there isn’t any such critter as a secret switch to make the Windoze Freecell harder, but it’s getting harder to maintain my interest in the game, you know? Another 10,000 games approaches…


If only the card games I’ve found for Linux weren’t so clunky…

Let me get this straight…

A real world description of insanity would include an observation that it’s insane to expect something that didn’t work when tried before to just magically start working if one tries it often enough. Kind of “If at first you don’t succeed, keep on trying the same failed process again and again and again and… ”

Example: butting one’s ehad against 300′ thick solid granite. Or, the 1986 amnesty for approximately 400,000 illegal aliens that resulted in, 20 years later, somewhere between 13,000,000 and 20,000,000 illegal aliens residing here. What part of this do congresscritters and President Bush not understand?

So, amnesty in 1986 yielded 32 to 50 times as many alien invaders as were here before that amnesty. Smart. So smart that, hey! let’s do it again! Not only that, but let’s give the alien invaders every crack at destroying our society that we can. Along with news out of Texas that the feds in the U.S. Attorney’s office have instituted a “six strikes and we’ll consider thinking about contemplating throwing your ass back home where you belong” policy with illegal aliens, comes the confluence of being easy on drunk drivers and the apparent “six strikes and a warning” policy:

Before being charged with killing a Porter woman and her pregnant daughter in a crash Sunday, Ignacio Gomez-Gutierrez had been convicted three times for drunken driving in Harris County, court records show.

His third DWI arrest, which would normally become a felony, was reduced to a misdemeanor, a move the mayor’s crime victims advocate calls a “pivotal moment” that ultimately led to the deaths of Maria Ortiz, 49, and her 18-year-old daughter, Vanessa, who was five months pregnant.

Records also show Gomez-Gutierrez, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, was never deported after serving his time in jail in 2002, 2004 and 2005. [emphasis added]

You’ll note that the article from the Houston Chronicle (h.t. Diane of The Trouble With Angels) has the wrong title, “Suspect in fatal crash had 3 DWI convictions” instead of the more accurate, “Illegal Alien Kills Three with the Aid of the Criminal Justice System and the United States Government (Thank you Mr. Bush!)” And the “pivotal moment” that led to the deaths was NOT when the third DWI was reduced to a misdemeanor. No, it was when his FIRST brush with the law didn’t result in his body (in whatever condition) being thrown over the Rio Grande, back where he belonged. THAT was the pivotal moment when the state of Texas and the feddle gummint both failed to protect those they are supposed to serve. And those who failed, at every step along the way, to kick this murderer-waiting-on-opportunity (that’s what drunk drivers are, you know; just awaiting the chance to kill you or someone else) back to his home for HIS government to deal with should recieve the same punishment he does, no matter what that may be.

Including being kicked out of the country. “Bye, bye, now! Y’all don’t come back.”

Just another data point in the “Let’s flush America down the toilet” program of our various governments… Anarcho-tyranny example number 1,254,892…

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Wednesday OTA/What’s in a name?

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What’s in a name?

Followers of Mohammed are often called Mohammedans, because they claim to follow the teachings and example of Mohammed. Followers of Jesus usually call themselves Christians, because he was proclaimed by his followers to be the annointed one, the Christ. Both names label those who wear them as claming to follow, to emulate the one whose name they wear. Now, obviously, anyone who’s a part of a Western society and who has any knowledge of the New Testament teachings of Christ and about him will have a decent chance of spotting those who claim to be Christians but are not, simply by comparing their lives to the life and teachings of the founder of Christianity–and indeed, we can examine the lives of men throughout history who claimed to follow Christ but who plainly seemed to be liars. Abbot Arnaud stands as an historical example of one who claimed to follow Christ but showed no Christlike mercy when he commanded the Cathars of Bezier slain (and not just the Cathars, recall his famous words: “Kill them all; God will know his own.”) in 1209.

So, too, with Muslims (or Mohammedans). But discerning “honest” Muslims from those who are not true followers of Mohammed can be more difficult for one very important reason: true Muslims have no problem lying to or decieving those who are not believers in their cult. In fact, deception and lies are specifically taught by both the words and deeds of Mohammed, so how to tell when one is dealing with a true Mohammedan or not can be a tricky proposition. It’s safer to assume that anyone claiming to be a follower of Mohammed is what they say they are, regardless of what we can see of their actions.

Of course, if someone is openly emulating the life and teachings of Mohammed, then such a determination is quite easy, isn’t it? After all, where Jesus taught his disciples that self-sacrifice in service to others–including one’s enemies–was a positive good, and then demonstrated it in the crucifixion, Mohammed taught and demonstrated the exact opposite. Mohammed’s teachings and life are a seamless cloth of sacrificing others to satisfy his gluttony, his sexual perversion and his desire for power.

Muhammad was married to eleven women at one time, relegating them to either consecutive days or (according to some accounts) all in one night. He married a 9-year-old girl and even his adopted son’s wife. On top of that he had a multitude of slave girls and concubines with whom he had sex – sometimes on the very days in which they had watched their husbands and fathers die at the hands of Muhammad’s armies. [emphasis added]

The contrasts between Mohammed and Jesus are many, and in fact, you can just about take every single solitary virtue evidenced in the life of the Nazarene and find its opposite vice evidenced in the life of Mohammed.

And so might you know their respective followers. Sure, there may be some disciples of Mohammed who are not murdering rapists, thieving thugs and liars, but they’d be very poor Muslims to scorn the xlear example of the founder of their religion. And yes, it’s easy to find people claiming to be Christians who have not the slightest scruple that they in no way emulate or follow the life and teachings of the founder of Christianity.

Such faux “Christians” who have not one whit of shame for their lying claims would make good Muslims, don’t you think?

While you’re out and about today, why not drop in over at The Dhimmitude Network News?
