Anarcho-Tyranny: New Jersey Judge Channels Hitler

Since 1938, when Hitler banned it, homeschooling has been illegal in Germany, and, indeed, one German family is now suffering from a Nazi law still hanging around. When I posted about this before, I said,

Not here–yet!–but given the antipathy the “prisons for kids” system of public “education” has for homeschoolers (and the justifiable fear politicians and others have of citizens who can actually think), can it be far off?

Well, it’s not far off, and in fact, it is here, now.

New Jersey Judge Orders Penal Charges Against Mom for Home-Schooling

Why do I characterize the judge’s actions as “Hitlerian” (if not outright Nazi-like)? Well, do note that Hitler’s edict forbidding homeschooling was just that: an edict without legislated law. The judge in the New Jersey case specifically disparages New jersey statute law allowing honmeschooling and preventing state interference, and simp-ly issued an edict punishing the mother by requiring her to take actions the law does not allow the state to impose.

And he is getting away with this sort of high-handed “screw the law, I’ll do what I want” attitude/action because… ?

Tar. Feathers. Rope. Tree. Some assembly required. At least, that’s the nature (if not the exact) of response the colonists had when such high-handed, contra-legal actions were taken by a king usurping the People’s rights.

Add this one to the “long train of abuses” stacking up as normative for a governmental attitude that’s ever more abusive of its citizens… at every level of government.

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Barry Chamish and the Ringworm Children Hoax

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