Sadly, I am surprised by this outcome/Linkfest

In today’s society or ever more oppressive and intrusive “law enforcement” and ever more nonsensical and oppressive judicial activism, I was pleasantly surprised to read this:

Homeowner had ‘a right to resist’

SARASOTA — John Coffin won’t spend any more time in jail for beating up two sheriff’s deputies inside his house, striking one in the head with a Taser gun he took from the other.

Circuit Judge Rick De Furia said at Coffin’s trial Tuesday that he doesn’t condone the violence against the deputies.

But Coffin, 56, had a right to defend his family and property because the deputies had no right to be in Coffin’s house in the first place, De Furia said.

Well, knock me over with a feather. Someone–a judge, no less! In Florida!–actually taking the side of what’s right against police abuse of power. Maybe there is a small ray of hope that the trend of anarcho-tyranny (the prime example of which is “law enforcement” and judges making criminals of any citizen they choose, damn what’s right) might abate.

But then there’s Congress. *sigh*

h.t. Chaos Manor Musings

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