Guard the Borders: A Pattern of Malicious Prosecution by U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton

[Editor’s Note: This article is reprinted with permission from American Freedom Riders.]

by American Freedom Riders

Written by his own hand, former U.S. Border Patrol Agent Gary Brugman tells how, in the performance of his duty, he was falsely charged and convicted of violating the civil rights of an alien caught entering the U.S. illegally at the Mexican border. This case, along with the cases of Ramos and Compean, Hernandez, Sipe, and who knows how many more, serves as proof of the agenda of malicious prosecution by Johnny Sutton against law enforcement officers who dare to uphold our immigration laws. (Sutton bio – Note the joined-at-the-hip relationship with George W. Bush)

Once again, as in the Ramos and Compean case, Sutton worked in concert with the Mexican Consulate to locate a deported Mexican national and paid his way back to the United States many months later to testify against a Border Patrol agent on false assault charges. A Mexican national who had registered no previous complaint against Agent Brugman. What incentive was he given? Who knows. It is known that a member of his family subsequently received chemotherapy treatment in the U.S. In a post trial interview, Johnny Sutton went so far as to thank the Mexican Consulate for cooperation in locating the deported alien. (DOJ Press ReleasePDF file.)

A scandalous, but creative twist to this prosecution was that the Sutton gang also brought a convicted and incarcerated drug smuggler from his prison cell to testify against Agent Brugman. A drug smuggler who Agent Burgman himself had captured six weeks after the incident for which he was being prosecuted. Once again, there had been no previous accusation of any civil rights violation. Now however, the convicted drug smuggler conveniently offered supporting testimony to the prosecution’s false accusation that Gary Brugman was a rogue agent and a criminal. The false and vengeful testimony of this convicted drug smuggler should never have been allowed by the judge.

No one would listen to Gary Brugman several years ago and he spent two years in the general population at federal prisons wearing newspapers and magazines taped to his body as hopeful protection against inmate attacks. In view of what has recently been disclosed about Johnny Sutton’s malicious tactics, his story will be viewed with great interest now. Gary lost everything and his life was ruined but he survived his sentence and is now a free man again. Gary Brugman remains a patriotic American and tells his story now only in an effort to help Ignacio Ramos, Jose Compean, and Gilmer Hernandez prove their innocence against the power, influence, and treachery of the U.S. Attorney and George Bush water boy, Johnny Sutton.

Note: Gary has been a Harley rider for twenty years and on February 18, 2007 he rode with the American Freedom Riders and joined the families of Ramos, Compean, and Hernandez in El Paso, Texas to protest the conviction of the “Texas Three”. He is an honorable man and we are proud to call him our brother.

Read “My Story”, by Gary Brugman 2-20-07, now…

This has been a production of the Guard the Borders syndicate. It was started by Euphoric Reality to educate the public about the vulnerabilities of our open borders during an age of global terrorism and the resultant threat to our national security and sovereignty. If you are concerned about the lapses in our national security and the socio-economic burden of unchecked illegal immigration, join our blog syndicate. Send an email with your blog name and url to admin at guardtheborders dot com.

[Comment: “U.S. Attorney and George Bush water boy, Johnny Sutton”–Wow! Vicente Fox’s lapdog has a water boy!]

Facing the Issues II

Last Monday, I posted a quasi stream of consciousness outline of issues facing our society–Western society in general and U.S. society specifically–and “threatened” a continuance of the post as a series of posts on individual issues. I listed, in no particular order, a non-exhaustive list of issues that I felt were ourgrowths of moral failiure on the part of our society. That list included:

The lack of a reasonable immigration/border control policy
Attacks on essential liberties/lies from the Left… and the Right
The growth of anarcho-tyranny (and the death-by-inches of justice)
Islamic Jihad/GWOT
Education, so-called
Abortion, or “murder by euphemism”
Science and pseudo-science (a materialistic approach to/denial of truth)
Energy, productivity and responsible management of resources
Work ethic… or lack thereof.

Today, I’m briefly addressing the last item in the list above. Briefly, because every person who reads this can supply multiple examples of poor work ethic from life experience, and because the issue is so intertwined with so many other issues that the fabric will have to be woven a thread at a time as some of the other issues listed above (and not listed) are mentioned later. But meanwhile, a few illustrative examples:

Woman Fired For Writing About Avoiding Work

“This typing thing seems to be doing the trick,” she wrote. “It just looks like I am hard at work on something very important…. I am only here for the money and, lately, for the printer access. I haven’t really accomplished anything in a long while … and I am still getting paid more than I ever have at a job before, with less to do than I have ever had before. It’s actually quite nice when I think of it that way. I can shop online, play games and read message boards and still get paid for it.”

That’s right. The woman had been told by a supervisor to stop “working” on her personal journal at work and do her job, so she started keeping her journal–which eventually reached over 300 single-spaced pages–on her work computer. Instead of doing her job. When fired, she filed for unemployment compensation, but in a rare case of judicial commonsense, her claim, taken to court, was denied, because

the journal demonstrated a refusal to work, as well as Bauer’s “amusement at getting away with it.”

At first glance, this may seem to some to be an extreme example of poor work ethics, but is it really all that much out of line with everyday slacking off? Sure, it might take two or three “normal” slackers to add up to this kind of behavior, but we can all come up with two or three slackers at any one job in our present or past, can’t we?

Teachers who are just marking time, going through the motions until that (relatively early) retirement. Repairmen who submit bills for NOT making repairs (I have more of those stories than I could possibly have room or time to relate). Supervisors who use their position to wander around (and wander off), slacking and goofing off and using company time and resources for personal use, employee (and frankly, employer–sometimes resulting in stupid damage to the company and “laying off” employees to falsely inflate the bottom line) pilfering. Government employees (though more often those in supervisory roles) wasting resources and placing roadblocks in the way of effective use of taxpayer funds.

Consider another bizarre case in which, strangely, inexplicably, the court system resulted in a commonsense result. Granted, Sandia National Lab is not a direct agency of the feddle gummint (it’s just that it’s totally funded and run under feddle meddle mandate). But it is regulated and run according to federal government rules of employment and management–most particularly security rules. And there’s the rub:

Continue reading “Facing the Issues II”

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L’Eggo My Lego

Un. Be. Lievable.

I wish.

The surprising thing? Took place in a private school. The completely UNsurprising thing? The hypocrisy of the teachers. Read the school’s philosophy of education (including the statement below) and reconcile it with the actions taken by the school in the ,linked article (above):

Our program is inspired by children’s curiosity and natural inclination to learn through play. Teachers observe children’s play and listen carefully to children’s questions so they may support emergent projects and creations that come directly from the children instead of the teachers.

Riiiiight. Liars.