Well, I got the itch. I realized that waiting to set up a PC-BSD comp til I built another box was just silly. I have too many other projects I’m behind on already. *heh* Sooo, took an Ubuntu/Ichthux box and partitioned the hard drive (yeh, this box has only one hard drive). Slapped Disk 1 of the PC-BSD install set in and re-booted.

Hey, nice! Easiest full install of an OS yet*. Less than 15 minutes and the install CD’s ejected and it’s time to reboot.

Boot Loader gives me a choice of Linux (F1) or PC-BSD (F3), as it ought to. Boots cleanly. Nice desktop, but resolution’s set too high for this 17″ monitor. Popup immediately informs me how to use the KDE Control Center to modify my environment. Since I’ve been off KDE machines for a while, that’s nice.

Next popup tells me there are updates available (since I downloaded the OS last week? Yep.) OK that and they just install.

OK, back to the Control Center. Oh, you noticed I didn’t have to configure my network in any way? Right. It just works, apparently. Back to the Control Center. I’ll just set the translucency levels and set the auto-raise to mimic the way I like to work for now.

Tramslucency levels? Yeh, kinda like Mac OS X and Vista. [Update: Yeh, I told the thing to emulate the Mac GUI. The Almighty Dock is on top of my screen, and just as with Mac OSX, it’s unmovable. *heh*]

OK, I’ll put a purty picture up for a desktop background, too.

Well, apart from having to use the crappy (but still worlds and away better than Internet Exploder) Konqueror browser to download Opera and install it (*heh*), everything Just Works and does so quite well indeed.

And yeh, download, CLICK and Opera’s installed. Oh, and getting to a download of Opera? Easy-peasy, in fact, even easier than the Freespire Click N Run system. Really easy.

I’ll live with this for a while, dual booting between Linux and PC-BSD, and see how I like it over the course of a couple of weeks. So far, though, no onions, only orchids for PC-BSD. I need to see if the software I use in Linux to manage my Palm will work in this OS, but since it’s touted as able to run Linux apps, it might well do just that.

Looking really good so far…

*Note: Puppy Linux is still all-time champ for shortest time to a usable desktop. But then, it just lkloads itself into memory and creates a dogone good-sized swap file without doing an actual install. Great lil OS. Fits on a credit-card sized CDR or a USB drive, easily.

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