T-13, 1.17: 13 Reasons to Upgrade

Thirteen Reasons to Upgrade Your Computer

1. You are tired of typing TRS-DOS commands.

2. All your snazzy 5.25″ disks are beginning to wear out.

3. Getting tired of the 64K memory limits

4. You’ve heard that monitors can now produce more colors than black and green.

5. What’s this about “KROZ”? Is it more fun than Zork?

6. SOUND!!!

7. The 9-pin dot-matrix printer you hacked to work with your TRS-80 is down to 6 working pins

8. The monitor has severe screen burn-in from playing too many games of Pong.

9. You want to use your computer to do your taxes, but TurboTax doesn’t come on a 5.25″ floppy, and anyway, it won’t import your accounting info from your Visicalc spreadsheets.

10. Internet? That sounds cool…

11. Blogging. Heard about that, but thought there was a vaccine for that stuff. Anyway, not doing it on your Trash-80.

12. Been using your old CoCo to store your family photo albums (stacked on top) but have heard there’s a better way to use a computer for storing family photos.

13. Mice and computers go together? Who’da thunk it?

Noted at the Thursday Thirteen Hub.

11 Replies to “T-13, 1.17: 13 Reasons to Upgrade”

  1. Too funny! πŸ˜€ Thanks for the laughs and for the trip down memory lane. πŸ™‚ Those all sound like good reasons to upgrade. πŸ˜‰

    Happy T13. πŸ™‚

  2. LOL David I found Kroz a while back and dl’d it and can’t understand what made me waste hours years ago on that game. I’ve been thinking lately about searching for Crossroads of the Elements. Gee! I might even find L.O.R.D. somewhere. πŸ˜‰

  3. You got 64K???

    Seriously, it’s a sad day when I laughed at each and every one of these…from personal experience.

    I do still have fond memories of my first (last, and only) Macintosh. Not that I can tell you anything more to help identify it, because that’s what it was: a “Macintosh.” WITH optional 4k RAM upgrade, thank you. That thing was a screamin’ demon in its day.

    And yes, I had to upgrade it to play Zork.

  4. Up until 2004, the TV station I worked for had to use an antiquated computer with 5.25″ floppies, an orange plasma monitor and a dot-matrix printer to run the massive automated machine that ran all the commercials. They couldn’t use a newer computer since none were compatible with the ancient DOS-based software and since we were only one of two stations in the U.S. using the maching from Japan, there wasn’t any way to get help from elsewhere. The station’s management was forced to upgrade the entire system when the computer (and its sole backup) finally “gave up the ghost” and the engineers couldn’t find a replacement anywhere (even on ebay).

  5. Yeh, lotsa good memories. Yak, before I “upgraded” to 8086 (et sequelae *LOL*) I can actually attest to each of these (including the VAST 64K of memory and two–count ’em TWO–5.25″ disk drives!) Kroz. *heh* Whadda game. I occasionally regret giving the (supercharged, highly modified) Trash-80 away… (Yeh, packrat syndrome… I do still have all the parts from a KLH 286, though. Need to do something about that. *heh*)

    WHat can I say? It’s an addiction. (And yeh, after posting this T-13, I scrounged around in my parts collection and assembled another computer… with yet another OS to play with. *heh*)

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