Science Done by the “CBS News Standard”

Fake but accurate? Yep, boys n girls: the peer review system is well and truly broken, and science reporting is even “brokener,” if that were possible.

Johnathn David Carson cites only a couple of the many recent cases of published, well-recognized, influential “scientists” whose work is/has been widely referenced and relied upon who simply faked their data. He focuses upon one, Michael Mann, and the (once) highly respected and (still) influential American Association for the Advancement of Science journal, Science.

Go, read the whole thing. Here’s a sample:

The so—called “hockey stick” graph appears in the 2001 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the United Nations organization that dominates climate change discussion. The graph purported to show that world temperatures had remained stable for almost a thousand years, but took a sudden turn upward in the last century (the blade of the hockey stick). It was the product of research into “proxy” temperature records, such as tree rings, ice cores, and coral reefs, by Michael Mann, the Joe Wilson of climate change. It can be seen here. Charles Martin took a critical look at it last March for The American Thinker.

The problem is that the world was almost certainly warmer than it is today during the “Medieval Warm Period” or “Medieval Climate Optimum” of the 9th through 14th Centuries, which was followed by the “Little Ice Age” of the 15th through 19th Centuries, whose end is the occasion for today’s global warming hysteria.

But Science magazine stuck to its argument. “Politicians Attack, But Evidence for Global Warming Doesn’t Wilt” in the July 28 issue of Science not only employs the typical deceitful rhetoric of the scientific establishment, here presenting an argument among scientists as an argument between scientists and politicians, but also uses the fake—but—accurate excuse for the corrupt activities of its favorite scientists.

Info not in the paragraph above? That Mann fatuously uses his “fake but accurate” hockey stick graph to assert that the 20th Century was the warmest in over 1,000 years… a period that included the much, much warmer “Medieval Warm Period.” Oh, there’s more, not limited to climate alarmist lies urm, “fake but accurate” statements.

May I also once again strongly recommend James P. Hogan’s book, Kicking the Sacred Cow: Heresy and Impermissible Thoughts in Science? Hogan begins with the fakery of Darwin and contemporary Neodarwinists and from there romps merrily through misbehaving “scientific” positions from a wide array of disciplines. Fun.

And slightly frightening. Politicians *spit* aren’t smart enough, for the most part, and just (almost to a person) don’t give a damn (almost entirely) for honesty, to either be able or have the predisposition to search for truth in matters of science that bear upon public policy. So, it might well serve the republic if more citizens cast a gimlet eye upon “scientific” shennanegans… and also upon our political masters, measuring both classes for attire suitable for introduction to Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether…

Trackposted to Planck’s Constant, Renaissance Blogger, Culturetastic, The Random Yak, Dumb Ox News, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Stop the ACLU: Calling the ACLU on the carpet for possession of classified document

Crossposted from Stop The ACLU

Via the ACLU we find out the U.S. government is finally being proactive against the ACLU in protecting classified information from being leaked for our enemies to know.

The American Civil Liberties Union today announced that it has asked a federal judge to quash a grand jury subpoena demanding that it turn over to the FBI “any and all copies” of a December 2005 government document in its possession.

The ACLU called the subpoena, served on November 20 by the U.S. Attorney’s office in New York, a transparent attempt to intimidate government critics and suppress informed criticism and reporting.

“The government’s attempt to suppress information using the grand jury process is truly chilling and is unprecedented in law and in the ACLU’s history,” said ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero. “This subpoena serves no legitimate investigative purpose and tramples on fundamental First Amendment rights. We recognize this maneuver for what it is: a patent attempt to intimidate and impede the work of human rights advocates like the ACLU who seek to expose government wrongdoing.”

The three-and-a-half page document, issued in December 2005, is marked “Secret” and apparently is classified. The ACLU received the document, unsolicited, on October 23, 2006.

Apparently a document marked “Secret” is classified? You don’t say! Quite a scary thing that such a dangerous organization like the ACLU has its hands on classified information. I think the ACLU has already demonstrated how reckless they can be with secret information. You can bet there would be no regard to National Security.

The ACLU think that exposing government wrongdoing is exposing to the enemy the government’s efforts and techniques to secure our nation.

Continue reading “Stop the ACLU: Calling the ACLU on the carpet for possession of classified document”

Fair Tax—the rebate

Why our Political Leaders Should Embrace the FairTax Plan
by John DeJong of

The Fair Tax Plan (HR.25/S.25) has been out for well over a year now and yet there are still many people who have never even heard of it. One would think that a plan as bold and beneficial as this would be sounded from one coast to the next. Yet that is not the case. As a point of fact there are many liberal political leaders who continually ridicule the Fair Tax Plan whenever it is mentioned. They’re acting under the misguided belief that this wonderful plan favors the “rich”. That is the farthest from the truth as one can come.

The sad fact is that if any of these doomsayers would take the time to actually read the entire plan then they would quickly recognize it for what it is—the greatest social welfare program of all time. This belief Fair Tax proponents share is held because HR.25/S.25 will do more for the “lower income” wage earners in the U.S.A. than any other liberal program(s) in existence today.

You see, all consumers will receive an annualized rebate (in 12 equal monthly installments) on [the Federal taxes on–ed] necessary living expenditures up to the poverty level. The size of the monthly rebate will be determined by the government’s published poverty level for a particular household size, multiplied by the tax rate. What this means is that for each person the monthly rebate will be increased in order to pay for the entire household costs for the basic necessities of life. This monthly rebate is given to all citizens regardless of age, sex, race, or income level.

This is how the Fair Tax would have worked in the year 2000.

Continue reading “Fair Tax—the rebate”

Christmas Alliance 1.14: The Gift of Gifts

This Christmas Alliance post is simply a reprint of material from Chip Stam’s “Worship Quote of the Week, with a very short afterward by me. First, Chip’s preface:

Today’s WORSHIP QUOTE is from Arthur Bennett’s THE VALLEY OF VISION. The author reflects on the wonders of the Incarnation—the gift of gifts—as he gathers in rich biblical language in a prayer of reflection, adoration, and submission. I am particularly blessed by the way he uses the details of the Luke 2 narrative as springboards for personal devotion to the Savior. [I trust that the archaic language found herein for thee a hindrance will not be.]

Now, the meat of the matter:

Continue reading “Christmas Alliance 1.14: The Gift of Gifts”

Quandry/OTA Wednesday

Thisd is an Open Trackbacks Alliance post open Wednesday and Thursday. Link to this post and track back.

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Now, about my quandry…

I’m conflicted…

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Iraq/Vietnam: the parallels are not what the Mass Media Podpeople, political poltroons and all the others of their ilk want you to think. Chaotic Synaptic Activity has shared some well-reasoned views here. Others are raising the issues rationally, honestly. I missed one such post last week over at Chaos Manor in Review. Here are a couple of snippets. Please do hie thee hence and read the rest.

…If there is any national cooperation in Iraq it is directed towards getting the Americans out. Shiite and Sunni Militia hate each other, but they agree on one thing: Americans are fair game. And anyone foolish enough to cooperate with America becomes a collaborator, fair game for either side: because, after all, the Americans are going to cut and run and abandon the their allies, just as those left on the roof of the American Embassy in Saigon in 1975 were abandoned…

…Is the Iraqi disaster retrievable? Yes, but only by American national commitment. We have to expand the war. Send in more troops, and begin to build a constabulary, a Foreign Auxiliary Force that will stay behind when we pull the Legions back to Kuwait and then back to CONUS. Make a serious effort to arm and train the domestic Iraqi forces. Recognize regional conflict and use money, lots of money, to settle conflicting claims and resettle families, not as helpless refugees but as citizens.

Will we do that with a Democratic Congress? Historically the Iraqi government can expect 20 cartridges and two hand grenades per soldier. Nothing more….

Much more at the link. Go. Read. See also here and here.

Trackposted to Blue Star Chronicles, Rightwing Guy, Renaissance Blogger, Right Wing Nation, and Adam’s Blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.


This day is eaten by locusts before it even begins. 🙂 So, here’s another Open Trackback post; hit me with your best shots. Give me my reading list for today: Link to this post and track back.

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Guard the Border: Gumballs

Going By The Numbers
by Nancy Matthis

Understanding the impact of illegal immigration does not depend on accepting partisan opinions. It is just the result of doing some simple math.

In a previous article, Illegals Deadlier Than War On Terror [sic], we compared the numbers of United States citizens killed by illegal aliens to the tally of our troops killed in the war on terror [sic]. In response to that article, one of our readers wrote asking whether we had seen the video produced by NumbersUSA titled Immigration by the Numbers. He asked, “I wonder how accurate it is?”

This widely distributed video uses gumballs in a jar to visually demonstrate the impact of numbers that increase exponentially rather than linearly. These are mathematical concepts that are immediately meaningful to folk with a technical background, but may be harder to understand for others. The answer to our reader’s question is that the video IS accurate. It is not based on partisan opinion. It is just a very graphic illustration of an algebraic equation.

You can view a clip from the video here. Roy Beck of NumbersUSA is not depending on any esoteric data. He’s just doing the math, based on the US Census numbers, which actually grossly UNDERESTIMATE the number of illegals in the United States.

Continue reading “Guard the Border: Gumballs”